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Edging, potential ED, high standards and some other issues - HELP NEEDED!


You are starting to scare me, mravg. It’s not that I am completely impotent and can’t get an erection. I can, but not always. Why are you so pessimistic?

Sorry I don’t mean to be negative, but I have read a lot of similar comments to yours and I compare that to my own sexual life and experience. People say they have trouble getting erections, and they think they need to take a pill, or that they watch too much porn, or masturbate too much, or use the wrong grip, etc. I am 45 years old and I have sex daily and masturbate daily, and have been doing it all my life. I watch plenty of porn, sometimes take supplements and sometimes don’t, but my overall health is good. People tend to grasp at straws for the simple explanation for their problems, but usually I see people grasping at the wrong straws.

You have a little bit of an ED problem. I am sure you can find the solution and have the sexual performance you want, but I don’t think your problem has anything to do with supplements, masturbation, or any of those other things. A healthy 27 year old should have enough sexual energy to make those things unimportant. You might have a physical or emotional issue. Neither is anything to be ashamed of. You just need to figure it out and solve it.

Horny Bastard

Originally Posted by mravg
I agree, in part, Avocet. When he said he has never been a guy full of testosterone, I assumed that he did not draw this conclusion from clinical testing, but rather from his self image of his own “manliness”. I was just trying to get to the bottom of why he said that about himself. He could feel that he his “not the macho type” because of many different reasons.
On the other hand, although I believe a big strong hairy masculine guy full of T could be gay, a slight, hairless, feminine male is likely to have low T and also is more likely to be gay, so there is probably some relationship eh?

We agree with each other, just not in the conclusions. There are a lot of slightly built, not-hairy straight guys with very high T levels out there, some of whom have had to deal with the sterotypical and false judgement call that they must be sort of light in the loafers, too. I just don’t see how looking “macho” or not has anything to do with sexual orientation, or libido, or erectile function.

That having been said, :) , Nemanja is young, inexperienced at sex, and nervous about sex going right. All young adults need to get in the habit of getting a complete physical at least every two years in order to keep abreast of “silent” problems such as diabetes. And no harm in asking for a simple blood hormone panel to be done during an exam (not expensive) so that one then has a base line to check against ten or fifteen years down the road when erectile issues are more common.



Originally Posted by avocet8
We agree with each other, just not in the conclusions. There are a lot of slightly built, not-hairy straight guys with very high T levels out there, some of whom have had to deal with the sterotypical and false judgement call that they must be sort of light in the loafers, too. I just don’t see how looking “macho” or not has anything to do with sexual orientation, or libido, or erectile function.

I don’t mean to hijack this thread, but I am interested in this testosterone topic.
Testosterone effects things like body hair growth, muscle growth, voice deepening, and sex drive, does it not? Testosterone is used as a treatment for ED and sex drive problems. So these characteristics that are effected by T, are also the same characteristics we call “macho”.
It may be that there are slightly built, non hairy guys with high T, but I would guess that is kind of rare considering even a woman will start to grow face and body hair, and muscle mass, if given injections of T.
So I think high T would mean you are more likely to look “macho”, and to have a higher sex drive, and to have better erectile function assuming other factors, like cardiovascular health and emotional issues are ok. You may be right Avocet, that T does not have an effect on sexual orientation however. I just don’t know about that one. But I am thinking about the very effeminate type guy that we have all seen. This may be a stereotype, but I expect that they are usually gay, and just from the fact they appear feminine, probably have low T.
To relate this back to the thread topic, Nemanja, your testosterone levels should not be low at your age, but if they are, it could cause a lot of the symptoms you are having. Like Avocet said, a simple blood test will tell you a lot, and if everything is normal, at least you have the knowldedge that you need to look elsewhere to solve your problem. I would check total testosterone and free testosterone (sometimes called bound and unbound), for starters. If they look abnormal, your doctor would probably want to check FSH, LH, estrogen, etc to look for the cause of the problem.

Horny Bastard

Mravg, obviously you have a very strong sex drive. I know a guy who used to masturbate five times a day. Most people in relationships and marriages have sex 2-4 times a week, and obviously you belong in a well above average group. Maybe I am grasping for straws as you say, maybe not. Time will tell. But I don’t expect ever to have as high sex drive as you have, and I don’t think that a person with a lower sex drive then yours necessarily has an erectile dysfunction. But still, thank you for your help and words of support.
I will try an exercise program and Zaneblue’s diet. If it doesn’t help, I’ll go to the doctor.
And can anybody tell me what DHEA is?

Just before posting this I saw your latest post mravg. I can tell you that I am quite hairy, I have a very strong beard, and hairs on chest, legs, even on my butt. And I have a deep voice. But that hair never made me a macho man, and when you look at me you can see that I’m gentle and somewhat “fragile” if I may say so. As I said, I will try with a lighter approach, and if it doesn’t help I will follow your advice and see a doctor.

DHEA (dihydroepiandrosterone) is an adrenal hormone that is a couple of chemical steps away from testosterone. People who sell it claim it can do amazing things. It is similar to some of the testosterone precursors that were being sold at health food stores, like the “andro” that Mark Mcguire said he was taking (now we know he was on roids, not precursors). If I recall correctly DHEA converts to androstenadione which converts to testosterone in the body.
If you were to take it, I assume it would be to improve sex drive by increasing testosterone. But wouldn’t it make more sense to find out if you have low testosterone before you try to boost it?
The problem with DHEA, and with the other precursor chemicals, is that they can increase estrogen levels, and they can actually decrease natural production of testosterone by introducing and artificial source. I still think it is wise to get a blood test now, but it may be difficult or expensive where you live. But I wouldn’t try messing with testosterone or precursors of it without working with a doctor and knowing what your levels are.

As for your hair, I think that I may have made it sound like all those characteristics are directly testosterone related, but I know there are a lot of genetic and other factors that effect your body type and hairiness.

Horny Bastard

Originally Posted by Nemanja

I will try an exercise program and Zaneblue’s diet. If it doesn’t help, I’ll go to the doctor.
And can anybody tell me what DHEA is?

As I said, I will try with a lighter approach, and if it doesn’t help I will follow your advice and see a doctor.

If you choose the diet option, you may be putting the horse before the cart. You don’t know now what your blood values are or whether what she promotes is appropriate to your situation. Find out first what your deficiences are, if any, and then make the decision as to how to best make improvements. If you are overweight, you don’t need me or Zane to tell you that you need to reduce your caloric intake and exercise more. You know that already.

As for supplements, be careful about what you decide to take.



Originally Posted by mravg
I don’t mean to hijack this thread, but I am interested in this testosterone topic.
Testosterone effects things like body hair growth, muscle growth, voice deepening, and sex drive, does it not? Testosterone is used as a treatment for ED and sex drive problems. So these characteristics that are effected by T, are also the same characteristics we call “macho”.
It may be that there are slightly built, non hairy guys with high T, but I would guess that is kind of rare considering even a woman will start to grow face and body hair, and muscle mass, if given injections of T.
So I think high T would mean you are more likely to look “macho”, and to have a higher sex drive, and to have better erectile function assuming other factors, like cardiovascular health and emotional issues are ok. You may be right Avocet, that T does not have an effect on sexual orientation however. I just don’t know about that one. But I am thinking about the very effeminate type guy that we have all seen. This may be a stereotype, but I expect that they are usually gay, and just from the fact they appear feminine, probably have low T.
To relate this back to the thread topic, Nemanja, your testosterone levels should not be low at your age, but if they are, it could cause a lot of the symptoms you are having. Like Avocet said, a simple blood test will tell you a lot, and if everything is normal, at least you have the knowldedge that you need to look elsewhere to solve your problem. I would check total testosterone and free testosterone (sometimes called bound and unbound), for starters. If they look abnormal, your doctor would probably want to check FSH, LH, estrogen, etc to look for the cause of the problem.

Let’s make a new thread out of this T relationship to sexual orientation. You start. :)



Originally Posted by avocet8
If you choose the diet option, you may be putting the horse before the cart. You don’t know now what your blood values are or whether what she promotes is appropriate to your situation. Find out first what your deficiences are, if any, and then make the decision as to how to best make improvements. If you are overweight, you don’t need me or Zane to tell you that you need to reduce your caloric intake and exercise more. You know that already.

As for supplements, be careful about what you decide to take.

I wrote that I had my blood checked two weeks ago, and that it is OK. However, I don’t know if the kind of blood check I did was the one you propose me to do. I did a classic blood test, which tells you how many erythrocytes, leukocytes and stuff like that you have, and they checked my blood sedimentation. It all proved to be all right. Magnesium and Zink pills, and I think fish oil as well are being sold freely (as far as I know) as supplements that may be beneficial for everyone but not harmful. I don’t see why I need a full medical examination before taking a magnesium pill?

I don’t see why either. If you don’t mind the expense, why not try it for a month and see what happens. Although hormonal bloodwork is a good idea before you try any of those “male” herbals like terretris tribulus or maca or even DHEA.

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Originally Posted by Nemanja
I wrote that I had my blood checked two weeks ago, and that it is OK. However, I don’t know if the kind of blood check I did was the one you propose me to do. I did a classic blood test, which tells you how many erythrocytes, leukocytes and stuff like that you have, and they checked my blood sedimentation. It all proved to be all right. Magnesium and Zink pills, and I think fish oil as well are being sold freely (as far as I know) as supplements that may be beneficial for everyone but not harmful. I don’t see why I need a full medical examination before taking a magnesium pill?

I was referring to a blood hormone panel, not the standard blood run that you had.

Before embarking on zinc supplements, do some reading in the Supplements Forum. Nearly every reliable resource suggests no more than 50 mg a day and many feel that this is overkill since you get zinc daily in your diet. Read also about copper leaching caused by excess zinc.



I didn’t know about these negative side effects of zinc. I’ll keep that on mind.

Originally Posted by avocet8

Find out first what your deficiences are, if any, and then make the decision as to how to best make improvements.

Check out magnesium, also. If that isn’t covered in our Supp. Forum, do a Google on it.




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