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Cialis not working


Cialis not working

So anyway, ordered some Cialis, but the excitement but was met with major anti climax. Nothing happened !? I ordered it from ADC because of the good reviews on here. Only thing that did happen was MAJOR back ache, cramps in my legs, knees. I really can not express, how bad the pain was! Just to make sure, I tried it again, same result. So today I ordered some Viagra and I’m praying it gets me rock hard. I also order some Clomid , just in case my balls need a kick start, been on saw palmetto to prevent hair thinning ( still have a full head, was shedding but now stopped, found out something else was causing it) I am only 28 and a bit worried about low testosterone, if it carries on will do some HCG.

The truth is I don’t know what’s caused me to not get hard on command, still have morning boners e.t.c I am now wondering if porn has caused it? Anyway has anyone been in my situation where Cialis is done nothing?

Cialis is not a supplement is a drug, so I moved your thread.

Cialis does nothing for libido, if you have libido issues you have to check what the cause is and not trying with this or this other supplement or drug in the hope it will do the trick.

How many mg’s dosage did you take? It sounds like you took so much that the side effects overrode the erection effects.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

Well first I tried 20 mg divided into 5mg over 4 days, still got cramps and maybe like 3 weeks later the whole pill 20mg.

Just out of curiosity how do you plan to dose the clomiphene? What are your testosterone, lh and estrogen numbers like? Ps to the best of my knowledge test will not help you keep your hair but in fact do the opposite.

How do you know if you have low testostrone , blood work ? Cause clomid and hcg only work if your LH is low .

Current 8 bpel /7.25 nbp 6.25 eg .

Goal , I be happy with 8 NBP so I can relocate her kidney.

Originally Posted by meowmeowluvin
Well first I tried 20 mg divided into 5mg over 4 days, still got cramps and maybe like 3 weeks later the whole pill 20mg.

On the very first day you took the 5mg you should have been able to have erections when you were sexually stimulated. Your erections will not be automatic. They require sexual stimulation.

If the 5mg did not have this effect. I would try a 10mg dose, but this amount will stay in your system for 3 days, so don’t take any more until 3 days later. A 10mg dose should allow erections after about an hour, but it is common for guys to experience their best erections on the 2nd day.

The side effects you experienced are very common and I admit, unpleasant and annoying, but they were from taking too much. If you try again, just take the 10mg and no more for 3 days.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

Gprent, trust tried all that and nothing plus the cramps are no worth it.. The severe back pain for me last at least 5 days. I will see how viagra works. As for hcg + clomid, used them in the past on several occasions, bodybuild. I see it as the best thing if your test levels are low.. Give me rock hard erections on through out the day even at end of cycle last for several months. I would never take testosterone supplements are they fry your balls and shut down your natural production. Funny arginine used work for me but now nothing.. As for the hair issue, my friend gave me a fungal infection, sharing hair brushes.. Only symptoms were very itchy scalp and hair loss ( trust me you can wash you hair a million times and without right prescribed shampoo it won’t go away). Doctor diagnosed it and it has been treat no so had nothing to do with high DHT levels, I think saw palmetto has caused the ED, cause has that side effect, so stopping it.. Just have to cure my nuts from it has done.

As far as the Viagra goes, start with a 25mg dose. Within an hour, you should be able to have a rock hard erection and the effect will last up to 4 hours.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

Low testosterone? Try Zinc and Vitamin D.

Gprent thanks for all your advice.. One question, can you take arginine while taking Viagra?

Originally Posted by meowmeowluvin

Gprent thanks for all your advice.. One question, can you take arginine while taking Viagra?

Pointless to use arginine produces NO. Viagra works directly by increasing blood flow thus NO to the penis whist stimulating the brain

If you are already taking arginine, you do not have to stop because you take Viagra. If you are not taking arginine, adding it to Viagra is not going to change what Viagra does.

Cialis produces a more subtle erection improvement that lasts for days. Viagra produces a more aggressive erection improvement that lasts for 4 hours.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

Did you actually try to have sex after you took it? I ask because I was really disappointed the first time I tried Cialis, too. I popped a pill and then just sat there staring at my dick waiting for something to happen. When my raging pornstar boner failed to materialize, I was totally convinced I had been sold bum product and I was pissed. You probably won’t notice anything (except the side effects) until you’re actually having a sexual encounter while using it.

Viagra looses its effectiveness if taken while you have a full stomach. I usually wait at least eight hours after eating. Accordingly, I find first thing in the morning works best.

Start 11/09 BPEL: 5.5", EG: 4.4"

Current. BPEL: 6:4", EG: 5.5"

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