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Depresion and erection

Depresion and erection

Hello everyone, it may be that due to a period in which I am experiencing depression, my erections notice it.

I mean that a few months ago I averaged, I achieved 11-11’5 EG without problem and about 13-14 NBP.

For a few weeks now, I’ve been more sad than usual, I don’t know why I can’t reach either mark on my erections.

It’s something that has me quite worried.


It is normal, and things will return to normal when the depression passes. Just continue your PE work as usual.

Also, if you keep track of your erection quality, you may find a loss of EQ before noticing symptoms of physical illness. The penis is very sensitive to the condition of the rest of your body.

And to be able to measure correctly, how do they do it? Because I don’t know if it only happens to me, but when I have an erection and I proceed to measure myself, I don’t know if it is due to the temperature or lack of libido or something, my erection goes down. When I go to measure myself I have lost 1cm in both measurements, as if my erection would go down in a matter of seconds.

I don’t know if this happens to anyone else?

Maybe my mind is playing tricks on me. And when it comes to measuring nerves, do they cause that I lose my erection in a matter of seconds? It can be possible that I don’t get my usual measurements because of nerves?

A lot of men joke their penis is "ruler shy." Others have variable EQ, and measured length can vary a lot across measurements only a few minutes apart.

I use a rubber cock ring to get a good erection. Not so tight it cuts all the circulation off, but enough to keep it hard for measurements. The result is not a "real" measurement - the ruler says I’m usually about half an inch longer with the ring than without - but it’s a *consistent* measurement; I get about the same result every time. That lets me track gains accurately.

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