Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Temporary size gains during sex

Temporary size gains during sex

I was getting it on with my gf earlier, and I noticed my unit was a little larger than usual. I think what I was seeing were temporary gains rather than permanent ones. Still, it was pretty cool. I think it was a result of some left over elasticity from a PE session I did the day before. I couldn’t say for sure how much larger I was, but it was unmistakable. Anybody ever get this kind of thing before?

Erection quality varies for most guys, ag: my EL fluctuates by about 1/2”.


If it appears to be larger next time it my be a cemented gain

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Originally Posted by kingpole
If it appears to be larger next time it my be a cemented gain

I hope.

That happens all the time to me. When I’m with a real female I can all ways get a lot harder then watching porn getting ready for a PE session.

There have been times when for one reason or another my erection size was much larger than usual. It looked huge and I thought to myself. I am glad I am not on the receiving end of this. LOL

I think our cocks are generally marginally bigger every time we’re with a girl, simply due to being more turned on, thus more blood swells the penis.

Starting size: (April 1 2007) 5.95" BPEL x 4.65" EG. | Progress Thread (plus pics)

Now: (August 20 2007) 6.6" BPEL x 4.81" EG. Half way towards my goal! | Current Stats

Short term goal: (3-4 months) 6.8" BPEL, 5.0" EG.. Long term goal (1+ yr): 7.5" BPEL, 5.5" EG.

Same thing happens to me. I can never get as hard watching porn, than when I’m with an actual chick.

Even with that in mind, I was still bigger the other night than I was on previous occasions with my gf.

Originally Posted by andgrowing
Even with that in mind, I was still bigger the other night than I was on previous occasions with my gf.

Well, you must’ve been really into it and and full of energy. Can’t be 110% every time.

Hapens to me all the time I love it!

Start 2008-NBPEL:6” EGMS:5”

—————Long break————

11-2018-BPEL:6.75” NBPEL:6.25” EGMS:5” EBG” 5.5” BPFSL: 7 1/8”

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