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Ballooning for beginners

Ballooning for beginners

I’ve recently gotten back into PE, and just caught up with that giant thread about ballooning by Werner Ashford. I think there’s definitely merit behind the idea of ballooning for PE purposes, and the idea of being able to separate orgasm and ejaculation to become multi orgasmic is probably more appealing to me than getting bigger. (Though I wouldn’t turn down any gains!)

Firstly, for those who haven’t read the thread, the gist of ballooning is summarized very well in 2 posts:
Werner Ashford - Sweet rewards - balloning works

I’m not interested in supplements, bogus doctors, or the mysticism behind the concept of ballooning, but I do have some questions that I am hopeful that the more experienced can answer (and I’m hopeful that this thread can be used by like minded individuals).

My questions for the vets:
Does ballooning engorge the penis to the same extent of clamping? I’ve had some success with clamping in my first month of trying it, but the idea of a more natural method of maintaining that level of engorgement would be preferable.

As far as the “retraining” of the response to more subtle stimulation, do you flex the PC muscle during the stimulation? I’m having a difficult time keeping the arousal level high despite my best efforts. Granted, I’ve only been trying for a couple days, so I’m sure I’m still very hard wired towards a rougher stimulation of the trigger areas.

Has anyone experienced ejaculation without orgasm? While edging a few times, I’ve completely relaxed, and had semen (a full ejaculation’s worth.. not just a drop or two) ooze out, without the orgasmic feeling to go along with it. The first time this happened, I was curious if I had “wasted” the orgasm, so I quickly masturbated to an orgasm with another (although smaller) ejaculation. Seems I’m going the wrong way!

Finally, what techniques did you find were the best in retraining the penis/body to enable ballooning? Is the glans totally off limits?

Thanks for any advice you guys have!

Originally Posted by Ignignot
I’ve recently gotten back into PE, and just caught up with that giant thread about ballooning by Werner Ashford. I think there’s definitely merit behind the idea of ballooning for PE purposes, and the idea of being able to separate orgasm and ejaculation to become multi orgasmic is probably more appealing to me than getting bigger. (Though I wouldn’t turn down any gains!)

Indeed. Edging/ballooing/tantra is a much more developed concept and I assume has a much larger audience than Penis Enlargement. It is probable that PE and ‘ballooing’ evolved roughly simultaneously thousands of years ago. But for whatever reason tantra - the deliberately withholding ejaculation - is a much more developed and well known idea throughout the globe. Many hundreds of publicised books are devoted to tantra/edging and there are probably thousands that at least mention the notion slightly. One cannot say the same for PE. In fact, we here are probably the ‘founding gurus’ of PE in the sense that we are slowly developing it into an art that tantra achieved thousands of years ago.

Originally Posted by Ignignot
My questions for the vets:
Does ballooning engorge the penis to the same extent of clamping? I’ve had some success with clamping in my first month of trying it, but the idea of a more natural method of maintaining that level of engorgement would be preferable.

I have never clamped, so I cannot experientially say so. What I can say is that edging sometimes engorges the penis to an extent you only experience at the climax of sex. This is not always the case, as it is possible to achieve multiple orgasms not even in an engorged state. If you ejaculate moderately, eat well and are horny (fish oil, fish oil, fish oil) you will be blessed with an otherwise sparsely experienced huge erection level while edging. Some claim it is so engorged as to act as an insideout jelqing technique - which is a currently unproved theory.

Originally Posted by Ignignot
As far as the “retraining” of the response to more subtle stimulation, do you flex the PC muscle during the stimulation? I’m having a difficult time keeping the arousal level high despite my best efforts. Granted, I’ve only been trying for a couple days, so I’m sure I’m still very hard wired towards a rougher stimulation of the trigger areas.

Bring yourself close to climax using the rougher - your normal – masturbation technique. Flexing the BC muscle will bring you to climax quicker. Once there, you will notice that your penis is a lot more sensitive. That, at that moment, is when you start more subtle, playful, barely moving stimulation whilst focusing on the relaxation of the BC muscle and the dispersing of the orgasmic feeling up your spine. You will catch on, this is not something you can just go and do. It takes a lot of failed attempts.

Originally Posted by Ignignot
Has anyone experienced ejaculation without orgasm? While edging a few times, I’ve completely relaxed, and had semen (a full ejaculation’s worth.. not just a drop or two) ooze out, without the orgasmic feeling to go along with it. The first time this happened, I was curious if I had “wasted” the orgasm, so I quickly masturbated to an orgasm with another (although smaller) ejaculation. Seems I’m going the wrong way!

Yes I have. What you described happens. Even to guys who have been edging for years. It takes many of those experiences to realise when it’s about to happen, and to have an automatic muscle and hand response to it. That will definitely occur if you have not ejaculated in, for me, four days. Ejaculation is actually beneficial for more powerful, longer orgasms and harder, more frequent erections if it is in moderation. You will discover your ejaculatory moderation in time.

Originally Posted by Ignignot
Finally, what techniques did you find were the best in retraining the penis/body to enable ballooning? Is the glans totally off limits?

Nothing is off limits. There are no masturbation techniques I can offer. Breathing is helpful. Relaxing all the muscles in the body is helpful. Focusing intently on the orgasm - on the feelings rather - is helpful, and will bring you to deep meditation as well which is one benefit of edging that I really, really savour. You won’t ever get bored meditating if you’re multiply orgasming at the same time believe me. ;)

Any more questions?

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Last edited by The Beasty One : 07-10-2006 at .

Wow… thanks for the great reply! Fish oil, huh? ..just sounds so revolting! Maybe I’ll hold off on that for a bit and see if I can’t get the gist of it without.. :)

I’m sure I’ll have plenty of other questions, but for now I think I just need some more time and practice.

Thanks again!

Yes, I also have experiences ejaculation without orgasm. Feels strange and a waste of energy, but that happened to me only when I was not in the “mode” for ballooning, when I wasn’t relaxed and when I was trying to get hard quickly. I think it is like some form of premature ejaculation. It did not happened many times.

The most important keys in ballooning for me is on my opinion (I am not multiorgasmic yet) constant deep breathing and relaxed PC muscle. As I practice it, I also discovered that I can’t ballooning with porn (that is just masturbation), the connection with “me” give me a required concentration.

Originally Posted by bel24mondo
I also discovered that I can’t ballooning with porn (that is just masturbation), the connection with “me” give me a required concentration.

So true. Edging should be approached like meditation.

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I am confused about this. Does simply holding back from ejaculation for a long period when masturbating count. For the past two weeks or so when masturbating I have held back 5 times for a period of about 10 to 15 minutes. While doing this my penis feels extremely pumped.

Anyone edge for too long? I’ve edged for like an hour and when I finally came, I felt like I was being drained of every fluid I had, and I had that (you’ve been kicked in the balls) feeling. NOT FUN!! And then my Vas deferens felt like it was permanently tightened. For some reason I feel like I’m the only idiot this has happened to, but just in case someone is foolish like me and loses track of time, don’t.

[5/22/07 - BPEL( 7.875) - NBPEL ( 7.1875) - EG (4.75)] [8/22/07 - BPEL( 8.0) - NBPEL ( 7.5) - EG (4.875)]

[12/22/07 - BPEL( 8.1875) - NBPEL ( 7.625) - EG (4.875)] [4/22/08 - BPEL( 8.357) - NBPEL ( 7.75) - EG (5)]

Goal: To gain that evasive girth I so desperately need.

Damnwork: I’ve gotten “blue balls” before.. but never from edging/masturbation.. not sure if that’s the feeling you’re describing.. I don’t think I’ve made any/much progress in the ballooning department, but all of the edging has led to some great orgasms, if nothing else.

True for some reason I had the impression blue balls was when you haven’t released in mad long, and needed to ejaculate and you’re not getting any. But you’re right.

[5/22/07 - BPEL( 7.875) - NBPEL ( 7.1875) - EG (4.75)] [8/22/07 - BPEL( 8.0) - NBPEL ( 7.5) - EG (4.875)]

[12/22/07 - BPEL( 8.1875) - NBPEL ( 7.625) - EG (4.875)] [4/22/08 - BPEL( 8.357) - NBPEL ( 7.75) - EG (5)]

Goal: To gain that evasive girth I so desperately need.

Is it possible to learn this with chronic blue balls? I had a hernia surgery years ago, wherein the scar tissue has interfered with the internals, and causes fluid buildup in one of my testes. Without a release, it because inflamed and extremley painful for several days. The doctor actually wrote me a prescription to ejaculate several times a week (of course, I show this to every girlfriend, haha)!

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