Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Secrets To Ballooning


Secrets To Ballooning

This is a long post so bear with me:

4 Months Ago:

I was surfing through the web for new PE pills, when I came across Dr. Lin’s site. Now I know how alot of you feel about him, and I’d more or less agree. He’s out there for the money. I wouldn’t go as far as to say he’s a phony, because he certainly seems to know alot about biology and chemistry, but I can understand why some of you tend to be skeptical when it comes to his products.

HOWEVER, his ballooning method is SOLID. And here’s why —

A.) It’s convenient, easy, and FREE.

B.) It promotes penis health and circulation.

C.) It can/should replace masturbation, and teaches self control.

D.) Helps premature ejaculation.

E.) It’s safe.

Ok, before I go on, let me just clarify something.

I am NOT, in any way, trying to sell Dr. Lin to you. I’m not saying ballooning is for everyone, or that it will even work for everyone, but I do know it’s been working for me and I’d like to share my method with all of you who feel they’d rather not put in hours daily to shoot for big increases when there’s a more natural, gradual way of PE.

OK, so here’s my “routine”:

(1 DAY ON/1 OFF) —-> Whenever you have time to yourself, start looking at some porno, or whatever will get you mentally aroused. Keep on your boxers or shorts. When you start feeling really horny, start rubbing (NOT STROKING) your dick. By this I mean “massaging” the upper, lower, and mid shaft with the 4 fingers on your left hand (or right hand if your a lefty). If this help, imagine your left handing typing on a keyboard. Take away your thumb, keep the 4 fingers closer together, and just start massaging (technique can vary, whatever feels best). Make sure not to rub too fast or hard. This is a marathon, not a race.

With your boxers or shorts still on, keep watching the porn, getting aroused. You’re gonna wanna be REALLY horny for your sessions. In between massaging your shaft, you can also begin stroking your shaft slowly in a palms down fashion (don’t do it vigorously, slower and lighter is best).

In order to stimulate your BC muscle, you can do the palms down stroke at the base of the shaft, and softly “finger” the underside (so you can feel the ligament). It is important to note that when you start feeling ready, you should start throwing in some hard kegels (they should be rapid kegels maybe once every 10 seconds or more, or whatever is easiest for you).

Still keep your boxers/shorts on, even when you’re extremely hard. Keep mixing up the 4-finger massage with the palms down stroke (up and down the shaft) and the kegels.

When you’re good and rock hard, and have been doing the routine for around 45 minutes, you can start jerking off. For the next 15 minutes, take off your boxers or shorts, and begin stroking your dick (I don’t do it palms down anymore, just regular grip), slowly, and if you feel the urge to cum, do whatever you have to to hold it in (breath in deeply, stop for a moment, slow your stroke, etc, etc.)

Once you’ve eclipsed an hour, you’re free to unload.


I’ve done this for about a week so far, every other day, with COMPLETE rest on my off days, and have noticed a bigger, longer, thicker erection. I’ve increased about 1/4 in. In length, and definitely some girth. Plus my softies are better.

Part of this I believe is due to my full rest days. It lets your dick re-energize all the hormones and nerve endings. That’s why it’s important not to mix this routine with any other (aside from maybe some light jelqing on your days off).

The whole premise of ballooning is to engorge your dick with as much blood as possible, and gradually, your dick will be able to take on more and more, and it will grow. I’ve had some of the biggest hardons of MY LIFE this week. Toward the end of my sessions, I get so hard I can barely point it up because it’s so rigid. I never used to be able to hit my belly button, but now I can ( I’m 8 1/4 inches long, 2 1/4 in. Wide).

This may not be the best exercise for those of you aiming for BIG increases, but for those of you that are mostly happy with whatever size you have, but would like trying something natural, safe, and effective that can help give you better erections, help you last longer, and keep you horny all the time, then this it.

Last edited by bobs3304 : 06-23-2006 at .

Ya, I’ve seen that thread before. Complex crap that I couldn’t understand even if I tried.

By the way, I’d also like to add the following:

A.) Exercise, eating healthy, and sleep is important to rejuvenate your body, mind, and dick.

B.) Feel free to add Fowfering to your weekly schedule (while your sleeping, at work, while watching TV, etc.)

C.) Baths are good for circulation.

That’s all for now.

Originally Posted by ThunderSS
And yet you read Lin? Now that is complete crap.

I’m not positive but I believe Lin expropriated this ballooning idea from someone else.

Hey man, chill out.

Why so egregious?

Lin has the whole “ballooning thing” patented I believe.

And who cares if he did or didn’t invent it. He’s the one most noted for pushing it. And it does work. The theory is sound from where I’m sitting.

1 other important note:

Drink ALOT of water. Gives you bigger softies.

You’d be surprised.

Al Gore invented ballooning in the early 70’s at the time he was working on several new inventions like the 8 track tape.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Hey now!

Let’s not pick on Al.

He’s had to put up with a lot - like having an election stolen from him. So he got a little excited and had a case of spontaneous hyperbole regarding the internet - he has since expressed his chagrin and corrected himself.

Let’s cut him some slack and focus on the real enemy: Haliburton.

PS: Dr. Lin invented balooning in a similar way Mike Salvini translated Arabic texts to bring the Western world jelquing: in his dreams.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

I think Howie Mandel must have been there too, because he did a variation on that joke with a surgical glove over his head. He claimed he learned it from medical residents while doing research for St. Elsewhere, but now I think the real truth is finally coming out.

All roads lead to Al Gore.

So are we done adverising for Dr. Lin?

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Originally Posted by bobs3304

Now I know how alot of you feel about him, and I’d more or less agree. He’s out there for the money. I wouldn’t go as far as to say he’s a phony, because he certainly seems to know alot about biology and chemistry, but I can understand why some of you tend to be skeptical when it comes to his products.

Originally Posted by ThunderSS

And in the interest of “equal air time”:

Exposing Dr. Lin

Originally Posted by bobs3304

Ya, I’ve seen that thread before. Complex crap that I couldn’t understand even if I tried.

The “complex crap” is to show that Lin doesn’t know as much about human physiology, biology and the chemistry of the body as his readers believe he does. You want us to trust you and accept your claims about ballooning, please do me the same favor.

Lin knows very little about human physiology so he tends to add to his poor explanations by running together big medical words into complex sentences to make himself sound more knowledgeable and important. In truth, he is very good at one thing: conning men into stopping masturbation and to start taking his pills. You understand, don’t you, that he’s not a phyician? His doctorate is in civil engineering.

What we need: I’m sure you’ve seen/read Werner Ashford’s long thread on the subject: Sweet rewards - balloning works. What I have yet to see from him, and I’m asking the same from you, is some form of proof that the extended masturbation technique called “ballooning” actually makes your dick bigger. With photos. If you please.

Originally Posted by Mr. Happy

All roads lead to Al Gore.

Al Gore knows Kevin Bacon.
All roads lead to Kevin.


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