Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Foreskin restoration

Originally posted by twatteaser
I learned something new today. WOW! So I am a callus dick, …..

We couldn’t bear to tell you directly and figured you’d find it out sooner or later, so ….

Just kidding, Twatt.



"Sadly, however, seconds after its launch, it undergoes SMEF, or Spontaneous Massive Existence Failure,and disappears." Douglas Adams



I did T-tape a few years ago, before I got into PE. The greatest thing that happened, and you may have already noticed, is that one day I noticed an odor that wasn’t sweat and realized I was producing smegma. Seemed like having the glans covered by skin, even though there was tape on it, allowed the smegma generators to get going. Don’t ask how I knew what it was - I’d never smelled any before, but I knew and was glad. Sort of like having a function restored. I smelled of smeg therefore I were a man, etc.

So. You wear the T-tape and hang weight and jelq and do all the PE that way? And use the T-tape for ADS/ANS too? Way to go! I might try it again.

T-tape used to be hell to get off, but now with stuff like Goo Gone it might be easier.



"Sadly, however, seconds after its launch, it undergoes SMEF, or Spontaneous Massive Existence Failure,and disappears." Douglas Adams


I gave up hanging… I’m going to be happy with my 8 1/4” length. With everything I was doing it was becoming too much on old Henry.

I’m not producing smegma yet, but I’m sure its not far off. The head is so moist and soft now, and just the softest touch of anything will send it off to an erection. I can’t believe what I have been missing all my life!

I T-Tape, and then remove it for PE. I have this make shift tugger that I use with out tape. How much have you restored? How is your sensitivity?


I guess I should enlighten you, my man


I tend to do alot of freakin’ joking around, and you will see that in my posts. I don’t take much seriously, unless it is insane attitudes that could cause PE injury. And when I think of Lex Steele’s glans it makes me laugh. My post was generally in jest.

Over here, alot of women have expressed a preference for a cut man simply for the looks of the penis. I base that on surveys and comments I’ve personally heard. I can only comment on the straight community, though. In regard to women, for the most part they have NO clue of all these issues you are talking about, understand? It was merely a statement I made to show, WTF?, there are worse things in life.

Now I know this is a hot thread for dudes into foreskin restoration. It was not a slam or anything.

On the other hand, it is not for me a personally important issue and I don’t feel any *less* of a man for not having a foreskin. I have plenty of personal qualities I want to improve that are a true measure of being a man.

The religious relevance of circumcision now is moot, I agree, and has been for milleniums. At one time it stood for something, but I am not going any farther down that road. You either understand it, or you don’t.

So you see, even though I don’t have a foreskin and I have a withered up, crumbley leaf-looking, overly dried leather slab of a foreskin (as if…), I am still a sensitive dude. :)

Originally posted by Modemmer

I can't believe what I have been missing all my life!

I T-Tape, and then remove it for PE. I have this make shift tugger that I use with out tape. How much have you restored? How is your sensitivity?



1. How do you remove the T-tape?

2. How do you attach your tugger without tape? ‘Way back when, having more money than sense, I bought a PUD and had a few adventures with >1 lb. of steel hanging on Mr. J.

3. I’ve grown more skin since I started hanging weight with the Bib than I ever did with the foreskin methods. I’m from this other planet, see, and things do different on my body <g>.



"Sadly, however, seconds after its launch, it undergoes SMEF, or Spontaneous Massive Existence Failure,and disappears." Douglas Adams


OK, then I guess this is relevant to me. Maybe I’ll recover more foreskin with my hanging? Here’s why I wonder:

I mentioned in one thread I have what I’d call an ideal circumcision (OK, there is NONE, but just relatively speaking). The foreskin, when erect, will come forward when I stroke and cover about 2/3 of the glans. Now, it’s not anywhere like a real foreskin because that covers during flaccid state. But it’s not anywhere near a tight skin erection that I hear about on the boards. I guess the doc left room for growth. That’s some points in my book.

Anyhow, my hanging has gone pretty comfortably (with some huge quick gains now!) and I attribute it alot to the lack of skin stretch I’ve not had to deal with. As I grow I realize I’ll have to deal with the skin stretch soon, but so my question is - have hangers gotten some regrowth or what?


I first soak in warm water for about 10 minutes. I then can peel the skin from the tape rather easily. I use the 3M Micro pore tape, good stuff! I have yet to have any kind of skin damage from this tape.

Here is a link to the way my tugger works, its based on the same principal…

After I’m done tugging I will reapply my T-Tape and strap up with it wrapped around my leg and fastened to my sock.



I too was blessed with a lose cut. When I sit my foreskin will cove 3/4 of my gland, and when I stand it will stay covered. Only after a bit of movement will it roll back off the gland.

I hope I will not have to be at this for 2 years like some, but most guys start with less!



One thing you have to remember is that the bib will increase your outer foreskin. With foreskin restoration you are restoring that sensitive area between the scar and the gland. You don’t want to end up with a lot of outer foreskin that will not really look and function naturally!



That reminds me of the old Leggs commercial where a little girl is at the zoo with her mother, looks at the elephant’s wrinkly legs and says, “see, momma, the elephant legs look just like yours!”


Hi Guys !

Just, my two penneth…………….!

I think you guys are great! Just doing the right thing.
Modemmer, you seem to be well advanced, so that’s wonderful.

Buster: I can’t quite decide where you are at !
But I think this: IF you are into the restoration business, then obviously it will take time, but you will get there, as you have youth on your side, and growth can be quite rapid.
My guess is that you will not develop the inner mucous membrane (of which I spoke in my last post), until you have covered the whole of your glans; this applies to Modemmer too. You will probably have to keep covered, maybe using micropore to hold it in place until development is complete, because, without the frenum to return your new foreskin to full forward, you’ll still get the drying-up condition. The mucous membrane needs to be covered in order to re-grow its essential characteristics !




Re: I guess I should enlighten you, my man

Originally posted by BusterHymes

I tend to do alot of freakin' joking around, and you will see that in my posts. I don't take much seriously, unless it is insane attitudes that could cause PE injury. And when I think of Lex Steele's glans it makes me laugh. My post was generally in jest.

Over here, alot of women have expressed a preference for a cut man simply for the looks of the penis. I base that on surveys and comments I've personally heard. I can only comment on the straight community, though. In regard to women, for the most part they have NO clue of all these issues you are talking about, understand? It was merely a statement I made to show, WTF?, there are worse things in life.

Now I know this is a hot thread for dudes into foreskin restoration. It was not a slam or anything.

On the other hand, it is not for me a personally important issue and I don't feel any *less* of a man for not having a foreskin. I have plenty of personal qualities I want to improve that are a true measure of being a man.

The religious relevance of circumcision now is moot, I agree, and has been for milleniums. At one time it stood for something, but I am not going any farther down that road. You either understand it, or you don't.

So you see, even though I don't have a foreskin and I have a withered up, crumbley leaf-looking, overly dried leather slab of a foreskin (as if…), I am still a sensitive dude. :)

BUSTER: (Just seen this, Monday)

Of Course !
Yes, Yes, and Yes !

I didn’t mean to imply any evil !
As for the “dried-up leather”, I’ve had loads, and they play just as well as the rest !

I just have this “thing” about the babes being robbed - that’s all !
The religious bit - right - I guess I don’t and never will UNDERSTAND , but, it matters not to me what folks choose to do themselves, that’s their right; its what others dictate shall be done that worries me !

The humour bit - well - I’ve not been around the site long enough to know, but I’ll take your word for it ! I think that’s what we actually need more of, and bravo to you for promoting it !



Originally posted by Modemmer

I too was blessed with a lose cut. When I sit my foreskin will cove 3/4 of my gland, and when I stand it will stay covered. Only after a bit of movement will it roll back off the gland.

I hope I will not have to be at this for 2 years like some, but most guys start with less!


Keep at it Boy ! You’ll just get there sooner !
Please note what I’ve said elsewhere on this thread too.

All Best to you !




Yes… with foreskin restoration I’m growing new inner foreskin and not that much outer. As the time goes by the POE changes and so does the application of the T-Tape.

Once enough inner foreskin has grown, it starts to what is called pucker. Some people use O-rings to help it along and others use cones.

The important thing to minimize is lateral growth, that will hinder the formation of the pucker as you reach overhang.


Originally posted by Modemmer

Yes… with foreskin restoration I'm growing new inner foreskin and not that much outer. As the time goes by the POE changes and so does the application of the T-Tape.

Once enough inner foreskin has grown, it starts to what is called pucker. Some people use O-rings to help it along and others use cones.

The important thing to minimize is lateral growth, that will hinder the formation of the pucker as you reach overhang.


Hi Modemmer !


I don’t know what the POE means - help me please ?

Re: the “pucker”. Would I be right in thinking this is the same thing as the “ridged band” ?

BTW: did you fnd the ref to the article on the “ridged band” by a Canadian colleague of mine ? You certainly ought to read it - it’s right up your street, and I think you’ll find it interesting as well as useful.

Interestingly, since I started pumping, my “overhang” seems to have increased some, which is what I basically want, but a bit more would be OK too ! As I usually have to go into the tube “soft” (that’s a penalty for being old, and the effect of diabetes!), the sucking in feeling is great - just like the “real thing” almost ! But seriously, I find that my foreskin IS something I have to watch carefully when first going in the tube, because it can get trapped between the tube and my corona, then (ouch!), I get a big (unwanted) swelling with the lymph, presumably as a result of “tissue insult”. Though it does not last too long, it obviously requires heeding. Do you find any similar effect as you continue to “grow”; I bet that pumping will be very good for your cause - which I’d not realized you were into until yesterday !

I’ve not yet had chance to follow up on your link to reconstruction which I’ve temporarily “lost”, but I want to. Yesterday, I had to spend a lot of time with my counsellees; which I DO enjoy, but it’s very demanding work, and I feel need to be totally responsible, as these guys are relying upon what I say.

Thanks Again ! Keep it UP !




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