Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Cancer Recovery, PE and other things

oh yeah, I bought a new truck. that helped a log too!

"Half of me thinks, what is the point since I cannot even get erect."

Nah, if you don’t do anything then you won’t get improvement and I think you already know that, so keep plugging away.

Don’t know what kind of vibrator you got, but I got a reflexonic viberect 2 several years ago for a recreational toy. It’s way more powerful than anything else I’ve tried - might be worth a shot if the one you’re trying’s not super powerful.

And thank you for the updates. I’ve sometimes wondered how I’d deal mentally if I was in the same situation.

Dang, ak. Somehow I missed your last few updates.

Originally Posted by ak491964
No erection is possible. While I am feeling a little fuller in the morning and during "physical therapy", I am at times somewhat depressed that I cannot get an erection.

Annoying, and you need a heart-to-heart with the doc, but try not to let it get to you yet. Ask if he’ll write a prescription for taladafil or sildenaful to carry you over until you fully recover.

I also talked to her about not being able to get errection. She said that it could take up to a year.

I bet you can beat that.

So the one issue that has happened twice now is that I have wet the bed during the middle of the night. Both incidents were completely out of the blue. I promised to tell all, no matter what, but this is embarrassing. After the first time, I put down a cotton hospital type barrier which helped contain the incident the second time. My recommendation for anyone else is to get some sort of barrier to protect your mattress. When this is over, I will burn mine.

Some of the nerves they mucked about with were probably connected to the urinary sphincter, besides the general trauma of the surgery. The problem shouldn’t be permanent, even if it is embarrassing.

They used to sell rubber sheets for that sort of thing - children and the elderly - but they seem to be all plastic now, usually marketed as "mattress protectors." They’re not expensive, and the better ones are machine-washable.

The last tidbit of info is to find a way to compensate. I bought an unlimited tanning package and have focused on the things that I can control. My eating habits, exercise, weight reduction, improving the physical aspects that I can, all of which affects confidence in my outward appearance, just as much as the confidence gained with my PE results.

No, no, no. You’re supposed to sit in the dark watching daytime talk shows, stuffing your face with junk food, dwelling on the sorrow and injustice of it all, and sinking into depression as you turn into a couch hippopotamus.

If you do this ‘self-improvement’ thing, you’re just a narcisstic ass who’s cheating the rehabilitation and counseling professionals out of their due, and they will have to default on their student loans while their children starve. You don’t want to be *that* kind of person, do you? A whole medical industry depends on you. Be a man; step up to the challenge!

Originally Posted by ak491964
oh yeah, I bought a new truck.

Definitely a help!

A couple of months ago a friend’s wife gave him the "I want a divorce" speech before she left to go live with her new boyfriend. She drove off in his elderly pickup truck, and apparently later that night came back with someone and collected her van, leaving him without a vehicle.

He called and said he’d just found a nice truck and signed the papers.

"I visualize you in a four door 4x4, long wheelbase, in black."

[long pause]

"How did you know?"

Originally Posted by User77777

Don’t know what kind of vibrator you got, but I got a reflexonic viberect 2 several years ago for a recreational toy.

I have a pistol grip type massager with a 1" ball attachment that seems to get me there in about 30 minutes.

Originally Posted by AndyJ

No, no, no. You’re supposed to sit in the dark watching daytime talk shows, stuffing your face with junk food, dwelling on the sorrow and injustice of it all, and sinking into depression as you turn into a couch hippopotamus.

Yeah, I am not that kind of guy. I have been doing everything that I can think of to wake that part of my anatomy up and get as back to normal as I can.

Originally Posted by User77777

I saw a video a couple weeks ago with Dr. Trost. He brought up some post-prostectomy stats with the restorex that reminded me of your situation. If I remember right, the idea with the aftercare with stretching and everything is that the initial shortening is from the shock to the surrounding tissue after the surgery, but that many months later fibrosis will set in causing the permanent shortening. I’m not a urologist or anything close to it, but I’d keep doing some type of pe as long as it doesn’t hurt much and the surgeon is okay with it.

That is why I think that starting up a PE routine as soon as possible is key. Thanks 7777 for that. Last Friday was my six week out from surgery mark. I am taking a break today as I think I over excelled during the weekend. I’ll be back in session tomorrow.

Originally Posted by AndyJ
Definitely a help!
"I visualize you in a four door 4x4, long wheelbase, in black."

Very close. Its a short box crew cab and while I prefer black, she is white.

Originally Posted by AndyJ
That is "camouflage" in Alaska, right? Yes, October through February for sure. Now it is mostly just brown or black snow berms.

How’s the recovery progressing? Did you talk to the doc about the bleeding?

Mostly recovered. I still leak a bit here and there. Bleeding past my catheter was explained as a bladder spasm, which I don’t necessarily agree with as it happened every time I sat on the toilet. Beyond the leaking, it could be up to a year to obtain an erection, which is a bit daunting. I think I know why most serial killers are impotent.

Part of my physical and psychological recover is getting into better shape physically. Today is day 5 of a five day fast to kick me into ketosis and weight loss. This is giving me something else to focus on.

Next appointment is 4/11 and I will get a full metabolic panel the week prior, so I am hoping for a PSA of 0 "zero".

Originally Posted by ak491964
Part of my physical and psychological recover is getting into better shape physically. Today is day 5 of a five day fast to kick me into ketosis and weight loss. This is giving me something else to focus on.

Building muscle while on keto is possible, though most people seem to think only carbs will do it.

Be aware that keto will throw C-Reactive Protein and Creatinine lab numbers out of the "normal" zone, plus a few others; the numbers look like what the docs are trained to see as ‘kidney failure’ and they tend to panic.

Keto has worked very well for me, but if your doc freaks out over your labs you might consider bumping up to >100 carbs per day a week or two before any scheduled labs.

Diabetic induced ED had reduced my erections to zero. Started with Viagra which failed after five yesrs and worked with Trimix for three years and currently a medical grade VED is the only means to achieve an erection.

Start 11/09 BPEL: 5.5", EG: 4.4"

Current. BPEL: 6:4", EG: 5.5"

Jeez, sorry to hear that, kinda makes my issue somewhat insignificant, I have been having a bit of a hard time dealing with my issue, so I can’t imagine the impact of what you are dealing with, I am just hoping that I can eventually one day have an erection. Hopefully sooner rather than later. Any chance you can get your diabetes under control and reduce its impact on your ED situation?

Doctor appointment Thursday afternoon, pre appointment blood work showed a PSA of 0.04. One article says that anything under .05 is fine. Another article says that it should be under .02 by now. So we will see what the PA has to say. I am expecting a non answer and continued blood tests every three months, or an aggressive treatment plan. Was not the news I was hoping for, so we will have to see.

I am doing a modest amount of PE, pumping has a decent amount of discomfort, hanging light at 2.5 lbs feels much better. I hit 7 inches, BPFSL this past weekend after the Saturday morning session, but realistically, I am about 6.5, which is about where I was measuring pre surgery.

I was able to do a 5 day fast a few weeks ago and another two day fast this past weekend, I am down to 177, which is two lbs away from my goal. If I hit that this week, my next strive to point will be 169.


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