Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Anal ejaculation...birth control


I wish I could remember where it was from, but I’m sure I heard or read somewhere the following exchange:

“What are you talking about? You can’t get pregnant from anal sex.”
“Sure you can. Where did you think lawyers come from?”

Serious reply: I’m sure I don’t have to point out that lots of pretty nasty bacteria and viruses, including the Big One, are much more easily transmitted (either M->F or F->M) through anal sex than vaginal. So unprotected buttsex, in particular, should be reserved for when you know you’re both clean and are in an exclusive relationship - in which case, your partner is presumably using either oral contraceptives or a fitted device. So pregnancy shouldn’t be a worry, whatever kind of sex you’re having.

Originally Posted by wibble
I wish I could remember where it was from, but I’m sure I heard or read somewhere the following exchange:

“What are you talking about? You can’t get pregnant from anal sex.”
“Sure you can. Where did you think lawyers come from?”

Bravo, wibble!


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