Does this sound like Depression related ED
So last December, (2020) I fell into a deep depression it’s something I’ve always dealt with but never this bad. This time its more related to my current life situation. I do remember back few years ago when I used to take SSRI’s this similar occurrence happened and it went away after a couple weeks. I forget if I was under stress or depression at the time or if it was just the change in meds. I’m no longer on SSRI’s.
It’s been 3 months and I’m still dealing with my depression, although I feel things are starting to get better.
Anyway last December I noticed when my penis got hard the shaft would get hard but the head/glands wouldn’t. I know the head is not supposed to get rock hard but it seemed to have a lack of blood flow, it was like a gummie bear feeling lol I don’t know how to explain it it was just soft feeling with little blood flow. This obviously caused more stress as I didn’t know what it was figured it was just a stressful time and it would improve in a few days. We’re now almost 3 months later and the issue is still the same, My erections are not like they used to be, I get about 90% hard and the head/glands are the same they don’t get much blood flow.
At the time my diet was good not the best but better then it had been, Also I worked out 3-4 times a week.
I stopped working out in December because of how I was feeling but I’m gonna start again, I also gave up smoking weed for the first 6 weeks or so of 2021 and then I started again. For March I plan on working out as well as not smoking.
I feel or atleast hope my situation is caused by depression. During this time I have lost enjoyment of everything, all the things I used to like doing I no longer care for. Which makes my believe it’s also effecting my sex drive and causing this ED type issue. I say hopefully Depression related because I was also doing a light version of PE, Stretches and jelqs same as I’ve been doing on and off for years and never had an issue. So I don’t think I injured myself.
Sorry for this long post and my horrible grammar.
Not really a signature but a link to a great guide Newbie Routine Steady Progress Chart.