Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Frequencey of sex after gains?


Frequencey of sex after gains?

This is mainly for those who have had good gains and have a steady sex partner. I have been keeping track of how often sex has been for the past several months and I can tell you that frequency has increased about 30% (from 10/month to 13/month). It seems that I saw a survey somewhere that indicated that large men (7.5” and greater in length) have twice as many partners on average as small and average men (no difference between small and average). It seems that my experience is due probably to a combination of factors. I speculate that increased size results in increased pleasure for her and hence more episodes of her initiating sex as well as increased receptivity to my advances. I cannot exclude th possibility that I could be working harder on seduction skills, but it seems like I’m not doing anything different in that dept. for the past year or so. Comments?? Any body else with similar or opposite experience??

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!

Another possibility is that you get a hard-on much easier and much more frequently when you think about that you have a bigger dick than before (and what you can do with it). Then, of course, you want to try it out :) . It makes sence, doesn´t it?


Great thread.

Over time, from prePE to now, about 300%. At least.

Same as you concerning initiation of sex. In fact, I almost never start any more.

Stages: Selected paraphrased quotes.

“You are fine just the way you are, but continue on if you want”

“I enjoyed sex before, and I enjoy sex now”

“It might be a little more intense”

“Don’t you think you have gained enough? Any more might begin to hurt”

“Kids are gone tonight, why don’t you bring you and your improvements to bed?”

“I don’t think I can handle any more length. Just work on girth”

“Yes, I think bigger is better, at least somewhat”

“OK, you can work on maintanence, but no more gains”

“That’s it. If you gain any more, I will demand penis reduction surgery”

“Quit asking questions and get in bed”

“Is bigger better? Well, duh. What do you think”

Women. Hmmmm.



Yeah, I have come to the conclusion that they might not go looking for a bigger dick, but it seems that when it comes in the form of your gains they end up not really wanting those gains to go away (within limits I’ll grant).

>>Over time, from prePE to now, about 300%. At least. >>

Well, her period ended 5 days ago, and I have always been able to count on more sex in the first 10 days after the end of her period, but get this. Sex 4 out of the past 5 days - unfuckingbelievable for my wife. In the past 3 out of 5 at best.
Oh another thing. I never get that comment “don’t you ever have enough” (accompanied by that pained look) AT ALL ANYMORE. I can’t remember the last time it was uttered - at least 5 months ago. This is great shit!!!

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!

luvadus has hit it on the head

ditto, and yes, Bib concurs if he will allow me to speak for him.

Unfortuantely, I am not having “regular” sex now due to a geographic situation.

But, IF she were here, it would be MORE frequent.

When she first gazed upon my endowment, she really wondered if she could take it. Then,
when she found out I did PE (she helps me when together), she questioned whether I needed
any more being in the 99th percentile.

Well, let me tell you she has NEVER complained, LOL, man alive. She never comes out and
says it except with her eyes when making love. There IS a difference, but she has had
several kids too, so it’s even better for her.

As I have said over and over, it’s the girth that gives them the pleasure. In fact, she
juts her leg out in face to face positions to keep me from going all the way in.

Girth is the key IMHO. There are limits for most women. The favorite size seems to be
between 6.5 to 8-9 inches long and 5.5-6 thick. Mine likes 6 plus girth, in fact she goes
bonkers. She is the exception, however.

BUT, after many years, no matter what, couples get into a rut and one must find ways
to spice things up, and then we are back to my posts about the brain being the primary sex
organ, and the guy honoring the “needs” of his lady, no matter what that involves.

All else the same, it’s still the heart and mind that women are MOST turned on by. Being well
hung is just sweet icing on the cake.

quick seduction tips for husbands

Buy cut flowers ESPECIALLY when you don’t expect to get sex in return. Her period is a good time. believe me they will remember your thoughtfulness. But also get her little surprises when you can reasonably get sex.

Send her sexy stories via email. I get tons from (a free site).

Kiss her at least once a day like you are about to fuck her brains out (esecially when you are not going to - like on your way out the door). This technique leaves her thinking about you and sex for some time afterward.

Cards every now and then - even e-cards are good.

Tell her as you are going out the door (on a day that is likely to be promising) that you plan to fuck her so much tonight that you’ll have to change the sheets before going to sleep. (Or some similar graphic description).

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!


What great ideas! It’s interesting to hear these approaches, and I know that they work because I have tried many of them. I appreciated Bigger’s paraphrases of his wife’s comments also, especially since I started about where he did. In the last year, I developed an extraordinary skill at cunningulus. I can make her come “every time” and our frequency of sex has skyrocketed as a result. However, I, like most of the rest of the guys on the forum, still want a big penis. Being able to reach those sensitive deep spots rounds out the sexual experience. Until recently, getting bigger was nearly impossible for most guys. However, now we all know that it can be done if we put forth the effort. I really enjoy reading the posts that talk about the improved sexual experiences of the members because that is why we are all talking here - right?

Thanks for a great thread.


Jelktoid :trash: More meat for the money!

I had intercourse about daily before I started pe, so not any room for noting an increase in frequency. But she did notice an increase in enjoyment (and the comment about no further increases is familiar).

Originally posted by jelktoid

In the last year, I developed an extraordinary skill at cunningulus. I can make her come “every time” and our frequency of sex has skyrocketed as a result.

do you mind sharing that oral technique please?


>>In fact, she
juts her leg out in face to face positions to keep me from going all the way in.>>

This comment of yours got me curious. I notice that the wife lately tends to steer things in the direction of “her on top” more often than in the past. So last night when it happened again I paid close attention. Sure enough what she was doing was controlling the depth of insertion leaving about 1 - 1.5” unused but when she neared orgasm she began to bury the whole thing. I also noticed last night that her orgasms seem to last a little longer and seem a bit more intense than pre pe. Its strange but lately she seems like she wants to make me cum first at least some of the time. In the past letting this happen voluntarily would make me nervous because at 43 years old I would not be certain my erection would be adequate to continue till she was satisfied, no worries now. I can cum and keep on fucking like I did when in my 20’s.

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!


I had the same experience that when she is on top, she keeps an inch or so out until she is about to come and then takes it all. However, when I am on top, I enter completely after a few minutes, but then it is qualitatively different than her ontop (she is orgasmic in both positions).

I am about your age, but after I ejaculate, that is it for at least several hours (on the other hand, I can delay it as long as I wish).


This could be a little difficult to explain, but I will give it a try in the spirit of the forum. The first thing that I do is very lightly massage her clit while kissing her legs and stomach (I mention this because I think that the preamble is just as important as the ending). This gets her going and when she starts to utter pleasure sounds, I start in on her clit area with my tongue. Positioning and tongue placement is all-important IMHO. I start with little circles around her clit with the tip of my tongue. I gradually build a volume of saliva in my mouth and sort of form a seal above the entrance of her vagina in order to bathe her clit in warmth (I think this helps it to swell up a little and reduces the roughness of my tongue). I then alternate licking patterns. First, I will position my mouth so that I can lick the sides of her clit and hood with the side of my tongue (the sides and underside of the tongue are much smoother than the top). I do this on both sides of her clit with both sides of my tongue. Then I take the tip of my tongue and lick in a side to side motion at the top of her vaginal opening, just a millimeter underneath her clit only slightly brushing against it. I alternate these patterns with occasional licks directly on the glans of her clit until I hear and sense her building toward and orgasm. As she nears it, I work directly on the glans of her clit – side to side, up and down and in a circular motion until she goes over the top. I am careful to keep going just until she is coming down a little because the clit is very sensitive at this point and if I continue, she will clamp her thighs around my neck and damn near break it in order to keep me away from that sensitive clit. Sometimes I vary the technique a little. I think that each woman is different in what she likes, but this should give you a few ideas anyway.

Happy lickin


Jelktoid :trash: More meat for the money!

Most of you in this thread mention increased sex activities after starting pe-ing. My question is, don’t you have any problem to get it up and keep it like that if you pe every day? I mean, My dick gets sore after a session and I try to pe am and pm. How do you do?


I try to complete my workouts by 12 noon in order to avoid the fatigued dick - weak erection scenario. However in the past few months I have been able to work out and only an hour later perform without problems.

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!

Priapos, let me tell you the secret. They are both Viagra-addicts and go to Viagra 12-step meetings.

Luvdadus - hmmm, your comment and that of Exact about how your wives increase the depth of penetration near orgasm strikes me that both of them are doing that c-spot thing (the cul-de-sac). I am wondering if this is what is going on? Because as they approach orgasm their internal muscles will naturally lift that uterus to expose that area, even if they don’t know how to initiate that movement. You oughta ask them if it’s too sensitive before they orgasm but as they approach if it (deeper penetration) is what sets off the orgasm. Would be interesting to hear what they say.

I am trying to figure out how a woman’s body reacts… Think, think, think, think….. think, think, think, think…. (who can tell me where that comes from?)

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