It really doesn’t look like HPV, but more like a light infection of the hair follicle. HPV would not be red, would not be multiple lesions, and would probably not appear straight away (if I get the timing right).
Also, HPV is very common, and can not really be prevented except for careful selection of partners. The only vaccine available is for women and it covers some of the strains of virus, but not all. This means it gives protection from some of the most dangerous ones but she may still get it.
Lysine.. I don’t see how an amino-acid can help or impede a viral infection.
My advice: if you are really worried or other signs/symptoms develop, go see a doctor. If not, try not shaving a while, clean the area with warm water and soap (but not too much to irritate) and it should be clear in a few days if it is a simple infection.