Originally Posted by tmar89
Is it safe for the penis though? How long does it take to work?
Never tried it myself. For the last 8 years I’ve had minimal sensation anyway. The guys that told me about it say it works quickly and haven’t mentioned any parts falling off. They put orajel in babies mouths, it shouldn’t be strong enough to hurt any adult body parts.
I wonder though, if regular desensitizing creams don’t do anything for you, is it actual sensitivity that is your problem or a strong emotional attachment to the woman you are with getting you too excited? As someone with diminished sensation I can’t masturbate even with porn. When I’m with my wife it works most of the time and if it doesn’t some cialis and a pump takes care of things. Even without sensation, I’ll always eventually cum. Sometimes if I’m really excited by being with her it will happen sooner than I want it to.