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Fellow uncircumsized men - Un-identifiable white substance on my glans?


Fellow uncircumsized men - Un-identifiable white substance on my glans?

Hey guys,

I have a problem that`s been haunting me for years.

I have no STD`s. 100% certain. I have encountered it since my early teens.

The problem is that from time to time, I get a white substance on my glans. It looks like a superthin layer of skin that is peeling off. When this white substance appears it may take almost a week before it disappears. It`s almost like my skin dries out.

As a teen, nobody ever told me that I should not use soap directly on my glans, so naturally I wanted to be as clean as possible and used soap daily.

I then heard that soap should not be used directly on the glans and dramatically reduced my use of soap.

I still like to wash it with soap a couple of times a week after sex, because it just don`t feel as clean if I don`t. Naturally I shower daily.

From time to time I still get this problem. What should I do? Should I daily lube myself or is something else wrong? I noticed that I seldom had it when I was on a frequent jelq workout(applying lots of vaselin or oil on a daily basis).

I would like to eliminate this 100 % and it may indeed seem like my glans is drying out, still it should not be necessary for a young healthy male to lube his penis daily to avoid such a problem? It does not hurt or anything, but it is very unattractive.

Curious if anyone else experiences this.


If it smells like hell, wash it off. If not, consult a doctor. I´m uncut too and only had a white substance beneath my foreskin when I was a kid, it smelled very bad and I learned it´s called smegma. I always was my glans with soap and I have no problem at all.

Are you referring to smegma?

Smegma - Wikipedia

-Borat Uncut Live 2007

Start (12-01-06): 7.5" PBEL 5.5" EG

http://www.sexd … ans_smegma.html

Do you use a too aggressive soap? If so you can use a soap with a pH next to skin’s pH (it could be a reaction or "self-defense" towards a too acid or too basic soap).
Maybe try to wash the glans without soap, only water.

"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” - Eleanor Roosevelt

That’s not smegma , because smegma isn’t really dry. I would see a doctor , just to make sure what it is.

The problem is that it is not possible to wash off it off even though how hard I would brush. I can get of little by little if I try hard, but I cannot completely remove it by will. It takes a little time when I encounter it before it fades away.

It literary looks like it is a superthin layer of skin that is slowly peeling off.

As for smelling it does not smell at all.

I use a very mild soap that is specifically made for washing the genitals and I do not apply much either. I just rinse my hands with soap and apply carefully to the glans and quickly showers it off. My penile hygiene is very good.

I`m pretty sure it is not smegma though.

Thanks so far guys!

Sorry to change subject. but why shouldn’t you use soap on the glans? I never heard that one.

Grow yourself a whopper, then tell her to fuck off.

Originally Posted by Renholder
Hey guys,

I have a problem that`s been haunting me for years.

I have no STD`s. 100% certain. I have encountered it since my early teens.

The problem is that from time to time, I get a white substance on my glans. It looks like a superthin layer of skin that is peeling off. When this white substance appears it may take almost a week before it disappears. It`s almost like my skin dries out.

As a teen, nobody ever told me that I should not use soap directly on my glans, so naturally I wanted to be as clean as possible and used soap daily.

I then heard that soap should not be used directly on the glans and dramatically reduced my use of soap.

I still like to wash it with soap a couple of times a week after sex, because it just don`t feel as clean if I don`t. Naturally I shower daily.

From time to time I still get this problem. What should I do? Should I daily lube myself or is something else wrong? I noticed that I seldom had it when I was on a frequent jelq workout(applying lots of vaselin or oil on a daily basis).

I would like to eliminate this 100 % and it may indeed seem like my glans is drying out, still it should not be necessary for a young healthy male to lube his penis daily to avoid such a problem? It does not hurt or anything, but it is very unattractive.

Curious if anyone else experiences this.


Hi Fellow Uncut,
I have had this condition from time to time over the years and finally figured it out. What you are seeing is actually a very thin layer of skin as you suspected. It happens whenever I run a slight fever for non specific causes. The heat generated by the fever raises the body temp sufficiently that the glans, being covered by your foreskin which holds the heat in, sheds the first layer of skin. The clue came to me when I was running a seriously high fever from an infection and the shedding accrued simultaneously. Rinse with plain warm water and do not use soap. Your body generates its own lubrication and as long as you rinse regularly there is no need for further sanitary measures.

Renholder -

You have any other kind of eczema or allergy? Could be a kind of seborrhea or psoriasis. If it doesn’t stink and/or isn’t smegma, just continue your normal hygiene and don’t be too aggressive. Peel your skin back whenever you pee and shake it dry BEFORE recovering it. I have left my 4skin folded back behind the ridge of the glans since a teen, except for sex (j/o as well as screwing), so my head tends to look somewhat drier and more “cut,” but it moistens up just fine for sex and play, which it gets on a daily basis! I recommend you try, with your 4skin fully peeled back off the head, putting a DAB (a tiny amount) of lube (like “Astroglide,” or even baby oil) on your finger tip and applying it to the clean dry dick head (and/or the lining of your 4skin) once or twice daily, and re-hooding the knob. I bet it takes care of the “problem.”

- Rip

Renholder you did not say whether you are circumcised.

Also.. Soap meant for the genitals? Are you using something meant for girls? Or have they actually started making something similar for men?

If you still feel like washing your glans with soap try Dove.

Pazazu look at the title, brother:

Fellow uncircumsized men - Un-identifiable white substance on my glans?

-Borat, helps a brother out

Start (12-01-06): 7.5" PBEL 5.5" EG

Use dove, put a lite coat of utter bam or petrolium butter.

Originally Posted by Borat
Pazazu look at the title, brother:

Fellow uncircumsized men - Un-identifiable white substance on my glans?

-Borat, helps a brother out

Sorry brother Borat, my bad!

Brother Paz

I seem to have a similar problem.

I don’t know if it’s in STI (god I hope not), but I had sex with a chick on Saturday night and Monday evening I felt my glans itchy. I went to the restroom to check, and I had this white mucus-like substance right where the glans and shaft meet. BTW, we had protected sex as I always rub it up.

At first I thought it was remains of cum (since I got off that morning) but I thought it was unusual since I always clean myself very well. I took a shower and thought it would be the end of it.

Well the next morning I woke up with the same itchy sensation. Again, I had the same white substance. My skin (uncircumcised) was bright red and seemed dry. I cleaned myself again, but that same evening I had the substance again.

Now today I took a shower and I can already feel itchy. Anyone have any idea what this could be?

Hello fellow uncut members

I do to have have had that layer of skin on my head

It looks like a layer of skin is being shed or something and I know it’s not smegma cause I have seen it in the past in my younger years; what I do is wash it off I don’t later up directly with soap but I pull back the skin and with the soap from my body running down my penis is enough I believe and then I rub it off perse and it’s gone might be a little red after but never a problem


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