Thunder's Place

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Clomiphene (Clomid) For Low Testosterone Levels


Sure it is. Thanks ghostman.

Marinera, do you have advice for the thread i posted on the sexual health forum ?

I think your urologist has the best answer on this questions. I had varicocele and the surgery was simple. The other testicle will start producing more testosterone, at least when you are young, so there shouldn’t be any problem with Test levels. Anyway later in life TRT could be needed at some point (not sure about that either).

Thanks Marinera, have you had the varicocele since teenage years ? I’m getting the varicocele treated if that doesn’t work, I will visit an endocrinologist.

My doctor is using my depressive past to blame for my libido/mood issue, but I have felt not depressed for a while now.

It is an interesting research especially for those who take Clomid on a regular basis.


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