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Lig gains equal worse sex

Lig gains equal worse sex

I enjoy doing doggy to my girl.. She loves when I almost lift her butt with my unit. How could I Di that if my ligs lengthen? Doesn’t your erection angle lower? I also love when she gets on top and rides rough, she loves to grind down hard when she comes. It seems like my unit would just bend downward and not stimulate her like I do now. I’m a newer hanger and am worried that sex won’t be as awesome as it is now once my ligs start lengthening. Please, any hangers with gains please let me know the truth of this matter, or at least has it negatively effected your sex life?

Im not a hanger, but I use an ADS and I can definately say that my dick does point straight sometimes now which has never used to happened before. It always pointed at least at a 11 o’clock angle. When I do get hard now with a female it does point upward at a 10:30 to 11 o’clock angle. I dont really think it is too much to worry about, as long as your EQ is up there I’m sure you can get those really rigid boners.

Your erection angle may or may not get lower from ligament stretch. Mine has not, but I do seem to have a bit more flexibility at the root of my cock now, such that I can more easily point it in different directions. But that doesn’t effect erection rigidity or give you a down curved erection.

You and she will just have an easier time pointing it at her pussy.

Just hang at upward angles if you’re so worried about it. But it sounds like sex for you at the moment is great, maybe rethink PE, if something isn’t broke don’t fix it.

I think I’m being paranoid, which isn’t a bad thing. I concluded that let’s say my erection angle lowers, that worst case scenario her enjoyment of certain positions will just increase and decrease depending upon the slightly different angle, but I should still be able to please her the same.hopefully more though of course. Also, as far as her on top, it seems that if my eq is 10, then she can still get the same ride as though I had the shorter ligs because as of this point, I can fairly easily point my unit 6 o clock while erect. Which means my eq is what’s supporting her ride, not my ligs. Thanks for the replies, I hope it all turns out as concluded.

@Audacia, about the girlfriend. I speak as though I’m with her, but actually I broke it off two months ago. I was with her for two years, sex was great. She worshipped me in bed. I’ve always felt too small though, so this is a confidence thing. I’m 6’2” 210 built. I’m 6”nbp, 6.8 bpl, 5.5 base girth maybe a tad less. But I won’t feel confident with a larger Wang, but knowing it’s unable to please like before.. Do you see my slight dilemma?

Last edited by virginia : 12-26-2010 at .

Actually the angle works well for doggystyle. :)



If you can check out the recommended penile angles and text in T. Ferriss’es, new book “4-hour Body” you will see the great advantage of having a hard dick with flexability at the base. Great book! Though new, probably is in the library…possibly on the internet.

Howardson OMG man I searched in google for the book and the review of the book was amazing so I found it for free ;D


-======Goal BPEL 9.5x6======-

I’m sure the Author is happy with that, 7incher.

Originally Posted by 7incher
Howardson OMG man I searched in google for the book and the review of the book was amazing so I found it for free ;D

Don’t mind if I do:) .

I never feel bad about downloading books etc. like this as I would not have spent the money to buy it in any case.

Decemeber 2007: 5.8" BPEL x 4.9" MSEG

Current:-------->7.7" BPEL x 5.7" MSEG (7.2" NBPEL)

Current Goal:--->7.6" BPEL X 5.8" MSEG Do or do not, there is no "try".

Like I said, if you want a high erection angle to upwards stretching, V-A Stretching on the tunica or Hang OTS or straight up.

Lol Concerning sexual positions, if your dick can bend downwards at least you could do the jack hammer, but I can’t imagine a woman would want to do that to often :)

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