Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Frequencey of sex after gains?


i forgot to mention, that yes, it also did have effect. not in numbers. (compliacated)

at first it used to be, that she mostly felt it at the beginning, but at the end when she got real wet, and her vagina streteched out, i could tell, that she wouldnt feel a thing, but after 2 weeks of pe, she started grinding form underneath, and moans and sighs were more often.

I was very small 4.75, now im nearing 5. something, and my goal is to be 7.0, and if possible 8.0. I would be happy if got 7.0 inches. sex gets better and better every time i gain. Who said size didnt matter?


I suspect that if too early a deeper penetration may be uncomfortable. But when near orgasm stronger stimulation in the cul-de-sac area is both tolerable and desirable. I’m sure my wife has no idea that she even does this, probably just does what feels right at the time.

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!


Winnie-the-Pooh !

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I continue to note increased frequency of sex.

In fact compared to her past behaviour wifey is becoming a “hose beast”. I have not gotten those words, and looks “don’t you ever have enough”!!! She seems willing any time I am, although I have not tried to get extreme in testing the limits. I can definitely say she is more often multiorgasmic than before. She also has begun to occaisionally let out a little scream (mainly moans and groans before). I asked if I hurt her and she assures me that I didn’t. I assume now that some of the sensations that were new to her 2 or so months ago have been acclimated to and that she now finds them pleasurable. I’ll have to have a more direct conversation with her about the status of that before I decide whether to go for any more length. Also her orgasms are more often “gushers” than they used to be. With her new easy receptivity to me now I feel like mr monsterdick studmuffin. I predict that I’ll end up going for more size by the end of this year, but I’ll not rush it. It is encouraging though that she seems to be acclimating to the new size well.

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!

That made me spit out my pretzel--Good one Thunder

LOL, cleaning the crumbs…..


I think I’ll stick to what I got, thanks

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!


Well, frequency has continued to improve (15-16 times a month now!!). She has this month initiated sex MUCH more than she ever has in the past. She also has had more multi orgasmic days as well. I think that the reason for this is that since she is getting more of what she needs, she is more apt to initiate.

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!

luvdadus; that renewed interest has to be gratifying for you and great for the relationship.

The issue of who initiates sex sometimes gets bogged down with long-time partners. Habit-forming sort of. The one who mostly did is the one who usually does. Good to have a reversal of that, I think.




Originally Posted by Matias H.

For what?

The last reply to this thread was Jan 2, 2003. Nothing to add?
Try adding to the thread to restart a discussion.
The necro-award doesn’t exist here.

-Stay safe

Life is full of confounding variables, but overall successful gains have increased intercourse frequency for me. But as the wife has gotten older it requires more work on her part.

When I started some 16-17 years ago I was 5.5” BPEL and 5.5” EBG. Frequency was about 1x week. Like moat here I got 80-90% of my gains within the first year (currently 7.25” BPEL base girth bounces between 6.25 and 6.5”). Mutual enjoyment increased but frequency stayed about the same due to kids and jobs.

I convinced the wife to take early retirement at 60 and told her I expected it 3x week. We co tines at 3x per week for the next 7-8 years but she gradually needed more recovery time so back to 2x. She got HRT going very early and also uses a RF “rejuvenator” called the Tightra along with New Eve suppositories.

The reason for this post is the change during the last month. She switched from transdermal to pellet implanted HRT and increased her testosterone. She has also stared taking 10mg cealis every other day or so. As of two weeks ago she has become insatiable! I’m talking 3-4 days in a row sometimes more than once a day with none of her previous inhibitions. After almost 38 years of marriage I am now wed to a 71 year old nympho.

She is also trying slippery elm capsules 3x day to help lubrication. But I think its the T and C that are making the difference. My doing resistance training 5 days a week since retiring 3 years ago also helps as I look better than ever now.

I highly recommend asking your lady to try Cealis if she has no contraindications!

Last edited by Iaintliein : 03-04-2025 at .

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