Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

13 Ways to Naturally Boost Your Testosterone Levels

Ha! I’ve contributed some magazines to his “vintage physique photography” collection, and the models weren’t just posing. :)

There’s nothing in there that will harm you, exept maybe eating sandwiches at 3 AM which might result in gastric distress when you go back to sleep. And eating at 3 AM can’t help a whole lot when you are trying to reduce belly blubber.

But, I wonder, why try to increase your T levels when most of us don’t even know what our levels are on a daily basis? If you are concerned about T levels, get them checked out. Not an expensive test and you will know where you stand before you stand in front of the fridge, hauling out cold cuts and mayo.



That part with the nuts is very interesting.

No porn/sex after midnight? Does that work?

I`m starting to feel like a gremlin

You are not a gremlin. You are a yoda. Yodas must remain in good, trained condition. They get the proper amount of sleep. They do not do frivolous things after midnight.



They forgot the 14th.

Bushbashing! Hehehe!

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

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