Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Fellow uncircumsized men - Un-identifiable white substance on my glans?


Y’all are freaking out over nothing.
I am intact, and I occasionally get this too. It IS a layer of skin. Your glans sheds skin, just like the rest of you. But, because it is covered most of the time, it doesn’t rub off in small bits of dust. It’s moist and stays together.

It’s no big deal and it’s completely normal. Relax.

Soap on the glans is fine if you rinse it completely before putting the foreskin back over it. I give Big Johnny a good soapy washing about once every 3 days or so. I tend to use moisturizer on my cock and balls because I tend to have dry skin in general, so yeah, I moisturize my entire dick. It feels good.

Seriously - relax. It’s normal.

I love my cock. I just want it to be the best cock it can be!

BPEL: 7.5" (on a real good day), EG: 6" (head) and 5 (shaft), Nutts 2”

I don`t know for sure what this phenomenon was, but I decided to try treating it with Canesten.

After a few days it was pretty much all gone and my glans looked really clean and nice. Since it was kind of a hazzle to lube up with Canesten several times per day, I think I stopped treatment too early. The “problem” came back later on.

This time I decided to try Canesten once again and this time several times per day for two weeks.

Since that, I have never seen it again. I may see pieces of white substance from time to time, but nothing that I do not easily wash off.

I hear some guys say that this is no big deal and completely nomal. Well, perhaps it is and also harmless, but I would never ever show my dick to a girl when it looked like that :D

So, it was a problem for me. Now it seems to be gone though ;)

Btw, Canesten is a anti fungus cream.


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