I’ve also just learned that I’ve contracted the virus… (and I’m wondering if I have the genital version—tho it might just be jock itch and that’s what the doc seems to think—so I have to go with his verdict). And I’m actually quite concerned about passing it on to someone else. I’ve also read the articles and even purchased some quick healing medication on the net. In the beginning, the initial sores never really appeared; my lips just began tingling like crazy. I went to the doctor and got some pills and some facial ointment and that was that, however, these days, my lips will tingle every now and again which makes me think about this viral shedding. As a result I’m generally concerned with how women will react to my condition (as ubiquitous as cold sores/herpes may be) and I’m reluctant to intiate any kind of relationship now. I find myself “blurting” out I have herpes simply because I don’t need the stress of having a girlfriend not knowing.
All in my head as I also see other people whom I know are in relationships with cold sores walking around. I just wonder how they cope with the virus and how their partners/spouses deal with it. I’m definitely going through stage of adaption right now, trying to learn what the best ways are of controling/suppressing the virus (until there is a pill), and reading this thread is great therapy.