Thunder's Place

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Curing My Premature Ejaculation With Reverse Kegels

My last sexual encounter with the wife was different this time but not in a bad way. Last week I only did reverse kegels about 2 or 3 days out of 7. I am going to experiment with how little I can get away with without losing the benefits. But I also didn’t kegel but 1 time last week so that may have helped. But during sex when I was ready to cum after a good while, it took me about 5 mins of actively trying before I came. My wife was in reverse cowgirl and I started looking at her ass, spreading her cheeks, everything I could think of and It still took me about 5 mins to cum when usually I can cum within 1min when I want to. I didn’t expect that at all but I loved it! Going from severe porn induced ED with premature ejaculation to where I am now within 6 months is a dream come true! I hope others start to experience the success that I am currently having. I have no desire to watch porn that chapter is over and done. I still don’t masturbate either.

7-20-16: BP: 7.63 NBP 6.75 x 5.75

3-22-17: BP: 8.44 NBP 7.56 x 5.75

I’m looking to cure my PE aswell and doing kegels looks like something I should try to implement in my life. But what is your routine? You hold the push for around 10 seconds, but how many times do you do this? Do you do like 10 second push, 10 second pause and than repeat this for X amounts of time? Really hoping I can combat this problem in the future, because reading where you’re now, makes me get my hopes up!

Originally Posted by Decoded96
I’m looking to cure my PE aswell and doing kegels looks like something I should try to implement in my life. But what is your routine? You hold the push for around 10 seconds, but how many times do you do this? Do you do like 10 second push, 10 second pause and than repeat this for X amounts of time? Really hoping I can combat this problem in the future, because reading where you’re now, makes me get my hopes up!

Yes I do that for about 15 reps. Lately I’ve only done them about 3 times a week and stamina is still great. I know if I can be cured then most others can if you issue is a tight pc muscle which I think is a common problem. I would put it in and pump about 5 times n literally have to stop sex to hold back from cumming. My wife only take about 4 - 5mins of continuous sex to orgasm and I had to stop about 2 to 3 times in that period. Mine was pretty bad but the reverse kegels fixed it for me. Now my pc is relaxed during sex so I can fully enjoy the experience while not ever stressing about PE.

I love been doing regular kegels for years now and I had noticed that when I did a more complex routine my PE got worse. I don’t know why it took me so long to try implementing reverse kegels into my routine. Wish I had did it sooner.

Thanks for the quick response! Starting today I’m going to implement the reverse kegels into my life!

Hoping it’ll increase my stamina, seeing as my PC-muscle is quite tight.

Hey Guys, rahman!,

I will try it and let you know man.. I think your story is amazing!! And very encouraging for me..

I am absolutly optimistic about it, thank you rahman!
Starting Today
See yah!

Thanks guys keep me updated with your progress. As long as you don’t have erection issues you should notice fast results within the first 2 weeks. Try the exact routine I did to focus more on reverse kegels. After a while you should notice that when you get an erection you won’t have pc contractions like you did when it was tight. It will just engorge without them. Also you can do reverse kegels before sex. Just don’t forget to do them or get lazy ad think you can skip them.

Originally Posted by Rahman810
My last sexual encounter with the wife was different this time but not in a bad way. Last week I only did reverse kegels about 2 or 3 days out of 7. I am going to experiment with how little I can get away with without losing the benefits. But I also didn’t kegel but 1 time last week so that may have helped. But during sex when I was ready to cum after a good while, it took me about 5 mins of actively trying before I came. My wife was in reverse cowgirl and I started looking at her ass, spreading her cheeks, everything I could think of and It still took me about 5 mins to cum when usually I can cum within 1min when I want to. I didn’t expect that at all but I loved it! Going from severe porn induced ED with premature ejaculation to where I am now within 6 months is a dream come true! I hope others start to experience the success that I am currently having. I have no desire to watch porn that chapter is over and done. I still don’t masturbate either.

I’ve only had this feeling maybe 2 or 3 times in my life where I was able to pound for a long time without cumming and then just had no desire for any porn because all I wanted to do was have sex with my wife the next day. I wish I could have this all the time because I suffer really bad from PE.

I’ve tried using Promenscent or do start/stop which my wife isn’t a fan of. I can go for a while if my wife is grinding on top, not bouncing up and down. The sliding feeling is what makes me cum really quickly. She needs hard fast pounding in legs up missionary for her to have an internal orgasm and I just can’t do it for more than 30 seconds. I’ve tried starting and stopping but it’s like I do 10 thrusts.. pull out and wait 30 seconds.. then 8-10 more again.. She just doesn’t like the stop in the rhythm. Promenscent gives me maybe 20 more thrusts.

I’ve tried the reverse kegel and haven’t been really successful with the technique. How exactly should it be done and when during sex? I’ve done regular kegels many times to hold it in and it gives me a little more but eventually I’m done once I let go of the squeeze. I had success with reverse kegels 2 times where I could feel the muscle relaxing while having sex but just can’t get the hang of it.

Thanks for your story!

Did you include kegels into your routine? Did you do kegels on off days?

Originally Posted by tmar89
I’ve only had this feeling maybe 2 or 3 times in my life where I was able to pound for a long time without cumming and then just had no desire for any porn because all I wanted to do was have sex with my wife the next day. I wish I could have this all the time because I suffer really bad from PE.

I’ve tried using Promenscent or do start/stop which my wife isn’t a fan of. I can go for a while if my wife is grinding on top, not bouncing up and down. The sliding feeling is what makes me cum really quickly. She needs hard fast pounding in legs up missionary for her to have an internal orgasm and I just can’t do it for more than 30 seconds. I’ve tried starting and stopping but it’s like I do 10 thrusts.. pull out and wait 30 seconds.. then 8-10 more again.. She just doesn’t like the stop in the rhythm. Promenscent gives me maybe 20 more thrusts.

I’ve tried the reverse kegel and haven’t been really successful with the technique. How exactly should it be done and when during sex? I’ve done regular kegels many times to hold it in and it gives me a little more but eventually I’m done once I let go of the squeeze. I had success with reverse kegels 2 times where I could feel the muscle relaxing while having sex but just can’t get the hang of it.

Thanks for your story!

You’re welcome.

I never actually do them during sex. I only do them when I decide to do the routine. Do my routine on the first page and only do regular keels twice a week and see if it makes a difference.

Originally Posted by Vajrayana
Did you include kegels into your routine? Did you do kegels on off days?

I do regular kegels 2 times a week. I kegel before my jelq reps but other than that I only do a kegel routine on Mondays and Thursdays. However many kegels you do you have to do about three times as many reverse kegels. In the beginning I did reverse kegels everyday but now I don’t because I have the control over the muscle that I need during sex. So my pc muscle never contract uncontrollably which because to cause me to cum too soon.


I’ve been having success with reverse kegels. It’s only been 15 days, but I’ve seen steady progress with improving my PreE so far.

I have a Fleshlight STU and I decided I was going to edge with it in a disciplined manner WITH NO PORN. I believe that is key. Another key is that I don’t just use my hands to move the fleshlight; I thrust. The goal is to emulate sex as much as possible.

Primarily I’ve done standing, but have also performed on my knees occasionally. When I started on 8/22, I did two separate sessions on my knees and hit PONR in about 45 seconds.

Just the other day, 9/3, my session lasted 31:41 and I didn’t hit PONR once! AND that was both standing and on my knees going at an average rate of stroking about once every .25 - .5s..

I started out reverse kegeling throughout these sessions, but have began to do them as more of a routine as Rahman has described. I’ve also found myself in a similar state where I’m not ‘actively’ reverse kegeling during the session. Sure, I will at times as a sort of reset, or if I feel an orgasm creeping on. But in my limited experience so far it seems like the reverse kegeling I do passively has somehow carried over during edging.

I’ve read things before about having those muscles (PC/BC?) be balanced? I wonder if that’s what is happening here. Also, I’m not sexually active so I don’t know how this work will carry over into real life interaction. But it’s okay for now because I think it’s too soon to tell. The hope is that after I’ve been doing this for a more considerable amount of time I will have good physical control and also a ‘reset’ nervous system that feels it is normal to last a while.

Originally Posted by goodfella18
I use clomipiramine 25 mg ,3 hours before sex I last longer than II want

Wow thats way too strong and way too soon I use 10mg 6 hr or more before I have sex And get great results been doing it for over 2yr and that seen to be the right amount of mg and time for it to take full affect . Be careful or you might end up having sex all night a can’t come even once.

My Goal = P.E Till Condoms Can't Fit :)

Originally Posted by TugMcGroin

I’ve been having success with reverse kegels. It’s only been 15 days, but I’ve seen steady progress with improving my PreE so far.

I have a Fleshlight STU and I decided I was going to edge with it in a disciplined manner WITH NO PORN. I believe that is key. Another key is that I don’t just use my hands to move the fleshlight; I thrust. The goal is to emulate sex as much as possible.

Primarily I’ve done standing, but have also performed on my knees occasionally. When I started on 8/22, I did two separate sessions on my knees and hit PONR in about 45 seconds.

Just the other day, 9/3, my session lasted 31:41 and I didn’t hit PONR once! AND that was both standing and on my knees going at an average rate of stroking about once every .25 - .5s..

I started out reverse kegeling throughout these sessions, but have began to do them as more of a routine as Rahman has described. I’ve also found myself in a similar state where I’m not ‘actively’ reverse kegeling during the session. Sure, I will at times as a sort of reset, or if I feel an orgasm creeping on. But in my limited experience so far it seems like the reverse kegeling I do passively has somehow carried over during edging.

I’ve read things before about having those muscles (PC/BC?) be balanced? I wonder if that’s what is happening here. Also, I’m not sexually active so I don’t know how this work will carry over into real life interaction. But it’s okay for now because I think it’s too soon to tell. The hope is that after I’ve been doing this for a more considerable amount of time I will have good physical control and also a ‘reset’ nervous system that feels it is normal to last a while.

That’s great! Yes it is becoming more balanced. I once slacked on reverse kegels for 2 weeks and wife wanted to have sex. Long story short i had to stop the PONR at like 2mins in! But the next time it was back to normal after i started back doing my reverse kegel sessions. I hope to see more success stories like ours with reverse kegels. Maybe others havent seriously tried this yet.

Hey Rahman,

I’m glad I read this thread and tried doing reverse kegels. I have been doing it for 2 weeks now, consistently, and I’m happy to say that I’m already seeing improvements in my ability to hold off reaching the PONR.

I don’t have PreE issues but reverse kegels have helped me to last even longer. I used to get lower back stiffness when I do alot of kegels and reverse kegels help alot in alleviating that tension build up. Gives me better control in my ejaculations too.

Originally Posted by Rahman810
That’s great! Yes it is becoming more balanced. I once slacked on reverse kegels for 2 weeks and wife wanted to have sex. Long story short I had to stop the PONR at like 2mins in! But the next time it was back to normal after I started back doing my reverse kegel sessions. I hope to see more success stories like ours with reverse kegels. Maybe others havent seriously tried this yet.

I’ve been slacking recently in terms of actively doing my reverse kegels, but even still I would say I’ve gained awareness overall so I make sure to keep the muscles relaxed throughout the day. It definitely feels much more balanced, naturally.

Even in a brief workout this evening, I hit PONR for the first time at around 3 minutes, but after that (I always take 30 second breaks) I was able to keep going and just continue to improve. And in hindsight, 3 minutes is MASSIVE compared to about a month ago when I’d hit PONR in a matter of seconds.

Do you think there is significance in conditioning the nervous system?

The way I look at it currently, there are 2 general components - physical and physiological. (I know others share this view somewhat). Where the physical would be the pelvic muscles and voluntary control we have over them, keeping them relaxed, doing reverse kegels, etc. And I suppose the physiological would be something like the “natural” amount of time when our brain/body will want to orgasm. So if you follow my thinking, by consistently working out with the fleshlight I’m trying to slowly condition my nervous system to naturally want to orgasm after a longer amount of time. Ideally, I would like to one day be able to have spontaneous sex with solid stamina - without giving any thought to avoiding PONR. Kind of like you’ve described with your recent experiences I suppose. Do you think that’s realistic? Or maybe there’s just always an element of awareness to PONR and doing physical things to control it.


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