Life is full of confounding variables, but overall successful gains have increased intercourse frequency for me. But as the wife has gotten older it requires more work on her part.
When I started some 16-17 years ago I was 5.5” BPEL and 5.5” EBG. Frequency was about 1x week. Like moat here I got 80-90% of my gains within the first year (currently 7.25” BPEL base girth bounces between 6.25 and 6.5”). Mutual enjoyment increased but frequency stayed about the same due to kids and jobs.
I convinced the wife to take early retirement at 60 and told her I expected it 3x week. We co tines at 3x per week for the next 7-8 years but she gradually needed more recovery time so back to 2x. She got HRT going very early and also uses a RF “rejuvenator” called the Tightra along with New Eve suppositories.
The reason for this post is the change during the last month. She switched from transdermal to pellet implanted HRT and increased her testosterone. She has also stared taking 10mg cealis every other day or so. As of two weeks ago she has become insatiable! I’m talking 3-4 days in a row sometimes more than once a day with none of her previous inhibitions. After almost 38 years of marriage I am now wed to a 71 year old nympho.
She is also trying slippery elm capsules 3x day to help lubrication. But I think its the T and C that are making the difference. My doing resistance training 5 days a week since retiring 3 years ago also helps as I look better than ever now.
I highly recommend asking your lady to try Cealis if she has no contraindications!