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ED came along new routine

ED came along new routine

Started doing 7on-0off last week and got seven days in the bag now. I don’t actually feel that I am over working, but signs showed up last night, when we were fooling around with my girl. Everything went normally and fine until my penis just didn’t want to continue intercourse, even if it did for a few minutes. Same thing happened today, argh. I’m questioning myself that is this due to 7on routine, or is it something different like my girl doesn’t turn me on enough. She does do that to me and I believe this ED is due to this off-dayless routine. Still I keep thinking that other option somehow.

Plateau has been going on for six months already, and I really wouldn’t want to change my routine to more easier one, because I’ve been following this new one for only seven days. Stupid as it sounds, I’m looking for guidance… I haven’t told my girlfriend about my PE hobby yet, and I don’t know if I ever will, but will move in together next month and I don’t want to go through this anymore trying to explain to her somethin that isn’t true (=I am doing PE, and that’s probably why lil willie doesn’t work properly).


A Man behind his mask.

I’ve dealt with the same issues, Johan, and am still dealing with them. The more I think about it, the less I actually think it’s a physical form of ED due to PE.

Because of all the time and effort we put into PE, it’s like we are thinking PENIS 24/7. This, of course, would never be more true than when we are with a partner, and we want the results to show! But, alas, the male brain seems wired backwards here. The more we think about it, the less it works….

Take the guy that NEVER has PE’d, and NEVER has worried about his size (damn, wouldn’t that be sweet???) I doubt he’d ever have an episode of performance anxiety in his life. (as a generalization).

For myself, lately, seems like if I actually “forget” about what I’m doing, everything works well, regardless of how intense my PE session was. Interestingly enough, some of the best sex I’ve had to date has been at about 2-3 AM, when I’m half-asleep. I’ll wake up fully, going “WTF??”. My body WANTS to work, and it does, but my mind seems to want to screw things up.

Mindset, it’s all about mindset.

If you procrastinate you choose LAST

Mindset, it’s all about mindset.

I dont think that this is a case of performance anxiety, but hell, I feel that I don’t know anything at the moment, so it’s also a possibility. I have to admit that I’ve been thinking more my penis recently though - even more than sex itself. :dissap: That’s depressing the more I think of this all.

A Man behind his mask.

Simple test:

Can you get it up fully on your own?

Yes - Its all in your head
No - Its your routine

Dont worry Johan, it will all be ok!

Originally posted by SS4Jelq
Simple test:

Can you get it up fully on your own?

Yes - Its all in your head
No - Its your routine

Dont worry Johan, it will all be ok!

Well.. I had a pretty decent morning wood this morning, so it’s my head, again. ;)

I’ll stick with my routine. Thanks SS IV.

A Man behind his mask.

I´ve had minor versions of your problem Johan and it was all in my head. Your earlier posts looked pretty anxious to me, so I think it´s just a mindset like Canwood and SS4 say.


Have you considered taking some L-Arginine (LA) ~an hour before anticipated sex?

LA is precursor to nitric oxide (NO), the very, very short lived (~5 seconds) gas that causes erections. You might try LA capsules from health food store to see if LA works for you. If it does you might want to consider buying bulk….less expensive. I’m working on my 5th kilo from These two sites give you some information on LA.

http://www.smar … rginineText.htm

Another supplement that is attracting some interest is Maca.

The Peruvians consider Maca as a food and take gram quantities rather than a supplement that we generally take milligram quantitative of.

I’ve order Maca from the following two vendors. A pound of Maca powder from Raintree costs $25.00 + $4.00 shipping by priority mail. I ordered a kilo from other vendor.
I take 4 gms Maca/dy….sprinkle all four gms over food at breakfast.

Free Sample of Imperial Gold Maca is available for menopause, hot flashes and male associated problems such as impotence and erectile dysfunction etc.

http://www.rain …

I learned about Maca from a member at Yahoo | Mail, Weather, Search, Politics, News, Finance, Sports & Videos

There’s actually a poll in progress at ASI on Maca.

For me, pumping my dick, LA and Maca seem to be a winning combo.

You seemed a little indecisive about your “morning wood”. LA during the day and/or at bedtime gives me non-bendable, piss hardons; probably Maca helps.

BTW, Maca has a high concentration of LA. Raintree’s site gives biochemical analysis.

Just my experiences.

Good luck,

OR eon
65 yo


If your doing a lot of stretching it will cause some temporary ed, you need to take some time off or at least schedule your exercises many hours before sex. Once not thinking I was going to be having sex I did a shit load of stretches and than about 45 minutes or more of jelqing and squeezes and about a trillion kegals. Well than I got company and my dick was tired, but this lady I was seeing was a real trooper and has a very talented mouth and we got past it. But if she didn’t want to blow me for 15 minutes I would have been to tired to fuck. When we PE we are beating the hell out of our dicks and they just need time to recover. I think your 7 day routine is only good for length I think girth gains need more time off.


Guys, thanks for your concern, but I’m allright already, because I’ve been taking few days off from PE. That I can recommend to everyone, if they have same kind of symptoms as I did, and aren’t too concerned about making fast gains.

A Man behind his mask.

My advice to you John is not to tell the girlfriend about PEing. Yes, that is true. Even if we in this forum is accepting the thought of working or stretching the penis, girls don’t yet. Think if you where dating a girl with quite average breasts. Then finally after half a year she told you she worked them 7 days a week to make them bigger… Sounds like she has hidden a hobby and it will feel like she hasn’t been totally honest with you all he time. Similar threads have been up “Shall I tell my girlfriend or not” and those who have has gotten bad responses…

If you really are going to tell her say it in a humoristic way. Like I found out that it lengthen when I stretched it for straight out some minutes a day. So I´ve kept stretching it that way many weeks… And then you add the ballooning theory and more if she accepts it….

Restarting everything.


about the gf.

If she is a long term live in type (basically a wife without the paperwork) it can be a great advantage to telling. However if this is not the case I’d keep it quiet. Telling my wife made doing my routine a lot easier, she respects the closed door and even seems concerned and asks whether I’m not going to exercise if I don’t get to it at the usual time. In her case she seems to be a bit turned on by the whole thing. If she is a longtimer/live in you need to find a natural segue into the topic. Don’t make it seem like you are asking permission to do it or to continue. More like “this is what I am doing for my own self image issues and for our mutual pleasure, I would like your support.”

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!

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