Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Age of first masturbation???

I began to masturbate in the sixth grade.I would go into my bathroom, lock the door and sit on the toilet and rub my dick. I remember it was before I even was ejaculating sperm. I would go off and nothing would come out of my penis. Haha

I started very early, around fourth grade, even before I ejaculated at all. My pre PE was 7.4 x 5.

I miss this place.

Old stats: not sure but not much smaller

Currently: BPEL: 7.5 EG: 5 Goal: The holy grail of course. (8x6)

This thread confirms what I’ve overheard in similar conversations over the years. It was 19 years old which is at the tail end of the range. The girl I was dating at the time would not swallow. She was on her period and she sucked then jerked me off. Later that day taking a shower the light bulb went off and I jerked off with soap. Early on from the age of 8 I had a “load” of nocturnal emissions. I remember each night going to sleep hoping to have a good dream.

This is a long story but around the age of 12 there was this older woman (early 30’s). She would invite me over for lunch and we became friends. She would sun herself in the backyard. One day she asked me to oil her back, legs and feet. Anyway after oiling her up I would sit at the foot of the lounge chair and massage her feet, calfs and we’d talk. One day she did something with her feet and she sort of jerked me off thru my clothes. It went on till the age of 17. She would give me lessons on “making out” to help me when I got a girlfriend. Never fucked her. My dad ended up leaving my Mom for her and I was 18 at the time. I introduced them. They lived together for about 5 years. She was very hot and her lovely feet are at the roots of my foot fetish LOL

That is like my dream fantasy, too old now, but to be taken advantage of by an older woman would have been awesome when I was younger, especially a teacher.

I miss this place.

Old stats: not sure but not much smaller

Currently: BPEL: 7.5 EG: 5 Goal: The holy grail of course. (8x6)

With my penis I played very early ( 5years ) . I have wrapped it with twine or put in the eyelet from the opener, or the foreskin striped back .

Starting with the masturbation I have under the guidance of older playmates on our store , when I was about 9 years old . I can still remember the time I slide the foreskin to the glans almost unbearably tickled , but has at the same time was also a very nice feeling. This is normal because at such a young Masturbatoren the glans is still very sensitive . Over time, and after many masturbation the sensitivity decreases.

I must say that I also found interesting in recent years for my penis very strong. That means I have previously performed masturbatory experiments with my penis . After this key event on the storage I then believed I could quit anytime again with masturbation , now I know that it has become an addiction. The no misunderstanding here I think masturbation occurs not for Harmful or for bad, I masturbate even now with the greatest pleasure . The only problem that occurs is psychological nature , in a word , you will be lonely because you are in fact dependent on any man. In other keeps his libido is constantly low level so that one is not interested in women almost . These are in my opinion the only disadvantages of masturbation.

I am 70 years old and masturbate since I was 9 Age regularly. That’s 62 years. In that time I have masturbated about 27 287 times . Even now I masturbate on average 1.8 times per week . I usually have a masturbation duration of 2 min .

Masturbation is better than sex!

Started at 4yo and with practice at 6yo was more like normal masturbation, little boy with big penis for sure going to play

Precum & clear cumming started at 12yo and full white-cumming at 16yo

I’m always amazed when they say that started masturbating until puberty or just before it, somehow I can’t grasp the idea how’s that they didn’t played with their penis before

Kinda like they spent all their childhood somehow like being a girl instead; not said in mean way but mostly surprising

””“”The PENIS it’s the Joy of Being a BOY”“”“

Originally Posted by Aioria2240
Started at 4yo and with practice at 6yo was more like normal masturbation, little boy with big penis for sure going to play

Precum & clear cumming started at 12yo and full white-cumming at 16yo

I’m always amazed when they say that started masturbating until puberty or just before it, somehow I can’t grasp the idea how’s that they didn’t played with their penis before

Kinda like they spent all their childhood somehow like being a girl instead; not said in mean way but mostly surprising

””“”The PENIS it’s the Joy of Being a BOY”“””

Well I will have to admit to a similar experience. At least I had fully developed masturbatory skills at 7yr old. Playing with your penis was a daily occurence as soon as you got some privacy, it was fun so why not.

I remember I was about 11 years old. I went into the bathroom and for some reason I started rubbing Vaseline on my cock. All of a sudden I started cumming like a faucet. The cum didn’t shoot, it literally poured out like a running faucet. Most intense orgasm to date.

Started 11/2014 6" BPEL x 4" MEG (Ballpark #'s)

As of 01/2017 7 1/2" BPEL x 4 7/8" MEG

18 Month Comparison Pic

I think I was like 6 I used to massage it circuarly and it felt good. I also used to climb this pole and hump it and it felt weird hanging on it and humping it. I started havign orgasms I think when I used to do the massaging thign.

7-9 years old. Nothing came out. Only feeling.

Pre- is in my sig.

It definitely had effect on the stats because it effected my EQ which in turn affects the growth.

(06-2017):NBPEL: 6.3 MSEG: 4.8

Now: NBPEL: 6.7 MSEG: 5.9

I can still remember that the glide of the foreskin on the Glans tickled me almost unbearably, but at the same time that was also a very nice feeling. This is normal because with such a young masturbator 9 years the Glans is still very sensitive. Over time and after many masturbations, the sensitivity diminishes. I am now 72 years old. For me, the ejaculation with ca, 12 years gradually started. Of course I had dry orgasms before. That was also the motivation to start with masturbation at the age of 9 and not to stop again. Until now, I have never had any pollution, because I started masturbation at the age of nine before the sperm production and have not spent a day since then. I have always attributed my prostate health to my masturbation behavior. Because it is known in medicine that regular masturbation is good for the prostate. The advantage is that you can masturbate without adequate erection. The size of the penis also does not matter. I’m very happy about that, because at 72 years of age you have your problems. Sexual intercourse would not be possible without a sufficient erection. But that’s the way to satisfy myself. This is very important for me as a habitual Solo Masturbant. Occasionally masturbate in front of a shaving mirror. There I can see my penis enlarged nicely. It is stimulating for me when I see my foreskin glide over the glans. Also, I can then change the angle, and thus watch the penis from a completely different perspective. For 63 years I am only interested in orgasm and semen emptying. That’s what I enjoy most. Masturbation is only a means to an end. That I’m almost always ready in about 2-3 minutes, and satisfied. I can not expect a woman, so that’s one reason why I prefer masturbating. Although I am married, so not lonely, but the masturbation was always important to me. The penis modification I do only to be able to masturbate even better. I cut myself a frenulectomy and a meatotomy myself. So that the foreskin is more flexible and I can introduce large dilators into my urethra.

Masturbation is better than sex!

I know I was already doing it when starting pre school at 6yr old. If I remember correctly I was masturbating several times every day in the school bathroom at first grade 7 yr old and I would also masturbate on the long breaks outside in the woods. From first grade penis size and ”sex” was common topics of conversation between the boys and internet porn was talked about and porn magazines shown by older boys. I measured my dick already in first grade and it was 12cm I remember it clearly.

My first masturbation was when I was around 13 this was done by my friend whilst we were frolicking around on the couch. Then I really started myself around 14 years old.

I remember touching myself when I was 8, but first real masturbation I was 15 (my discovery of Internet porn, granted it was mid 90’s).

I am 6.5” BPEL, and 4 7/8” MSEG currently without actively PE’ing.

Start: BPEL: 5.25" EG: ~4.5"

Current: BPEL: ~ 6.75" MSEG: ~4.75" BG: 4.825" BPFSL: 7"

Initial Goal: NBPEL: 7" EG: 5" Long Term Goal: 7.5" x 5.25-5.50"

Started playing around at 10.
Pre-Cum at 12.
Orgasm 13.5.
Beating the heck out of it every 5 minutes at 14.



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