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What about numbing creams for premature ejaculation?

What about numbing creams for premature ejaculation?

When I began fighting my premature ejaculation some two years ago, I bought a few products for it: an exercise program, some sort of a cock ring, some herbal based pills (yes, I was very naive back then) and a desensitizing cream. At the time when I first tried the cream, I suffered from so heavy and uncontrolled premature ejaculation, that it didn’t help me at all. And somewhere I read a lot of negative comments about those creams, so I stopped using it. I didn’t have a girlfriend, I wasn’t a minute man, but a seconds man, so I figured - hey, I am looking for a long term solution, for curing myself. And this cream isn’t what I need. So I forgot about it.

In the last two years, I have tried edging and acupuncture. Acupuncture hasn’t helped me at all, but edging has. So from ”I didn’t have time to feel you at all” man, I improved to a man with very bad stamina, but who could have something that you might call sex with a girl.

When I reached a plato with edging, I stopped doing it. Lately, I have put some hopes in Paxil, but after doing some research I now no longer want to try it at all. (And it seems that I have WASTED 50 euro of my first pay check on it).

I am giving up hope that I might be cured.

So I figured - what the hell? Why don’t I take that cream out from a draw and try it out now? I was almost shocked with the good experience I had. With just a few drops of this cream, I could go on for more then 10 minutes of very heavy thrusting. Then I opened this forum and searched for a topic about penis numbing creams, yet I didn’t find any. Why? There are quite a few premature ejaculators posting here, is it possible then none of you have ever tried desensitizing creams, or that they didn’t help any of you? Are there some heavy negative adverse effects that I don’t know of? Or what?

It has definitely been discussed before. Sometimes the search function can be tricky as far as finding stuff.

I think the desensitizing creams are a good idea. I can’t imagine any negative side effects other then they might not taste so good, if you know what I mean. :)

"…medical therapies for PE that are worthy of mention. One approach, topical therapies for PE, involves the use of local anesthetic creams with or without condoms. These generally are applied to the glans penis 1 hour before coitus and diminish the sensitivity of the glans penis. Drawbacks include significant penile hypothesia, possible transvaginal absorption leading to vaginal numbness and anorgasmia, and local irritation. "

http://www.meds … warticle/494264

Postatem obscuri lateris nescitis.

What is penile hypothesia???

Originally Posted by Nemanja
What is penile hypothesia???

Hypothesia is a loss of feeling or sensation. As explained in the article that was linked to.

I would think that that penile hypothesia would be an extremely rare occurrence and only after buckets of the stuff for an extended period.
I played around with the de sensitizing cremes a few years back. Not because of PE but more because I couldn’t get a hold of any Viagra.
Two totally different things with two totally different effects. I was looking for the Viagra effect.

Since your issue seems to be with letting go too soon and not your ability to achieve or maintain erections,
then the logical course of action would seem to be to all the usual suspects;

Desensitize you penis (which is why the cremes may be good), relaxing the MIND during sex, etc.,
and about 1000 other things that have been discussed in the various threads around here.

I don’t think your issue is one that should drive you to necessarily give up on life.
Remember, besides my usual rant about not letting people, places, things tell you how to feel about yourself,
this fact:

Good pussy feels great. Great pussy will blow your mind. enough said?
The best way to get used to having your dick in some good/great pussy is to get it in there often!

Maybe you should get circumcized?


I read the link and didn’t find any more explanation of “penile hypothesia” then what was already quoted by DarkTrick. I even went to Wikipedia and didn’t find anything.

Trojan’s extended pleasure condoms have helped me out alot.

In my country there are Durex Performa condoms for the same purpose. But I have an allergy and can’t use them.

I’ve used the Durex cream as well as Mandelay (get it?). I think they’re great. If I apply either of these correctly, and cover them up with a condom, I can literally fuck as long as I my abs will hold out.

I use them with a condom, which can sometimes be troublesome. The creams are provided in lube form, and lube isn’t the best thing to have on the inside of a condom. A cream that absorbs into the skin would be better.

I recently got a prescription for Emla cream in connection with a minor skin operation. I think it contains the same active ingredient as the numbing lubes. I may give it a try.

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

I kinda with I could cum quicker, so I could bust my nut and be done. Selfish, I know.

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