You’re right. I’ve been suffering for a long time. I even have two “magic” numbers that until I’m at I will not be happy. Of course it is folly to suggest that there is a size where everything will click into place and I’ll be done with PE, this is not the case, but until I’m 7” NBPEL x 5” EGMS I will not be happy enough to even have normal erections on a regular basis.
I would be more worried that it was physical except that I’ve been very careful with PE, and also that I can really feel this mental block going on. It’s like 85% of my brain time is spent thinking about sizing up, the other 15% gets to think about pleasure etc and doesn’t do so well.
I saw an advert for a hypnotherapist and psychotherapist and even considered seeing how much a session would cost. I would really like to hear what I’d say under hypnosis when asked the question “why do you feel so bad about your size?”.
As it stands I’m perfectly happy with the length. At a max of 8” BPEL at the moment, I feel pretty long. It’s the girth that gets me. 4.5” was bad, 4.75” is better but not there yet. The base is 5”, sometimes a little over and that feels right. That’s what I need to get to, as if my brain has sifted through thousands of statistics and decided that these two numbers combine to create a penis that’s worthy.
I think WBH’s problem is more performance related, but my problem and his both stem from the excessive focus on the penis. Maybe it’s time for a break from the forum WBH? I did that once and it really helped to make me focus on other things. Plus when you get back their’s loads to read.
Good luck!