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Dr. Lin (male multiple orgasm and ballooning)

Dr. Lin (male multiple orgasm and ballooning)

I was wondering if anyone here was familiar with Dr. Lin’s male multiple orgasm technique and or his ballooning technique. I have visited his site, Theory of Sexual Orgasm and Sexual Exhaustion Symptoms and I can barely understand half of what he says. His balooning technique is supposed to cause the inner penis to pop out and add up to 2 inches to the length. I am not sure about you, but adding 2 inches would be more than enough for me (at least for now). Also, his male multiple orgasm involves something different than the PC squeeze. His main focus is the tailbone muscle? How does one find this muscle? Does anyone have any experience with this or can anyone offer any insight? I think the ability to last forever with multiple orgasms would just about be better than anything. Any help?


That site is a bunch of crap, he sells something for everything


I have posted about Dr. Lin before. Doc Lin, he one funny guy, go look, you see!

Some of his underlying data & info is solid; but, he mixes his info with so much bs and sales crap that he is useless as a resource.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Tailbone muscle

The PC muscle is actually part of the Levator ani muscle and spans from the pubis (pubic bone) to the coccyx (tail bone): the pubococcygeus (PC). So the doc’s just using a slightly different term (“tailbone muscle”) for the same thing. That guy will twist things around to make you think he’s got new or different techniques, but it’s usually the stuff we already know about here at Thunder’s.

Wow, what I would give if I could make my “inner penis” “pop out”.

Well, call me a sucker, but I bought some of his VIP cream, and let me tell you, I think it is great. Orgasms feel a whole lot more intense and I seem to cum a lot more. I bought it because it is claimed to help correct curvature. I don’t know about the it fixing the curvature, but I can feel the difference in sensation. Also, I think there is something to be said about his tail bone method. When getting close to orgasm, squeeze your butt cheeks together. It feels like a whole different sensation and there could be more to it then we think.

OK you asked me to

“SUCKER” Is your dick any straighter, there are a ton of creams on the market that will increase sensitivity, but none can straighten your dick.

I got some of dino’s magic snake oil for you only 39.95 that’s right just 6 easy payments of 39.95 and if you act now I will throw in a free lifetime membership to Thunders PE forum, but act now this is only for the first 50,000 callers.

Well you asked me to call you a sucker, we have all been there

Dino :)

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