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Erectile Dysfunction Please Help

Erectile Dysfunction Please Help

Hello for the last couple of months my erections have been weak to average at best. I was doing some heavy clamping for about 3 months but stopped due to lack of gains. I don’t think I have permanently damaged my erectile tissues but Im not sure. I never injured myself clamping but maybe it takes awhile for the tissues to fully repair themselves. Clamping might not even be the cause as I am a college student that hasn’t slept more than 5 or 6 hrs in the same 3 month span. So if anybody can share some advice and some experiences with clamping layoffs it will be deeply appreciated. Thanks!

Current:7.75 bpel 4.8eg. midshaft Goal: 8.5 bpel 6 eg

just tryin to fullfil the destiny of the black sterotype lol

Low EQ could be a sign of overwork. This, hand in hand with stress (lack of sleep etc.) is lowering your ding dong :) . I don’t think you ruined anthing. How many weeks ago you stopped clamping?

Yeah clamping is pretty easy to overdo. I’ve had poor EQ plenty of times after clamping just a little too much/hard. Just give it some more time off and see how it goes.

Hey thanks for the reply! I quit clamping about a 7 weeks ago and I also cut way down on the masturbation( couple times a week) and i quit watching porn. I have normal flaccids and a descent engorgement but nothing hard enough for good penetration. Color wise every things looks good besides obvious pe work. I don’t believe I did permanent damage either but I want to be sure I don’t have venous leakage or anything and that everything will return to normal with a long period of rest and some improved sleeping habits. So what do you think?

Current:7.75 bpel 4.8eg. midshaft Goal: 8.5 bpel 6 eg

just tryin to fullfil the destiny of the black sterotype lol

Thanks a lot random giant I know what you mean you start looking pretty impressive while clamping and you tend to go overboard. Trust me I wont clamp anytime soon

Current:7.75 bpel 4.8eg. midshaft Goal: 8.5 bpel 6 eg

just tryin to fullfil the destiny of the black sterotype lol

I think this is the case
>>everything will return to normal with a long period of rest and some improved sleeping habits.<<

And I think focusing on your EQ has increased your anxiety, worsening the issue. Relax. Speaking with a Doc could maybe help calming you.

marinera is it possible to permanently damage “erectile tissues.”?

I assume yes, with a knife :) .

Seriously, I think clamping offers relative high probability of TA tears; it would not be permanent either. Another possibility would be damaging nerves. It could be really worse than damaging erectile tissue. Maybe this can happens with stretching, with a (bad) grip tightened extremely hard - but it’s unlikely. Hanging could be dangerous for nerves, also.

But, in the case of the OP, I think he hasn’t anything like the above issues.

No marinera I’m ok I trust you I will relax and give it a rest. Only hard thing is that I have this girl that likes sex all day everyday, I’m sure I will manage. Thanks a bunch for the help!

Current:7.75 bpel 4.8eg. midshaft Goal: 8.5 bpel 6 eg

just tryin to fullfil the destiny of the black sterotype lol

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