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Anal ejaculation...birth control


Anal ejaculation...birth control

Hi everybody,
I would like to point out a question which often doctors answer quite differently (depending on who you consult, or on how possible they evaluate “the chances”).

If I cum into a girl’s butt, I shouldn’t risk anything like pregnancy because my sperm is in all other place.

Then again, I read about the chance of “splash pregnancy”, which should be a pregnancy caused by sperm “passing” from the anus to the vagina entrance, getting down through the perineum…obviously when the sperm is released from girl’s ass.
With no little surprise, I read the percentage of pregnancy to be 8 per cent/year.

Regardless of Matters like STDs or hygene, I’d like to hear more opinions about anal ejaculation and its real riskiness about pregnancy.

And, if there is any, how to avoid the risks (it shouldn’t be that hard, for many reasons, e.g. the bowel environment and pH for sperm, the not-vaginal-ejaculation, the supposed quite limited survival-time and so on)
I have some ideas but hey, asking for your thoughts definitely won’t hurt.

Thank you!

I’d just be thankful ur girl lets you put it there unlike the other 99% of us, you must not be married yet.

Originally Posted by Gmoney28
I’d just be thankful ur girl lets you put it there unlike the other 99% of us, you must not be married yet.

That’s a good one.


What you have to remember is that a girl is fertile for 24 hours a cycle, sperm can live for 5 days inside her. So basically only 1/4 of the cycle is fertile. As you don’t know exactly when that’s going to be unless she is super regular as as most girls don’t know when they are ovulating unless they’ve trained themselves to understand the feeling using temperature or ovulation sticks etc, you have to build in a buffer and that looks like this:

From that you can see that only 50% of the time with good safety is she potentially fertile and the rest of the time come in the vagina is not an issue in any way.

So can sperm drip from the anus to the vagina, yeah sure, if the circumstances are right. It can also drip into the vagina if you come on her stomach in the right circumstances. Naturally much less sperm would enter the vagina in this situation and this too makes conception less likely but is it possible, sure and the likelihood of pregnancy in a fertile woman from sperm migrating into the vagina is probably greater than the 1% failure rate for condoms but it’s a lot of ifs.

I would recommend only coming when she’s on her back, if you are worried. That should solve any problems that gravity throws at you. And pull out carefully.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Originally Posted by Gmoney28
I’d just be thankful ur girl lets you put it there unlike the other 99% of us, you must not be married yet.

Oh shit, Hahaha!, that was fucking funny.

mem, I know exactly why, though I cannot put into words, that reply impressed me more than any other I have read for a very, very long time. :up: :D

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

Memento, your answer is just great…I can’t find any other adjective to define it properly.
So if I come inside and she is on her back, then there is no problem of dripping anus-vagina because of the gravity.
And in this position, pulling it out without problems should be pretty easy, I think…vagina is right above but if she’s on her back and you (me :D ) are on your knees in front of her…well it seems quite easy to do.

What I’d like to ask is also: if she goes to the bathroom right after sex (sperm can be a great laxative in my experience,not with her but with a previous girl, and my ejaculations are veeeeery abundant), then what should I tell her?
Something that sounds like “Make the poo-poo but please cover, holding some piece of toilet paper, your vagina while you do it”?

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think another useful tip I applied in the past is to cum as deep as you can in her ass (so that sperm doesn’t drip in short time).

Last question: what is the time of the “DRIPPING DANGER” (sorry for capitalisation)? I mean, may it drip half an hour past my cumming? I think the greatest part of sperm should be dead and buried.
What I’m trying to ask is, it’s IMMEDIATELY (or very soon) after the ejaculation, that I have to be careful? (I think so).

Again, thank you.


LOL!!! :D

On a serious note, if she gets pregnant from anal: 1. Get a paternity test 2. If it’s yours, it was really meant to be

Well it seems to me you think the risk is at a minimum level (let’s please remember that for mathematic zero there’s only abstinence). So do I… but I’d rather thinking about it before doing, than being worried after, obsessively waiting for her menstruation.

AFAIK, anyway, memento is completely right in saying that there are days during the cycle you could easily cum inside the vagina with no worry…so if it’s ass it would only add safety to a quite-safe-itself thing.

Last edited by Mike91 : 02-28-2015 at .

Originally Posted by firegoat
mem, I know exactly why, though I cannot put into words, that reply impressed me more than any other I have read for a very, very long time. :up: :D

Maybe I should write it up as a thread with more info. It surprises me how many men and women are unaware of this info.


If you’ve not actively awaited a menstruation before it can be quite hard, once you’ve waited for a few it’s a bit easier :)

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Originally Posted by memento

Maybe I should write it up as a thread with more info. It surprises me how many men and women are unaware of this info.

Could well be a good idea. There are some very good apps now for the ‘rhythm method’ as well. I have no idea what the one my last gf used was called, but she was very happy with it!

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

Yes but finding one that shares info to the partner is a harder ask.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

An app for the fertility cycle — that’s a great idea.

Please :donatecar to Thunder's Place to keep it running.

There are many of them. On android My Days is a good one.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

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