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Foreskin restoration


Foreskin restoration

Well I have been T-Taping to restore my foreskin for one week. I also use 1.5 lb at home connected to the T-Tape. I have to say that not only is my foreskin being stretched, I also feel the pull in the base of the penis.

I would gather this is similar to the ADS device. I use a strap with suspender clips under my pants when I’m at work. I wear this 24/7 only to take it off to do my PE routine, and I have to say my flaccid hang after removing the tape is at 7" and my penis seems to have more girth.

Now this may be my imagination, but other T_Tapers have reported perm gains in length and girth from it. I have posted links to support groups in the links section if anyone is interested in restoring their foreskin…

Foreskin restoration info


Foreskins etc.

Hi there Modemmer !

This is very interesting: I posted some bits on threads, re Foreskins, but got no replies, so I assumed you guys were all quite happy without them !

This IS a hobby horse of mine, so I’ll be honest. Please excuse my bias.
Fortunately, I was never cut (most Englishmen and Europeans aren’t, unless for medical or religious reasons), so I’m really not qualified to say what it would be like to have sex without a foreskin ! There has been quite a lot of factual stuff and some research on the subject, and I get the impression that there are a lot of guys out there who resent having been cut at birth, without their permission being obtained first ! That’s the sin ! We should all be given the choice, not relegated to the million dollar skin industry perpetuated by greedy medics or religious fanatics.
(I’m not knocking the religions - understand; I just don’t understand what a guy’s foreskin has to do with any religion ! )

Now as to your gains - that’s a good thing, so I’ll be very interested to know just how well you make out Mod.

The important bit, is the “Ridged Band” part of the male foreskin. It’s NOT just a “useless bit of skin”; neither does it harbour infections etc, which is another reason for cutting it off, unless that is, your hygiene os totally suspect - that’s no-one here, (on this site) is it now ? We are all much too concerned with our best toy, to allow a hygiene problem even to start, let alone develop to disease etc - Right ?

Back to the Ridged Band. The research shows that during ANY sexual activity, most of the stimulation for guys actually comes from the ridged band. This is because when the foreskin slips back (retracts) and moves forward again, it is getting a maximum of stimilation through the nerve centres there. Much more so than the nerve centres in the glans head itself, as is commonly (but erroneously) thought.

Now, I don’t quite know what your “T Tape” technique actually is; but perhaps you will explain to us lesser mortals ? What will be interesting in time, will be to know how much of your ridged band sensations can be restored when you get enough foreskin rebuilt !

Also: I’d quite like to know if I can make mine just a bit longer, like it used to be when I was a kid ? I note that some say that vacuum pumping does create a “donut”, so I’m not sure if this is the start for foreskin re-growth ? What I can say most happily, is that in the short time I’ve been pumping, with a bit of jelq action thrown in ( while pumping) I have achieved very pleasing results in a very short time. (Tiger refers to this technique as “milking” I think, but I’m not totally sure if I got it right ?

Sorry about my (usual) wordiness, I’ll get my finger rapped I expect, but thanks for reading.
Keep up this excellent work Mod - I promise you it will be worth it, and you will never regret it !

Take Care M8

Sincerely, Modest.



Well when you T-tape you do so on the POE “point of equilibrium” so you restore the inner foreskin and not just cover the head with you outer foreskin. The only thing that can not be restored is the frenum with is the band that is hooked to the underside of the head. That was cut of by the Doc… Thanks Doc! Well any way once restored you will have the full sensation of a true foreskin and that I want. Plus your head will go through a change and shed the hard skin layer that it has grown to protect it thus restoring max sensation.

I would imaging you could lengthen what you have with T-tape. Take a look see at the support groups to get ideas!


I added the link to the T_tape instruction book you can download for free. Its in the links section under Foreskin restoration.

It shows you how to’s and hints, and also the best products to use to get started. It cost me about $8.50 for materials.

There are other devices out there that don’t require tapping, so if you want to go that route check out the support group for devices.


So Modemmer, you mean to tell me that cause I am cut my fireman’s helmet is nothing but a half asses callus? So an uncut guy is less rigid on the helmet area? News to me, though I really only care about my dick, so all reference comes from within I guess?


Over time a cut guy’s head becomes hard and desensitized. An uncut guy’s head is smooth and the skin on it is very thin. I’m starting to see the change in the last week, its is becoming softer and moister with constant skin over it. It allows the mucus that is produced by the inner foreskin and the gland to remain there to do its work. Without skin it just evaporates and leaves you with a hard dried out piece of machinery!


I learned something new today. WOW! So I am a callus dick, wonderful too, I guess. But I thought calluses never really go away? I have some on my hands from when I used to throw boxes at Fed Ex and UPS. Any way to get rid of normal ones too?

So I take it you don’t dig Lex Steele’s mangled glans? Kinda like overly dried beef jerky. Ohhh, us poor cutties!!!

Well, anyhow, someone forgot to tell my glans it wasn’t supposed to be sensitive, cause it still can rock!!

(I know, I know - it’s nowhere near as sensitive as uncut dudes)

I guess the trade off is sensitivity over appearance. I say that not because it looks better (although with SOME uncut dudes I gotta say I think it does) , but female statistics show a preference for cut penises. For all of us, cut or uncut, I guess it’s six in one hand, half dozen in the other (the ultimate PE cliche).

That is right, now if you covered your hands and put lotion in there your calluses would all disappear! That is what your foreskin is basically, a glove to protect your gland from friction and undue rubbing!


That is wrong, when a girl sleeps with an uncut dude they experience many things they can’t with a cut guy.

1. The foreskin acts as a natural lube so she will never dry out

2. Many more multiple orgasm than with a cut guy

3. The arousal of the pheromone produced by the mucus of uncut guys is very potent.

Now for the guys…

1. You will last longer because there is no friction on the head during intercourse i.e. rubbing on the vaginal wall.

2. A more sensitive head thus making your climax much stronger and harder.

3. Helps eliminate premature ejaculation.

This is just some of them that I have learn about through the support groups.


To CUT or not to CUT ?

Hi All !

Modemmer: Yep! I reckon you summed it up pretty well !
It’s a fact that a cut guy’s glans will over the years, develop a protective skin, just like any other body part. I don’t know about the “callus bit”, but I expect you’re right.
The essential difference, is that the “skin” on an uncut glans, is actually mucous membrane which is pretty well unique to the penis. It’s there because that’s the way nature intended it to be. Only when the foreskin is retracted, thus exposing TWO sections of mucous membrane, does the sensitive cock-head get the maximum stimulation, BUT please see my earlier post guys, because the INSIDE of the foreskin, is also mucous membrane, not at all like the outside skin; it’s an entirely different type of construction, and is ALSO very sensitive.

The “ridged band is actually part of this structure, and (like I said) recent research reveals that it is THIS PART which provides the maximum stimulation to your cock, when you engage in ANY type of sex activity. That goes for jerking off, or anything else, BUT, the effect is at a maximum during pentrative sex, because the foreskin actually rolls back as it enters the vagina (or whatever), so it slides as it does so, and that’s why ot, and the smegma we all frown about is so important.
Nature did a grand design for us guys !

The question you raise about the frenum (or frenulum) is a bit different. Seems to me, the purpose of it is not actually to give extra sensation (though undoubtedly it does, because we all know that that area when licked or stimulated gives great joy: But its real purpose is simply to provide a kind of “return spring” for the foreskin, so that it more or less automatically re-covers the head of your dick, after all the action is over.

TT. & Buster: Don’t feel too bad about your loss Matey; I know it must be difficult to accept, but the level of stimulation which you normally get is OK, so if it works, don’t knock it ! I can’t possibly comment, because I have never been without a skin; its an age old argument as to which is better, but at the end of the day, if it works for you, than that must be OK ?

Hope this clarifies a few points for you all >




Originally posted by BusterHymes
So I take it you don't dig Lex Steele's mangled glans? Kinda like overly dried beef jerky. Ohhh, us poor cutties!!!

Well, anyhow, someone forgot to tell my glans it wasn't supposed to be sensitive, cause it still can rock!!

(I know, I know - it's nowhere near as sensitive as uncut dudes)

I guess the trade off is sensitivity over appearance. I say that not because it looks better (although with SOME uncut dudes I gotta say I think it does) , but female statistics show a preference for cut penises. For all of us, cut or uncut, I guess it's six in one hand, half dozen in the other (the ultimate PE cliche).

Hi Buster !

I think you are rationalising ! OR, is this an (almost) unique American thing ?

I never heard of a girl who “prefers” a cut dick !!! I know most of you guys on your side of the pond are cut at birth, and I think IMHO that’s wrong ! If a guy wants to get cut for some reason, that’s his choice and no-one should deny that right, but a baby at birth - that can’t be right can it. Now, leave out the politics, and also the religious (loke I said - what the hell has a guys foreskin got to do with ANY religion ?)

I know there are a lot of (mostly cut) guys in the U.S., coz I was privileged to live and work there for several years, AND I had American girlfriends and boyfriends ! Nobody ever complained to me about my foreskin, in fact most of the guys (and there were a hell of a lot when I was young) really seemed to like sex with me because my foreskin fascinated them ! LOL !
BUT, if it is so RIGHT to cut at birth, tell me, why are there so many uncut men (99%) except for relogious rites) who are NOT cut ? Can they all be wrong ???

The “appearance thing” Well, that’s just a matter of preference ! Why do you think that these Hungarian and Czech dudes are enjoying so much popularity in the gay (homo-erotica) world ?
Appearance is all in the eye of the beholder ! I have spoken with hundreds of U.S. guys who wish they had not lost their foreskins, but I guess at the end of the day, your preference is naturally what you have become used to - Yes ?

Take Care ! We luv ya, with or without !



Last edited by modest : 06-16-2002 at .

Re: Uncut.......!

Originally posted by modest

Hi Buster !

I think you are rationalising ! OR, is this an (almost) unique American thing ?

I never heard of a girl who “prefers” a cut dick !!! I know most of you guys on your side of the pond are cut at birth, and I think IMHO that's wrong ! If a guy wants to get cut for some reason, that's his choice and no-one should deny that right, but a baby at birth - that can't be right can it. Now, leave out the politics, and also the religious (loke I said - what the hell has a guys foreskin got to do with ANY religion ?)

I know there are a lot of (mostly cut) guys in the U.S., coz I was privileged to live and work there for several years, AND I had American girlfriends and boyfriends ! Nobody ever complained to me about my foreskin, in fact most of the guys (and there were a hell of a lot when I was young) really seemed to like sex with me because my foreskin fascinated them ! LOL !
BUT, if it is so RIGHT to cut at birth, tell me, why are there so many uncut men (99%) except for relogious rites) who are NOT cut ? Can they all be wrong ???

The “appearance thing” Well, that's just a matter of preference ! Why do you think that these Hungarian and Czech dudes are enjoying so much popularity in the gay (homo-erotica) world ?
Appearance is all in the eye of the beholder ! I have spoken with hundreds of U.S. guys who wish they had not lost their foreskins, but I guess at the end of the day, your preference is naturally what you have become used to - Yes ?

Take Care ! We luv ya, with or without !


I meant, guys all across Europe can’t be wrong (got edited out!).

ALSO: Did you know that this barbaric practice, is actually a milliondollar industry. The medics perpetuated it because it was good for business ! They not only get their fees for the circumcision, but the pharmaceutical companies buy the forskin tips, for making skin graft cultures, given that an average forskin actually when stretched out (doubled- inside and out) is actually almost as big as a postcard ! Glad to say, that at least the medics have cottoned on to the idea that tey ain’t popular, and the practice is fortunately not as widespread now. Anyone have any ideas or statistics on that please ???

Thanks again.


Last edited by modest : 06-16-2002 at .

Originally posted by Modemmer
I added the link to the T_tape instruction book you can download for free. Its in the links section under Foreskin restoration.

It shows you how to's and hints, and also the best products to use to get started. It cost me about $8.50 for materials.

There are other devices out there that don't require tapping, so if you want to go that route check out the support group for devices.


Hi Mod !

Hey - please excuse my ignorance, but, can you please direct me to (a) where you say you placed the links to the helpsites, and (b) the sites you are talking about.

I would dearly like to follow up !

I guess you will already have read the good work on the "circ" sites ? I can’t remember the exact address, but I can probably look it up. I seem to recall it was a set of links off the excellent site at All about the penis, testicles, prostate, male sexuality and male sexual health which is well worth a read - indeed I’d say that EVERY man ought to read it ! Just in case any of you guys are interested. Look for the "circumcision" area in the linksfor this topic, but the WHOLE site is excellent if you want to know how the damn thing works !

Take Care !


Last edited by modest : 06-17-2002 at .


Here is a link that will take you to the links section…

Foreskin restoration info


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