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Foreskin restoration forum

Foreskin restoration forum

Is there a forum like Thunder’s (quality info & members) for foreskin restoration?

I was on an email list a long time ago that was good, but the service was ended. I have yet to find anything that looks all that active. I am particularly keen on new techniques because my FR gains were small. I had given up on the idea until I gave PE a shot and found that it worked. Obviously, my penis can grow. Now, I just need to find the right stimulus.

I have been wondering about breaking down scar tissue and stimulating stem cell production.

Start: 6.3" BPEL x 5" MEG. Now: 7.25" BPEL x 5.375 MEG. Goal: 7.5x5.5

I restore also and never knew anything about it until I came across a group on reddit last year. Just search foreskin restoration and you’ll find it. Everything you need to know is there,

Originally Posted by misterlebowski
Is there a forum like Thunder’s (quality info & members) for foreskin restoration?
I was on an email list a long time ago that was good, but the service was ended. I have yet to find anything that looks all that active. I am particularly keen on new techniques because my FR gains were small. I had given up on the idea until I gave PE a shot and found that it worked. Obviously, my penis can grow. Now, I just need to find the right stimulus.
I have been wondering about breaking down scar tissue and stimulating stem cell production.

I know I’ve seen at least one thread about it on here.

Starting measurements: 7 1/8" BPEL 5 1/8" EG

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