Thunder's Place

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does anybody wax their pubes, i shaved the whole package and found there were too many ingrown hairs, and there was stubble 1-2 days later. What tips the the pube grooming experts have for waxing the whole package?


Also how long do the hairs have to be to wax them, and will ingrown hairs be pulled, or do the have to be removed?

If your looking for a real good way to shave, try this. I personally do it almost every second day and don’t get ingrown hairs and its super smooth for at least 3 days afterwards.

Lather up
Shave, with all strokes going downwards.
Wash up
Lather up a second time.
Shave with all strokes going up (but be gentle and light…don’t want any cuts!)

Thats it, rinse off and whalaa!

Although, i bought some self waxing “Veet” stuff the other day from Shoppers Drug Mart and im very very interested to see if waxing will work well! It says on the package that the hairs should be a minimum of 4mm long for it to work properlly.

The girl im seeing, she wants to hear me scream as i do it hahaha. YES! Can’t wait haha.


Giver Hard! Scotty! later days ------ (Start) BPEL 7.75" x 5.25-5.5 EG (Goal) BPEL 9.00" x 6.0-6.25 EG

Scrotal skin is too sensitive to wax, others have tried it and have been hurt. The hair has to be removed by shaving or a depilatory.

Originally posted by westla90069

Scrotal skin is too sensitive to wax, others have tried it and have been hurt. The hair has to be removed by shaving or a depilatory.

I can validate this statement with the skin I ripped off my balls trying to wax them!

I don’t think that I would even use a depilatory product down there. Stick to shaving I think.

I shave the scrotum, that is no problem, on the scotum i get no problems with shaving it is the rest of the package. Can you buy waxing “stuff” at a local drug store? What things do I need? What tips do any of you have to get the best results?


This is the stuff I use.
https://www.nad … .com/norder.cfm
This is their online store. Maybe you can buy it at a local drug store.
Oh, and of course Im pushing it cause its from down under!!

Which product do you use, and how long does it take to grow back?

Halawa is one you can make at home. My buttocks have had a decent experience from it. A bit tricky to nail when boiling, and certainly not of as quite as high a quality as some commercial offerings, but a nice hobby at least.

http://www.cair … v04/halawa.html

It’s for ladies, historically speaking, but hair is hair. I get a few good weeks out of it, as well as somewhat decreased grow-back. Have fun with it.

Sorry for how off I was on this website before and on and on I have something that is like a mental illness and I have been not very great so to speak in the past. Sorry about that. Thank you very much. :)

And also, sorry for how off I was on the website called before. Sorry about that. Yeah, I have something that is like a mental illness and yeah. Thank you very much. :)

Last edited by nousername4897 : 07-10-2019 at .

I wanted to delete that last post that I made on this website but I guess that I am not able to. Sorry about that.

The couple of times I’ve tried waxing (back) I also got ingrown hairs. My vote is for shaving, works for me.

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

Sugar wax. Lots of recipes online. Stings a little the first time but if you can [any form of PE really] then you can muster the courage to give this a go. Stings less the second time and after that it’s easy. Trimming the hair (not too short) will help localize the pulling to your point of focus. Go slow. Small area. Push on against the grain, hold a bit, and quick pull with the grain. Everything needs to be clean and very dry. Some hairs will be missed and the first couple of times you’ll break some hairs that will grow out in a couple of days. Tweezers for those. My wife helped me tweez the low areas that can be hard to see. The hairs come back thinner and thinner.

My wife likes that I don’t sport a bristle brush (inevitable result of shaving).
I’ve never experience ingrown hairs with this method.
I don’t know how long between procedures; at least two months. I do find a hair every now an then between that I just tweez.

Why do you want to get rid of your pubes?

Shaved pubes are unattractive to me. I suspect the whole trend of shaved genitals was engineered by pedophiles imposing their aesthetics onto media.

Starting: 7"bplx5.2" 2017 (shrunk from disuse)(originally 8"bplx4.5", gained to 9"bplx6")

Current: 9.0"bplx6.125" 2020

Goal: 11.5"bplx7" 2021.

Originally Posted by Sigmoid
Why do you want to get rid of your pubes?

Shaved pubes are unattractive to me. I suspect the whole trend of shaved genitals was engineered by pedophiles imposing their aesthetics onto media.

I so disagree.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!


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