Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Metrosexual Mini Forum

Originally Posted by androNYC
[/size]The pestle wasn’t the issue- hell, it’s currently up to 7.25”;) . It was a mortar I lacked that morning:mwink: !

Actually, I thought of that for a moment, but the idea of pounding beans by the teaspoon for a quarter hour didn’t appeal. If I really needed the joe that bad, I wouldn’t have denied myself the prepacked ground from the grocery downstairs- I mean a little self- discipline is one thing, but self abuse?

Every MetMet [metro- gourmet] has a mortar and pestle, so that you can make your own gremolata to drizzle over whatever midnight snack you’re prepping for your squeeze of the moment. I’ve used mine to create the base for my own variation of Argentine chimmi-churri steak dressing- if anyone cares let me know and I’ll post it on the Thunder’s cookbook thread [just beware, I have a thing for anchovies].


IMO, both music, wine and cuisine are central for scoring with women.

If the Metro lifetyle has women as an important objective, culture in general, including -but not limited to- cuisine, in addition to an impecable look is a must.

Am I right about this?

I very seldom drink coffee but often make it for company, just as I am a vegitarian who has no problem cooking meat.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Originally Posted by Hog6.5

Gourmet cuisine is part of the Metro way of life?

What am I, pate?

Casanova , patron saint of metrosexuality was a known gourmet and clotheshorse. Also a swordsman in the traditional context as well as a reputed Freemason at a time when freemasonry was associated with a degree of intellectual exploration. Need I say more?

As I see it, and SSI as the apparent holder of the Metrosexuality imprimatur here will I am sure confirm, Metrosexuality is not simply about hygiene maintenance or fashion consciousness or cultural appreciation. It is in my view an approach to sybaritic indulgence that rewards attention to detail, a specific awareness of exactly what one is presented by and presenting to the world around us. You needn’t wax your ass crack or press your levi’s to be metrosexual, rather if you do or do not do any of these things, you are aware of how it will impact yourself and your audience.

I don’t watch fasion shows, go to museums, collect architecture and art books, buff, moisturize, trim [I.e., manscape], listen to classical music, exercise, wax eloquent, wax otherwise to please others- but I am aware of how others perceive me and I won’t hesitate to attempt to influence those perceptions to my advantage. I don’t tell folks I PE, and I don’t tell them I buff my nails- not because I am embarassed per se, but why insist they see the great and wondrous Oz for what he is- rather, give them the smoke and mirrors and stand back to reap the rewards of their appreciation.

WE are the 99% 'WE are the people you depend on; we cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls. We drive your ambulances. We guard you while you sleep. Don't f&ck with us'-- Madame DeFarge

"Rope trades @$10 a yard. I wonder if they even know that?"- Capitalist


I’ve always had this approach to life.

As I said it in a prior post, I believe there’s more to being Metro than Nivea Cream. Cultural refinement has to be a part of it. What good is it if you peel your crack (which I intend to do), groom your hair, use moisturizer cream, etc. if cannot hold a conversation with a woman and much less appreciate a good wine (or Art or Music) in her company?

I explained to my wife this Metro lifestyle and she responded “You are a Metro, honey”.:) I seduced her (and other women) with these “weapons”.:)

Originally Posted by Hog6.5
… .
I explained to my wife this Metro lifestyle and she responded “You are a Metro, honey”:) I seduced her (and other women) with these “weapons”:)

Thus my cite to Casanova:mwink: !

And actually I don’t know that you have to overplay the refinements- a three day beard with a rumpled button down and flip flops [what I call my Soho beach bum look] can be very effective with the ladies, provided you know how to play it- and that the balance of your general hygiene is impeccable.

Then again, walking Petey’s [from the Little Rascals] patchless twin doesn’t hurt ;)

At three a.m. I have been known to lead my women into the kitchen where I put on a show whipping them up a quick apres-fuck bite. Little do they know that earlier I stocked up on the scallops, prepped the gremolata, washed the arugala, and toasted the pignoli nuts [for the vanilla ice cream with black pepper] with lascivious intention, utterly aware that their response to my display [accompanied by hand feeding whenever possible- that’s how ‘they’ tame wild beasts]. I don’t use fine china or linen napkins [although I have] or other niceties- instead I count on the entire framing of the event to load the impact on my intended observer.

So when I hear Metrosexuality described solely as an OCD-like [Obsessive Compulsive Disorder] focus on which cologne or moisturizer or designer or social event, I can’t help but feel that the speaker is missing the forest for the trees.

WE are the 99% 'WE are the people you depend on; we cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls. We drive your ambulances. We guard you while you sleep. Don't f&ck with us'-- Madame DeFarge

"Rope trades @$10 a yard. I wonder if they even know that?"- Capitalist

Yup, Casanova is an excellente example.

Vanilla and black pepper…:up:

I don’t pretend that the Metro (from here on “predator”) has to be a highly proficient cook (which I happen to be). Not at all, just that he has the sufficient knowledge to select the right cheese, the right wine, select good dishes in a restaurant, etc.. In order to seduce the woman.

Eating is a primitive seductive behavior, which potential while “hunting the prey” should not be underestimated.
With the techniques you’re describing, your attacking the most primitive structures of the brain, exactly where you want to get and where love “IS”.

And take good care of his brain as of his body.

I think being very conscoius of how women might percieve a man has been a major contributing factor to becoming a metrosexual. (at least for me, it has) As has already beeen mentioned, its not just about nivea cream, excessive hygiene and good grooming but its a way of life that gives you a higher appeal to the opposite sex. I initially had some cook books only because I know women love a man that can cook a good meal for them. Cooking is generally out of the norm of whats expected from a man and therefore in this particular case, its very sexy and seductive skill for a man to have, however in the process of learning how to cook I actaully began to like it! so cooking was not just a way to get laid at that point. :chuckle:

I also enjoy the challenge of being able to cook better than a woman can so theres a competitive thing going on there as if I were saying “HEY MEN CAN DO THIS TOO!! ;) and do it well! SO TAKE THAT!” :)
Yeah, dazzle them with a few recipes. It makes you more interesting and appealing and you learn a valuable skill in the process. Why not!? ehhh? They say that the way to mans heart is through his stomach (or something like that)well I think it holds true the other way around, after-all women love a good meal too!

Good foreplay is not just about making out and caressing a woman in all the right places in order to get her wet and sexually excited/receptive….In my book it also includes (but is not limited to) Good food, good wine, music, travel,entertainment,hygiene and grooming, stimulating conversation,thoughfulness,good sexual technique,good size and so forth and so on. Therefore IMHO, the outward appearence of a metrosexual not only reflects the attention to detail in appearance but is also symbolic of everything that might somehow impact how he is percieved by the opposite sex in all areas. I think this a natural and virtually unavoidable development that stems from a high level of awareness and a great appreciation and love for the opposite sex. At some point the metrosexual no longer has to try or make a conscience effort at all this because its becomes a part of his whole persona and then there is no turning back. At this point you are truly a metrosexual and its now a way of life. ;)

If you knew you could not fail...what would you attempt to do? Female Foot Fetish Current Stats: 5/4/10 8.5BPx6.0, 7.5NBP Achieved Goal and have been on maintenance program since


Super, yuou’re absolutely right.

Here’s a little story.

Last weekend we were having a Venezuelan style barbecue with the added “touch” of yours truly.:) Several girlfriends of my wife’s came onver. I was cutting the meat at a table by the grill with my 22 y.o., 12” Chef’s Knife, which I handle rather well. I was making very precise cuts, when one of the ladie’s a 40 y.o. very hot Therapist, approached me. She just stared at my hands that worked with the large, razor sharp knife and commented “you’re a master with that knife”. I said “yes, I’m proud to be so”. Immediately I asked, “does it have any special meaning from an Psycho-analitycal point of view”. She responded, “Yes, of course! Obviously the knife is a phallic symbol, but more than that, the way you use it, your dexterity, shows a very positive, vital side of your personality (her eyes shined while saying this, and my dick was rapidly becoming real hard), it’s a trait that shows your capacity to give love and your Testosterone. It is very sensual, you look very sensual doing that”.

Were there sausages on the grill, Hog? :D

Please :donatecar to Thunder's Place to keep it running.

They sure were, Goomba, different kinds of them, all Spanish style. This particular lady (I am not kidding here) fancies onion blood sausages, which are rather girthier compared to the others.:) I never made a joke about her tastes or asked her about the Psycho-analytical meaning of this. I just left her admire my cooking and my handling of the knife, while I was feeding her her favourite sausages.:)

What impressed me most about the situation is that it was kind of a foreplay. If I were not married :cancer: and she weren’t my wife’s friend, :cancer: I would have gone one step further and eventually bed this lady. Maybe this is an extreme case, but the point is that Super’s opinion (and mine) is prooved by it.

I’m not saying Metros have to be accomplished cooks, just to know enough (to have the general cultural background) to properly set the table for the lady, to carve their meats, to cut the cheese, to serve the wine, to comment about the food, etc.. BTW, this applies to Music, Literature, Art, History, etc.. In other words, to have a cultivated, well rounded personality, to accompany the perfectly groomed body. At least that’s my interpretation, especially after reading Andro’s and Super’s posts.

Originally Posted by Hog6.5
What impressed me most about the situation is that it was kind of a foreplay. If I were not married :cancer: and she weren’t my wife’s friend, :cancer: I would have gone one step further and eventually bed this lady. Maybe this is an extreme case, but the point is that Super’s opinion (and mine) is prooved by it.

Actually, I think the situation would have been reversed- she would have bedded you. And I get the sense that your marriage to her friend is far more a stumbling block for you than her, my friend.
It isn’t really an extreme case, just an exxample of what’s available if you are sufficiently open and interesting. It is so cool to go through your day with this sort of encounter perpetually on the horizon.

Originally Posted by Hog6.5

I’m not saying Metros have to be accomplished cooks, just to know enough (to have the general cultural background) to properly set the table for the lady, to carve their meats, to cut the cheese, to serve the wine, to comment about the food, etc.. BTW, this applies to Music, Literature, Art, History, etc.. In other words, to have a cultivated, well rounded personality, to accompany the perfectly groomed body. At least that’s my interpretation, especially after reading Andro’s and Super’s posts.

Just a note on American idiom- “cut the cheese” is children's slang for farting.
In the recent past it was considered cool to be smooth, suave and cultivated- I remember my dad’s old Playboys having articles instructing the reader on how to up their smoothness quotient. Think of the Rat Pack- while I do not embrace Mob or Vegas culture, you must admit that at the very least they knew how to dress, how to groom, and how to socialize- think Dean, act Dean, dress Dean and you can’t go wrong.
Today, if you don’t dress like a middle school student and obsess over video games, urban culture and blue collar distractions you are accused of not ‘keeping it real’. The irony of my ‘Metrosexuality’ is that if I were to be anyone else, then I really wouldn’t be ‘keeping it real’.
As to the rest, it is almost a kind of chicken/ egg equation- do we become this to get women [in my case no] or did we get women because we are like this?


WE are the 99% 'WE are the people you depend on; we cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls. We drive your ambulances. We guard you while you sleep. Don't f&ck with us'-- Madame DeFarge

"Rope trades @$10 a yard. I wonder if they even know that?"- Capitalist

Originally Posted by androNYC
…As to the rest, it is almost a kind of chicken/ egg equation- do we become this to get women [in my case no] or did we get women because we are like this?…

Originally Posted by supersizeit
… I think this a natural and virtually unavoidable development that stems from a high level of awareness and a great appreciation and love for the opposite sex. At some point the metrosexual no longer has to try or make a conscience effort at all this because its becomes a part of his whole persona and then there is no turning back. At this point you are truly a metrosexual and its now a way of life. …

I agree most strongly with both of the above.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Originally Posted by androNYC
Actually, I think the situation would have been reversed- she would have bedded you. And I get the sense that your marriage to her friend is far more a stumbling block for you than her, my friend.
It isn’t really an extreme case, just an exxample of what’s available if you are sufficiently open and interesting. It is so cool to go through your day with this sort of encounter perpetually on the horizon.Just a note on American idiom- “cut the cheese” is children's slang for farting.


>Actually, I think the situation would have been reversed- she would have bedded you. And I get the sense that your marriage to her friend is far more a stumbling block for you than her, my friend.<

Yup, it’s not easy feeling “victimized”, Andro.:)

>It isn’t really an extreme case, just an exxample of what’s available if you are sufficiently open and interesting. It is so cool to go through your day with this sort of encounter perpetually on the horizon.<

BTW, I was impeccably dressed, very clean and groomed and with the right amount of cologne (not in excesss and none on my hands, not to contaminate the food). I also carried two handkerchiefs and even a very small towel, I sprinkle on them a few drops of the cologne I’m wearing. I use one of them to wipe my sweat but keep one clean to offer a lady in case of an emergency. They are part of my standard equipment. Cooking a BBQ in a hot climate, these helped me keep dry, nice smelling and with a neat appearance.

But also am able to sustain a converstion about Psychology and Psycho-analysis.

>In the recent past it was considered cool to be smooth, suave and cultivated- I remember my dad’s old Playboys having articles instructing the reader on how to up their smoothness quotient. Think of the Rat Pack- while I do not embrace Mob or Vegas culture, you must admit that at the very least they knew how to dress, how to groom, and how to socialize- think Dean, act Dean, dress Dean and you can’t go wrong.<

The Rat Pack is a perfect example. Sinatra kept his style form the beginning of his career and Peter Lawford “class” was undeniable.

I’d say five more words: “James Bond is a Metrosexual”

>Today, if you don’t dress like a middle school student and obsess over video games, urban culture and blue collar distractions you are accused of not ‘keeping it real’. The irony of my ‘Metrosexuality’ is that if I were to be anyone else, then I really wouldn’t be ‘keeping it real’.<

Yes, I’m trying to convince my eldest of the advantages of refinement.

>As to the rest, it is almost a kind of chicken/ egg equation- do we become this to get women [in my case no] or did we get women because we are like this?<

Neither in my case. It always came natural. But only brought a full bounty after I was 25.

>Just a note on American idiom- “cut the cheese” is children's slang for farting.<

Nothing further from my mind. Should I say “slice the cheese”.


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