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Foreskin restoration


I guess I am going to wait until after I am finished my hanging phase and see what the deal is with the foreskin.

I was just being completely insane about the leathery glans thing. It ain’t *that* bad. But I do know now that in comparison to an uncircumsized ween it is much, much tougher. In reality that is just the body’s very awesome response to a bad stimulus factor. Just think if it never toughened up. Holy crap. I’ve heard all these uncut guys talk about what it feels like to have their glans handled roughly or exposed too much or whatever. YIKES! I think in the back of my mind it’s like exposing too much of the soft flesh under one of your nails. UGHHHHHHH…..

Ok POE “point of equilibrium” is that point when a cut guy pulls his foreskin forward and the inner and outer foreskin are at an equal stretch. This is the point you want to have the middle of the T-tape at so it will apply even pull on the inner and outer foreskin.

As for the pucker effect, this you produce by correctly T-taping at the POE so it replace the frenum that the Doc cuts off!! This helps to draw the foreskin over the gland.

The ridge band is the inner part of the foreskin. This is what everyone focuses on when restoring. Right now my ridge band will cover all my gland with the exception of the dorsal area. I use T-Tape tabs to concentrate on just that area. This I just figured out today, and I’m going to get my foreskin even before reapplying the full T-Tape.

I have had no ill effects with my foreskin and pumping yet, but we will see in about 6 months.



LOL… just after a week of having my head covered has made it almost unbearable to have it uncovered. Today was the first day I went with out it covered and anything that touched it was magnified! Man I can even feel the air from the fan blowing over it and its across the room!


Holy cow! What an amazing thing our bodies are!! I am stunned by that type of quick turnaround. What is your age?

I’m 44, and I too am amazed. I just wish I could have prevented my 5 year old son from having to go through this! Not only is the gland becoming more sensitive its also the skin that is between the scar line and the gland.

And the thing is they say you will have most of your original sensitivity back in 30 days… Boy I don’t know if I can take this!


Originally posted by BusterHymes
I guess I am going to wait until after I am finished my hanging phase and see what the deal is with the foreskin.

I was just being completely insane about the leathery glans thing. It ain't *that* bad. But I do know now that in comparison to an uncircumsized ween it is much, much tougher. In reality that is just the body's very awesome response to a bad stimulus factor. Just think if it never toughened up. Holy crap. I've heard all these uncut guys talk about what it feels like to have their glans handled roughly or exposed too much or whatever. YIKES! I think in the back of my mind it's like exposing too much of the soft flesh under one of your nails. UGHHHHHHH…..


No ! Really ! It’s not THAT bad , <l ol >
Over the years, I’ve had lots of mates who were “cut”, (in England, that’s usually for medical reasons only), and it was noticeable how much rougher they tended to be with their gear, than ever I was able to be; Some told me that it halped them to sustain their sex, and NOT to have Prems; certainly I can vouch for that. At one stage of my life I had a girlfriend who was a neuro-surgeon - she had separated from her guy, because he used to cum so quickly, that she never obtained any satisfaction let alone an orgasm ! She liked me even though I’m predominatly gay, and the sex was good enough to keep us together for over 3 years, only finishing because I got a teaching contract in N.America. But, she told me that during her med training she worked in a famous Navy hospital, where she was required to do a circ on an 18 y.o. sailor, who damn near died with the trauma of losing it ! I don’t knw what that has to do with what wer’e talking about; but it seemed relevant at the time !

Seriously though, I think you will find a big increase in sensitivity, which you will come to like and enjoy eventually, making all the effort worthwhile. So don’t be too concerned, you won’t actually be digging your (or her) fingernails in there - now will you ? :-) )

Will you do any pumping, or will you just continue the hanging ?

Take Care,


Originally posted by Modemmer
I'm 44, and I too am amazed. I just wish I could have prevented my 5 year old son from having to go through this! Not only is the gland becoming more sensitive its also the skin that is between the scar line and the gland.

And the thing is they say you will have most of your original sensitivity back in 30 days… Boy I don't know if I can take this!



Actually, you’ll find that you get LESS friction, and MORE STIMULATION when you complete, because you won’t be dragging it through as you have to do now, rather, your new foreskin will slide with a sort of ROLLING action, rather than what youv’e experienced until now (they tell me!), as obviously I have no personal experience of being cut; you’ll probably find that you’ll be able to keep going longer, and your partner will enjoy it more too !

Keep it Up !



Foreskin - The Ridged Band Ref:

Hi !

Modemmer & BusterHymes

In case you don’t know, or have not seen John Taylors monumental article……..

"The Ridged Band"

please go to this site:

Foreskin :: Prepuce :: Ridged Band :: Anatomy

There are important Anatomical details
Function of the RB
Detailed Pics
On-going research etc.




Thanks modest, very good site! I also have a free site for everyone here that would like to try a tapeless tugger. It will cost you about $2…

Modemmer - Foreskin restoration info

It is called the $2 wally, cause you can find all the stuff at Wal-Mart.



I’m not being confrontational, but there are several things you said in an earlier post, # 10 I think, that are just not true…for me anyway. I am uncut and I can tell you that the foreskin DOES NOT act like a natural lube. If she dries out, the forskin can get tiny tears that hurt like hell.

As far as lasting longer, again for me, that’s just not so. When I was younger, I’m 49, I was so sensative sex could be over in a matter of a few minutes. For the past 15 years or so, I have kept the foreskin pulled back and I can last much, much longer with just as strong and pleasurable ejaculations.

For the life of me I can’t understand why anyone would want foreskin, but I applaude your determination and wish you and anyone else success and good luck.

Originally posted by lwhogan

I'm not being confrontational, but there are several things you said in an earlier post, # 10 I think, that are just not true…for me anyway. I am uncut and I can tell you that the foreskin DOES NOT act like a natural lube. If she dries out, the forskin can get tiny tears that hurt like hell.

As far as lasting longer, again for me, that's just not so. When I was younger, I'm 49, I was so sensative sex could be over in a matter of a few minutes. For the past 15 years or so, I have kept the foreskin pulled back and I can last much, much longer with just as strong and pleasurable ejaculations.

For the life of me I can't understand why anyone would want foreskin, but I applaude your determination and wish you and anyone else success and good luck.

Hi There IW !

I hear what you are saying. BUT I think you explained some of the reasons in your post !

I would suggest, that possibly, you may (when younger) have suffered from the common Prem condition, as many young guys do ! Probably it was not related to the fact that you are uncut, but more because then you were a healthy, excited young animal !
You say, you NOW pull back your foreskin, and that, using it like a “cut” cock, enables you to go on linger. Well, that’s exactly what we would expect - Yes ?
BECAUSE you are keeping your foreskin rolled back, you are getting the drying up factor common with the cut guys - again, isn’t that exactly what you would expect ? I would.

May I recommend you take a look at the circ research site I posted for Modemmer, above on this thread ? If you read it, you will see exactly what the foreskin does, and about the “lube” effect of it’s presence.

I’m sorry to hear of your problem, and hope this may help youunderstand it better. Thank your lucky stars that you have a foreskin, many don’t have any choice !

Best Wishes,



Thanks… I just did not know how to respond to that post because I’m cut. I have read allot of information about this and it is not a fad with me.


Just imagine now if you did not have that extra skin and she drys out… OUCH !! Its like rubbing two pieces of wood together.

I have to ask you, is you gland all shriveled up and dried out all the time from no protection? Would you like it to be that way? Would you like to give up that sensitivity you have while your having sex?

That is just some of the thing I have lived with the last 44 years and I feel like I have been robbed of what a man is suppose to be! And you know what, I will have my foreskin back and will love it, cause I’m on the other side of the fence.


Cut / Uncut & Restoration

Hi Modemmer !

Thanks for your post - intelligent as always !
Also for the wealth of links you’ve given us recently. I’ve not had chance to follow em all up, some of the other threads are taking too much time - and like most of us, there are other things to do !

I seem to be atracting a lot of flak - so perhaps it’s time for me to get on with other work ! :-)

I’d say, you are in the halfway house stage ! You must be getting there fast, so all power to your elbow !
Don’t give up !

I think our uncut friend has the best of both worlds; he can either use his foreskin as nature intended, OR he can roll it back. He did not actually say why he chose to do that, but no doubt had good reasons for that choice.

He is absolutely right of course when he says, it’s possible to get small fissures etc which conceivably could be very painful. We now know from James Taylors’ research, that the foreskin is actually much more innervated than the glans, and that a greater part of our pleasure sensations come - not from the gland ennervation, as is commonly supposed, but from the nerves in the foreskin, particularly the “ridged band” ! Did I not say that I thought that article should be essential reading for ALL men, cut or uncut ? Yep! Guess I did too ! Let’s hope they all read it, most will find it enlightening !

How do I stop mine from drying out ? Well, I don’t actually think it ever dries out coz that’s what the smegma’s there for ! BUT I do also regularly use either a tiny smear of vaseline, or baby oil (learned that from the American “cut” guys), or these days, the lube from pumping does the job nearly as well !

Take Care !



As I said, good luck to you in your quest to restore your foreskin.



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