Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Secrets To Ballooning

Originally Posted by RootCap
Al Gore knows Kevin Bacon.
All roads lead to Kevin.


I stand corrected.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Originally Posted by Mr. Happy

PS: Dr. Lin invented balooning in a similar way Mike Salvini translated Arabic texts to bring the Western world jelquing: in his dreams.

Now thats funny, but true.

If he invented ballooning, I am the one who invented farting.

It _is_ a pretty far off compared to what Dr. Lin says..

You know why?
Because it’s a practical and actually usable/easy to use step-by-step guide ;)

On a sidenote:
I don’t know if ballooning by itself increases of your member.. Probably got something to do with the belief it will do so.
But then, even just believing your dick will grow easily and naturally (and may I add, rapidly ;) ) works.

Ballooning is just a fun way to get very horny and long orgasms.. and if you are so inclined, cleanse your chakras, etc. pp. (no matter if they actually exist for real or just in your mind.. But then your body is constantly being controlled and recreated by your mind so even if there were no chakras to begin with you could easily develop them over time by the sheer belief they are real indeed ;) ).

Have fun with whatever you may call this, but leave Dr. Lin’s name out of it..
He got nothing to do with it (mainly because his “explanations” aren’t practical).


No. Ballooning is not just getting oneself horny or maintaining an erection for a prolonged period.

Take a ruler and measure your penis while masturbating. Just before ejaculation your erection will be slightly larger than usual. This has been discussed in scientific literature. The idea is to spend as much time in this hyper erect state as possible by training yourself to uncouple ejaculation from the hyper erection. I don’t know if this will result in gains.

Here’s my response to all of you for today:

Ok, yes. I’ll admit Dr. Lin’s “ballooning” and mine are different. But they are based on the same concept, that is, to keep your dick in an extended period of erection so that it’s constantly filled with blood.

I’m not doctor, but I think the premise is that, the more often your dick is filled to the brim with blood, the more capable it is of expanding.

Also, when we’re massaging as I explained in my 1st post, it’s similar to what bodybuilders have done to them by a massage therapist to expand the muscle. They have their muscle massaged “hard” and eventually it helps build it up.

Now I know this is your penis, so obviously “hard” massage isn’t necessary. And I’m also aware those muscles and this one are different (skeletal muscle versus smooth). But I’m still a believer (since it’s working for me) that ballooning can, in time, improve penile health, boost erections, and help premature ejaculation.

We’re probably not talking about adding an inch or more. I’d like to think half an inch is the plateau for most of us (I’ve experienced about 1/4 an inch increase in my erections). But that’s fine for me. I guess my goal is to see if, in time, I can hit 8 1/2 inches.

I don’t have a dig. Cam, so I didn’t take before photos. But I might not mind taking after photos if/when I hit my goal.

Your right that ballooning is the real deal, but you’d have better success if you avoid touching the lower section of your penis, as this is linked to the prostate, not the BC muscle. Ballooning should ideally involve a minimum of touching as you should let your erection fill up naturally. The only touching should be done on the upper shaft (the bit you look down on).

I am astounded that nobody takes this technique seriously, but if you take the time to learn it you will last as long as you like while experiencing greater enjoyment of sex. Your penis will be bigger than you have ever seen it and the more it fills up with blood, the easier it will be to hold back ejaculation. Ballooning has something of a numbing effect (the hyper erection that penismith discussed), yet you can still feel everything. It’s hard to explain unless you’ve experienced it.

Originally Posted by mistertee

Your right that ballooning is the real deal, but you’d have better success if you avoid touching the lower section of your penis, as this is linked to the prostate, not the BC muscle.

Please explain.

penismith: That’s what I did (the uncoupling), but got way too horny.. three days without cumming in a row while having 15-20 orgasms in that time just is too much. Guess I still need to work on my technique ^^

misterT: You are right about the ideally non touching at all.. I got nearly there and could maintain an erection for hours (if I had the time), but even the minimal touching I still needed was too much for my dick to handle after a 1.5+ hour erection.. Thus desensitisation (?) occured until I left it alone for half an hour to an hour.

westla: I think he’s on about the nerve endings right below (z-axis = bottom of glans) and right below (y-axis = below the head on the shaft, where the skin connects to the head) the glans. Which (at least for me) caused an immediate and rapid BC-contraction response.. If you leave those out (eg. relaxing your BC to the max) your prostate won’t get nearly as many signals as when you do, thus a very lessened urge to actually ejaculate ;)



When you flex your BC muscle, you can FEEL it underneath. I’m not technically massaging it, more like very lightly stimulating it when I kegel.

But most of my attention is paid to massaging the upper shaft.

My goal is till 8 1/2.

I think it’s achievable. All ballooning really is, is max. Engorgement. And then rest.

That’s it.

Edit: I know the “numb” feeling he’s talking about. Once you get past having to cum, eventually you’ll just feel relaxed and able to hold it in longer, and you won’t feel the sensations as much. That’s the best part of the routine.

Originally Posted by bobs3304
Ok, yes. I’ll admit Dr. Lin’s “ballooning” and mine are different. But they are based on the same concept, that is, to keep your dick in an extended period of erection so that it’s constantly filled with blood.

Not necessarily. There is evidence that the hormonal profile within the penis is different immediately before ejaculation and this particular mixture of hormones may have a different effect than the mixture present in a standard erection, no matter how long you maintain it.

For the record, I have not learned to uncouple ejaculation for orgasm and I can only dream about what multiple orgasms without ejaculation are like. But I have not tried very hard either.

I think we need some clarification. We seem to have two schools of thought on ballooning. We have the Lin style which involves massaging the sides of the root of the penis and a little on the top and we have the Ashford method which seems to have evolved into a primarily mental or thought based type of stimulation. People often forget that Ashford also does some manual clamping after ballooning. Both of them are against BC muscle clamping to retain ejaculate. They are claiming to do something else. I would not be surprised to learn that one can consciously train their body to suppress certain signals to the prostrate during orgasm but I don’t know that it is possible.

Last edited by penismith : 06-24-2006 at .


Quick update.

I’ve stumbled a tiny bit.

Yesterday it got the point where I was so horny I started light touching down there even though it was my off day.

Well I stopped after 5-10 minutes, went to play ball, came back, and my softy wasn’t the same. I got so horny later on that I just decided to do my routine, and skip Saturday, and maybe Sunday and Monday as well if I felt my dick needed more rest.


On rest days, D-I-S-C-I-P-L-I-N-E is key.

I’m new to this whole thing, but when you wake up in the morning and have an erection, surely it must have been hard for longer than an hour? I usually wake up with an erection everyday and it is almost always harder than normal. Isn’t this the same as ballooning? With that thought, shouldn’t I be getting a slightly bigger penis everyday-cos I’m not.

Originally Posted by beenie169
I’m new to this whole thing, but when you wake up in the morning and have an erection, surely it must have been hard for longer than an hour? I usually wake up with an erection everyday and it is almost always harder than normal. Isn’t this the same as ballooning? With that thought, shouldn’t I be getting a slightly bigger penis everyday-cos I’m not.

That is a very logical observation. :)

beenie, well yeah.. But maybe, just maybe ;) , your dick is erect at night (usually during the R.E.M. phases IIRC) in order to KEEP your current size (and heal and regenerate at that size of course).


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