Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

How to Hide the Bulge?

So my wife and I have found ways to hide my bulge and I didn’t notice it until she told me as well as some of our close friends. What I ended up doing is wearing compression underwear and it does help but sometimes I wear double or loser pants with compression underwear

It is ridiculous for grown men to be worrying publicly whether their dick outline will show with clothes they wear.

This forum is devoted to helping men work out how to get bigger genltals. If you are fortunate to reach your goal, you should show ewveyone what you have done.

I t is well known that many women covertly practice crotch watching and of course they hope to see a nice bulge of a foretaste of what may be in store. Nothing wrong with this.

So, in some respects, showing a nice healthy bulge is better than flashing your cock and balls. But certainly trying to disguise you rassets is absurd.

Originally Posted by dj8cut
There is no sexual connotation for me if someone look at my bulge or even looking at my cock when I pee in a public urinal.
It is just a part of my body….I have worked almost 5 years for have a longer hard and flaccid penis and fortunatly I had big gains so, no reason for me to hide my bulge.

That’s the point.

Crotch watching is real. Both sexes do it- a lot.

I don’t get why a man should hide his sexuality when women mostly do everything they can do enhance their cleavage, and boobs too if they have them.

I would say though, that having a stiffie running down the side of ones trousers is distasteful, but a decent bulge (normally just subtly hidden, yet subtly exposed by certain stances, is what women like to see. Fantasising puts their brains into overdrive.

And an observation, women are as stealthy with their bulge watching as they are with the information gathering component of many innocent “idle” chat/questions. I.e, by the time you realise what’s going on it’s too late! (if a man realises at all.)

Iā€™m doing opposite. The more bulge I get, the more satified I be. Being a cyclist, I really don’t care if I have bulge. Some cyclist try to hide it, but I put where it can be seen if it it shows anyhow as it feels to be in good position and lets me do the sport freely.

I have noticed that women quickly check first and then try to stay looking into eyes :) It doenst bother me at all. I have a cock and thats it.

I’m showing it obscurly. I now freeball but I still fill my front pockets at work. And try to keep it PG around the family. Otherwise if you are looking you will notice something going on. šŸ™‚

Just get some cargo pants, the ones used by freestyle skaters or that kinda fashion. You can have a 20 inch girth monster and you won’t even tell on one of those pants.

inicial 1996: BPEL 15cm (Margin of error +/- 0.5cm) MSEG: 14.1 cm

inicio extender (sept2012): 15,5cm BPEL /14,1cm MSEG --- Hanging: inicio: Ago 21 2022 21.0cm --- Ultima medicion: Sept 1 2022: 21.6cm BPEL x 15,1cm MSEG

Meta: 28cm BPEL x 21cm MSEG -- si, quiero tenerla mas gorda que tu vieja. jaja

I have been freeballing in pants for the last 2 weeks. I have definitely caught a few people glancing. I love showing off a bulge. I caught the receptionist at the medical weed dispensary staring at my crotch, and when she realized I noticed her looking she looked embarrassed and quickly glanced back to her computer screen.

I think it might make other guys feel insecure but I love it when women look. I spent most of my life being insecure and feeling inadequate around other dudes, so I don’t really care if the tables turn now. You only live once, and if you are endowed with a trait that people like and you like, I see no shame in showing it off.

That said, if you must hide yours, dark pants are better. I like dark blue or black boot cut jeans. When freeballing you can still see it if you look closely, but the bulge is nowhere near as pronounced as it is in my tan work pants. Boxer briefs paired with the dark boot cut jeans make my bulge almost unnoticable.

Start: BPEL 6 3/4 MEG 4 3/4 BPFSL 6 7/8

Goal: at least 7 1/2 NBPEL x 5 1/2 MEG.

Perspective is everything. Progress thread: From anxious to confident

Last edited by Anxious Stoic : 09-09-2022 at .

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