Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Change In Cum Texture

Change In Cum Texture?

Just started my 3rd week pumping on a daily basis. I’ve been using your guides pretty closely but adjusting it a little for my personal use. I noticed though it seems like my cum has become thicker and sort of clumpy? My theory on this is that when I pump and the precum comes out some might stay in the urethra and sit until I ejaculate from normal intercourse and it has thickened up since then. There is no pain or anything except sometimes it slightly feels like there is still some that needs to come out but it that feeling goes away before long. Should I be concerned? Has anyone had experience with this? Sorry for sounding gross but I would appreciate your thoughts as I would like to keep a healthy reproductive system.

I’ve had the same, slightly alarming experience from heavy jelqing and other manipulations. A couple of mornings: a thick, goopy mess came out of my unit after hitting the toilet. I’m still vaguely wondering about this one myself. Consistency is very, very thick, and it’s light milky white, almost clear.

Originally Posted by Nothing2know

My theory on this is that when I pump and the precum comes out some might stay in the urethra and sit until I ejaculate from normal intercourse and it has thickened up since then. There is no pain or anything except sometimes it slightly feels like there is still some that needs to come out but it that feeling goes away before long. Should I be concerned? Has anyone had experience with this? Sorry for sounding gross but I would appreciate your thoughts as I would like to keep a healthy reproductive system.

Yes, men that do edging experience that. I used to edge for about 1~2 hours without cum, then on the next day when I ejaculate, my cum would go thick and lot of cum, also it happens the same when I edge for 20 minutes a day for 3 consecutive days and then I cum, thick like when you put an avocado in the blender to make a drink.

started April 2017 BPEL 16,7cm x 13,3cm EG Last measurement BPEL 20 cm x 14,8 cm EG

My progress, thoughts and pictures

Rotated Penis? Unbalanced Ligaments? Lack of Gains through Manual Routine?

Same here. I wouldn’t be alarmed. You may want to look into the Holy Grail of Cum Loads thread where you’ll find the supplements that will make you leak like crazy…

Most of us Americans won’t get the avocado reference since we tend to treat them like vegetables. lol
I know in Brasil they use them in milkshakes (vitaminas né?).

JUN-01-17: BPEL 6 1/4" MEG 4 1/4" || JAN-20-18: BPEL 7" MEG 4 3/4"

Short Term Goal: BPEL 7 1/2" MEG 5.0" --> Long Term Goal: 9x6

My Progress thread: Oldjake's Progress Report

Same thing has happened to me. I jelq, pump and edge. There are days when it is so thick that it just dribbles out. Cottage cheese is a good analogy. I wouldn’t worry about it.

Current: 7.5 BPEL, 6 BEG, 5.5 MSEG, 5 NBPFL, 5 FG, 8.25 BPFSL

Long term goal: 8 BPEL, 6 BEG, 6 MSEG, 5.5 NBPFL, 5 FG


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