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Does abstinence lower


“You don’t want to increase 5-alpha reductase, this will lower serum testosterone while increasing DHT” that changes everything. I’m 22, why?

Originally Posted by marinera

As I understand the first post, he wants his testosterone to peak in 7th day and wants to know if edging will stop the ‘peaking’: besides he wants to know the levels of testosterone after the 7th day of peaking. The study answers all the questions: without ejaculation there are no changes in hormonal levels. After the 7th day the hormonal levels remained steady (no fluctuations).

On the contrary, I wanted to know if edging will keep it peaked. It seems I’ll have to rely on weightlifting since I plan on not ejaculating for a while.

You will not find that info anywhere.

About the increase got from weight-lifting, contrary to the popular belief the increase in basal testosterone levels is not significative

Hormonal responses and adaptations to resistance exercise and training.
Kraemer WJ1, Ratamess NA.
Author information

Resistance exercise has been shown to elicit a significant acute hormonal response. It appears that this acute response is more critical to tissue growth and remodelling than chronic changes in resting hormonal concentrations, as many studies have not shown a significant change during resistance training despite increases in muscle strength and hypertrophy. Anabolic hormones such as testosterone and the superfamily of growth hormones (GH) have been shown to be elevated during 15-30 minutes of post-resistance exercise providing an adequate stimulus is present. Protocols high in volume, moderate to high in intensity, using short rest intervals and stressing a large muscle mass, tend to produce the greatest acute hormonal elevations (e.g. testosterone, GH and the catabolic hormone cortisol) compared with low-volume, high-intensity protocols using long rest intervals. Other anabolic hormones such as insulin and insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) are critical to skeletal muscle growth. Insulin is regulated by blood glucose and amino acid levels. However, circulating IGF-1 elevations have been reported following resistance exercise presumably in response to GH-stimulated hepatic secretion. Recent evidence indicates that muscle isoforms of IGF-1 may play a substantial role in tissue remodelling via up-regulation by mechanical signalling (i.e. increased gene expression resulting from stretch and tension to the muscle cytoskeleton leading to greater protein synthesis rates). Acute elevations in catecholamines are critical to optimal force production and energy liberation during resistance exercise. More recent research has shown the importance of acute hormonal elevations and mechanical stimuli for subsequent up- and down-regulation of cytoplasmic steroid receptors needed to mediate the hormonal effects. Other factors such as nutrition, overtraining, detraining and circadian patterns of hormone secretion are critical to examining the hormonal responses and adaptations to resistance training.
Hormonal responses and adaptations to resistance exercise and training - PubMed

Mech Ageing Dev. 1989 Aug;49(2):159-69.
Effects of progressive resistance training on growth hormone and testosterone levels in young and elderly subjects.
Craig BW1, Brown R, Everhart J.
Author information

We observed the response of serum growth hormone (GH) and testosterone (T) to a progressive resistance strength training program. Basal levels (after a 12-h fast) of GH and T were measured in young (23 years) and elderly (63 years) subjects before and after a 12-week training program. The response of GH and T to an acute bout of exercise was also measured. The exercise training, which involved all the major muscle groups, was conducted on Nautilus equipment and required 45-60 min for completion. The subjects completed three sets of lifts with 8-10 Reps/set. Blood was drawn from an anticubital vein, centrifuged (1169 g) for 15 min and the serum frozen for later analysis. The acute exercise blood samples were taken immediately before and after the exercise and at 15 min post-exercise during week 1 and 12. The hormone assay was carried out with radioimmunoassay kits for GH and T. The basal level of GH increased by 44.9% in the young and by only 3% in the elderly but neither change was significant. In response to a single exercise session GH levels in the young went from 0.85 +/- 0.13 to 4.19 +/- 1.45 ng/ml before training and from 1.45 +/- 0.11 to 8.61 +/- 2.55 after training. Each response was significant (P less than 0.05) as were the pre-post differences (P less than 0.001). In the elderly the response was not as great, values increasing from 1.00 +/- 0.09 to 2.92 +/- 0.65 ng/ml before training and from 1.50 +/- 0.06 to 3.43 +/- 0.64 ng/ml after training were recorded. These differences represented significant increases (P less than 0.05) but did not demonstrate pre- to post-changes. Basal levels of T decreased in both groups, but were not significant. The T response to an acute bout of exercise was not significant but did increase in both age groups. In conclusion, the data presented here indicate that strength training can induce growth hormone and testosterone release, regardless of age, but that the elderly response does not equal that of the young.
Effects of progressive resistance training on growth hormone and testosterone levels in young and elderly subjects - PubMed

If you want to increase testosterone watch porn :)
‘Men who watch a sexually explicit movie have an average increase of 35% in testosterone, peaking at 60–90 minutes after the end of the film, but no increase is seen in men who watch sexually neutral films.[49] Men who watch sexually explicit films also report increased optimism and decreased exhaustion.[50]’

It isn’t only a mere hormone level checking. Weight lifting helps you feeling better and more masculine, burning fat (although it’s not its first purpose but it increases testo) and gaining muscles. Cardio training + weight lifting training = healthy and strong men, with better EQ and hornier.

If i don’t ejaculate and i edge watching or thinking hot situations, i feel much hornier. I think abstinence increases the sexual arousal. And that’s what all my friends think too.

Yeah Marinera, the weightlifting response is acute, but so is every single other natural testosterone boosting endeavor. Including watching porn. :) The point is you lift repeatedly during a week and those levels, on average, are higher than before chronically due to repeated acute elevations. Also, the increase in that study you posted was ginormous! A 100%+ increase on average after training on a stupid machine? Yes please! If Nautilus machines give those increases, I wonder what heavy squats can do.

Originally Posted by Ron Magnus
“You don’t want to increase 5-alpha reductase, this will lower serum testosterone while increasing DHT” that changes everything. I’m 22, why?

Just curious about your testosterone production. If you are 22 you should have pretty high natural testosterone levels, and, therefore, adequate DHT.

Originally Posted by rootsnatty
Yeah Marinera, the weightlifting response is acute, but so is every single other natural testosterone boosting endeavor. Including watching porn. :) The point is you lift repeatedly during a week and those levels, on average, are higher than before chronically due to repeated acute elevations. Also, the increase in that study you posted was ginormous! A 100%+ increase on average after training on a stupid machine? Yes please! If Nautilus machines give those increases, I wonder what heavy squats can do.

It is a 45% increase. 145% of basal levels (which are 100%). After heavy weightlifting training the increase is on average 50% but it lasts only about 30 minutes and thereafter goes lower than normal.

Believe it or not, a 45% increase won’t feel as much, even if it was permanent.

Another interesting link

look at figure 2: total serum hormonal levels remained pretty much the same after 10 weeks of weight training.

I just re-read the study you posted, the numbers I was talking about weren’t even testosterone, they were growth hormone. Whoops!

And you’re right, 50% isn’t really anything. The “normal” range for free serum testosterone is like 15-40 so if you are somewhere in the middle and increase it 50%, you are still probably still inside, or barely outside, the normal range. Back in my serious powerlifting days I have felt 500-1000% increases, but you really need to be in these very, extremely high ranges to notice a difference. And even then the body adapts after like 12-20 weeks.

Another one :

‘Resistance training increases SHBG in overweight/obese, young men
Christian K. Roberts,a,* Daniel M. Croymans,a,b Najib Aziz,c Anthony W. Butch,c and Cathy C. Leed


Evidence suggests that SHBG affects glycemic control, predicts both T2D and metabolic syndrome, and is low in obese subjects. We sought to determine if resistance exercise training (RT) can increase sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) and ameliorate levels of related steroid hormones in overweight/obese, sedentary young men.

36 participants (BMI 31.4 kg/m2, age 22 years) were randomized into an RT (12 weeks of training, 3/week) or control group (C, 12 weeks no training), and assessed for changes in SHBG, cortisol, testosterone, free testosterone (FT) and free androgen index (FAI). In addition, body composition and oral glucose tolerance testing was performed.

12 weeks of RT increased SHBG (P=0.01) and decreased FAI (P<0.05) and cortisol (P<0.05) compared to C. FT decreased in RT (P=0.01). Total testosterone did not change in either group. These changes were noted without weight loss, and in concert with increases in lean body mass (P=0.0002 vs C) and decreases in glucose area under the curve (AUC) (P= 0.004), insulin AUC (P=0.03), and total (P=0.002) and trunk (P=0.003) fat mass in RT.

In overweight/obese young men, RT increases SHBG and lowers FAI in obese young adult men.

Resistance training increases SHBG in overweight/obese, young men - PMC

Surprisingly, free testosterone and free androgen index did go down with chronic weight training.

Originally Posted by rootsnatty
True story! People who masturbate regularly experience an extremely short term decline in test levels as prolactin is dumped into the blood stream, but experience higher overall testosterone levels on average.

I think Ron Magnus understands this though, he is interested in if the process still happens if you have an orgasm but do not ejaculate. I have no idea about that situation, but would guess the chemical changes are similar. I have never worked to achieve a “dry” orgasm.

I meant edging as I’m abstaining from ejaculation; I masturbate/edge to bring blood to the penis and keep it expanded.

Originally Posted by Ron Magnus
I meant edging as I’m abstaining from ejaculation; I masturbate/edge to bring blood to the penis and keep it expanded.

Ya, I re-read and realized you had been talking about edging the whole time, not dry orgasms. Whoops! :)

I don’t think edging will have nearly as great an effect on androgen production without some form of orgasm. It probably has an extremely acute elevation, but not really gonna do much over the long haul.

Really there is only one really good way to dramatically boost androgens in the long term, but that is a personal choice, one that you are still probably a little bit young for - not because of immaturity or anything, but because you probably still have pretty high androgen levels naturally.

Why are you swearing off ejaculating?

Originally Posted by rootsnatty
Ya, I re-read and realized you had been talking about edging the whole time, not dry orgasms. Whoops! :)

I don’t think edging will have nearly as great an effect on androgen production without some form of orgasm. It probably has an extremely acute elevation, but not really gonna do much over the long haul.

Really there is only one really good way to dramatically boost androgens in the long term, but that is a personal choice, one that you are still probably a little bit young for - not because of immaturity or anything, but because you probably still have pretty high androgen levels naturally.

Why are you swearing off ejaculating?

My goal isn’t to boost androgen levels, but to keep them at its natural peak; that’s why I had so many questions regarding abstinence and hormonal profile.
Supposedly it takes about 8 weeks to fully restore from too much ejaculation; I do it for PE as well.

Originally Posted by Ron Magnus


Supposedly it takes about 8 weeks to fully restore from too much ejaculation; I do it for PE as well.


Originally Posted by marinera


No idea - it’s been a long time since I’ve read it. I did a quick research(wont spend much time looking for it) - from what I’ve gathered so far, an issue that might take time to restore is DeltaFosB(ΔFosB).


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