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A Cure For Circumcision


Originally Posted by TLCTugger
Informed adults (or bar mitzvah boys) can decide for themselves whether to put any stock in such a proposition. They might immediately notice no comparable sacrifice of flesh was asked of their sisters.

The New Testament says that only this heart circumcision is called for - no cutting.

Only a tiny proportion of earth’s population has ever practiced infant circumcision.

The Old Testament significance of circumcision is so strong it even says to circumcise your slaves. Funny how it never gets around to stating that slavery is evil. Informed adults can decide for themselves how much credence to place in such a book.

I was only providing information on the spiritual significance of circumcision from a Biblical viewpoint. Getting off topic with slavery….

Although slavery was carefully regulated under Mosaic law, neither the Old nor New Testaments condemns slavery as such. Social strata are recognized and even designed by God for man’s good. Some people will be served and some will serve others. That is the nature of human society. How they treat each other is what concerns God. Slave/master relationships and responsibilities are dealt with much as those of employer/employee, and both testaments give considerable instruction about God’s plan for these relationships and associated responsibilities. Nowhere will you find anything that suggests or implies you’re to treat another human as less of a human being than you… I think the “Golden Rule” covers that.

Never had any major earth shattering issues resulting from circumcision and have any memory or post trauma from it.

To: MasterVacc

I have never had any issues with being circumcised either.

Only after learning about possible loss of sensation did I become bit disappointed.

You generally don’t miss what you never had.

That being said I would never take up the practice of authorizing a circumcision myself. It’s a minor operation and can always be done later in life should later circumstances call for it.


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