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Bleeding and then white discharge in vagina.


Bleeding and then white discharge in vagina.

Couple of weeks ago when I was having sex with my girlfriend, I realized that there was blood coming out from her, and she was not in her period. She told me that it happened before, and there is nothing to worry about. Actually this situation was discussed before on Thunders, and some of the members thought that they have wripped up their girlfriend because they had big dicks… I don’t have a big dick. Mine is 7 inch erect length, 5.125 inch erect girth. Actually for some reason, her vagina feels a bit looser than before, either because I sometimes don’t get erect as some other times or her vagina also gets loose from time to time…

Then we had sex last week again, and now there was some white thick discharge coming out of her vagina, and it was smelling. She told me that she had such a problem before,too, and it can be vagina yeast infection.

I have tried to read about vagina yeast infection on the internet. Apparently it is common among women, and it is not that much to worry about. However it is still a bacteria, and in some websites it is listed under minor STD listings…

I am just worried a bit, and when I talk about this with her, she does not like the fact that I am pointing out alot. She says that when I point out the white discharge during sex, it turns her off, but I also get turned off by it… Well…

I told her that until the infection heals, I want to stay away from sex.

The combination of bleeding and infection actually concerned me to some degree that I wanted to ask fellow members on Thunder for their opinion…

I wouldn’t worry about the blood unless there’s a pint or two after you’ve had sex.

The only transmissable yeast infection I know by name is thrush . Its not unusual and its easily treatable, it wouldn’t be enough to stop me sleeping with someone.

I’ve been told that a yeast infection can be spread to a man so any woman who has it should take whatever she uses to cure the problem so that it doesn’t get out of hand for her or bad enough for him to get it. I hear it’s rare that it is passed on to a man, but I still heard it is possible.

You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.

Zig Ziglar

Its certainly possible :( but the male symptoms of thrush are not a problem, fairly like a jelqing session, and the treatment is simple. It can also be transmitted orally.

yeah that thrush is smelly stuff. Dangerous too if it moves up too deep…

Yeast infections are very common in women. Unfortunately, if she doesn’t realize she has one (beginning stage) and she is having sex, the man she is with will also get it. Yeast infections are not as easily detectable in men, most likely they never know they have one. It’s easy to treat as memento says. All you have to do is buy the OTC 7 day treatment (and not the pre-administered kind but the kind in the tube), rub a little on your penis at night before bed for 7 days. AVOID sex!! Until it is cleared up, you will just continue to pass it back and forth and you BOTH have to treat yourselves. If she is the only one being treated, I assure you she will get it again as soon as you both have sex again.


I think I saw this stuff coming out of a pussy after having sex with a girl last year. I knew I came but I wasn’t sure if I came dry or not so when I pull out my dick there was only this thick white stuff outside the condom. I checked if the condom teared which it hadn’t then I examined and smelled it. Although it didn’t look like cum nor did it smell like it I couldn’t tell if it came out of her or if it came from another guy. She was somewhere else the day before. I decided to ignore it so I could have some more sex before I dumped her which I did next day, partly based on this stuff. However after reading this I think she had a STD :( Good thing I was wearing a condom every time ;)

I really can’t add much more to the yeast infection than has already been said. However, the one item that has not been discussed is the bleeding. Your girlfriend says its nothing, I beg to differ. If she is bleeding and it is not time for her cycle, something is wrong!!!
She needs to get to a doctor quickly, it could be something very simple, or it could be life threatening. Do not allow her to pass it off as nothing please, insist she go to a doctor, cause the yeast infection might not be a yeast. If it smells, and you said it did, that is an indication of yeast, but it could also be something else. And whatever it is, I get the feeling you don’t want it.

She needs to take personal responsibility for her own sexual health matters. If she is going to pass it off then someone else needs to say, I care about you and I’m worried, please make a doctors appointment and get this checked out.

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

She should see a gynocologylst. You should stay away.

Yes stay away from the dirty vagina. Bad vagina.

Thank you very much for all the responses. I have actually told her that I want to stay away from sex for a while, because I am a bit concerned about the hygiene. After reading the replies, I am even more concerned. Actually I told her my concern couple of times, but she seems to be getting annoyed by it, maybe the way I am saying it is annoying, I really don’t know.

The next times I hang out with her, I will stay away from sex, and just cuddle and snuggle in the bed. Hopefully she will understand me, and realize that I am really concerned.

Remember to treat yourself too, you may well have given it to her.

Piet, I am sorry to hear that you dumped a girl based largely on that reason.

My girlfriend just happens to produce alot of normal vaginal mucous. It is white. That’s not due to an STD.


Some women do have more mucous than others, however, the orginator of this thread he said it smelled. Normal discharge doesn’t stink. And even Piet stated that was one of, not the only, reason he dumped this gal.

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

Go to the pharmacy and get a tube of something like Vagasil. Essentially it is for treating yeast infections. Apply to yourself and suggest she also apply it. Both of you read the litarature supplied as it may state that both partners apply it.


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