Originally Posted by whacky76
I am so confused by this thread and all of the responses. I still ask why you or anybody wants to try and hide your bulge. Do you or don’t you have a penis and balls, if the answer is yes you are a man act like one. Do you want to create a male version of a burka? This makes zero sense to me, my advice would be to seek a mental health professional to help you with your possible body shame. If people used their ears for sex would you advocate everybody wear ear muffs?
I agree with this sentiment.
It’s a dangerous proposition. If men start making an effort to uniquely hide the shape of their body, it could have ramifications for all of us where society punishes men who do not fit with newly established arbitrary norms, possibly because their anatomy simply doesn’t allow for it.
The war on masculinity is real, it’s in no ones best interest, and it’s waged by deranged authoritarian type personalities that should be in a mental asylum.
These wackos have tried to publicly shame me for having 5 o’ clock shadow, for being a male, for being tall, for being muscular, for wearing a shirt with buttons, etc.. I eagerly await the day I can call them out as perverts for commenting on my bulge, which I don’t make any effort to emphasize.
I’ve observed these groups of like minded authoritarians wackos turn on each other really easily because they have no common creed except harassing people in ways they believe they can get away with based on illogical reasoning and swirling vortex of changing ideas on morality. I’ve seen heated arguments over plastic straws where a group of crazed authoritarian types that previously were unified in their hatred of various people launched flame wars on each other, not online, in real life when some of them realized disabled people were really inconvenienced by not having plastic straws. Yes, there are forsaken places in the world where enraged people are trying to destroy other people’s reputations and careers for using a plastic straw because in their mind the only way to save the world is through a strictly controlled totalitarian society where they can beat people to death over how they tied their shoe laces.
I’ve seen so much of this stuff that I don’t even think it’s a simple sociological phenomenon anymore, I think it’s widespread physically based mental illness manifesting as a dysfunctional society. I think it’s the result of closing down government run insane asylums and a lack of access to mental services. We’ve got too many literally schizophrenic people running around.
Starting: 7"bplx5.2" 2017 (shrunk from disuse)(originally 8"bplx4.5", gained to 9"bplx6")
Current: 9.0"bplx6.125" 2020
Goal: 11.5"bplx7" 2021.