Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Going to the bathroom a lot after sex

Originally Posted by androNYC

2 litres a day of water is a good thing- not a bad one.

Has the doc done the DRE [Digital Rectal Exam- where his finger goes up your pooper]? If not, then he’s an asshole possible engaged in malpractice to dismiss your concerns without a quick in-n-out to check- and you should seek help from another doctor as you healthcare system permits.

There must be a way to switch primary care physicians, no? If not, go back and tell him that upon speaking with your dad, you found out that there is a family history of BPH [Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy] and that your concerns are rooted in that [a small white lie perhaps, but you need to motivate this asshole].
If he still refuses to take you seriously, then ask him who his supervisor is and how you can switch docs.

Fuck any doctor that won’t at least stick his finger up your ass and check. I’m not a fan of the DRE, but if my doc didn’t do it, id be freaked.

BUT[t?], IF he did do the DRE, then he’s telling you that alles ist gut and you can probably relax.

I’m going to see what happens on my next appointment which I shall book tomorrow. I’ll even try the BPH scam and hopefully that will kick him into gear.
But no, he DID NOT perform, let alone mention the DRE Exam.

Thanks for the advice Andro

Jan 01/08: BPEL-6.78" NBPEL-6.25" EG-5.5"

Jan 21/08: BPEL-7.25" NPBEL-6.70" EG-5.7"

Aiming for 1.0" gains all round.**newbie routine currently on hold due to severe porn addiction. No gains lost yet-23/03/08**

“……Thanks for the concern. I have tried twice already with my doctor but he doesn’t seem to want to acknowledge my symptoms as being related to my prostate. He thinks I drink too much water than my bladder can handle, which is about 1.5-2 litres daily, also citing that I’m far too young to be having prostate problems……”

Most doctors are of the belief that if a man isn’t in his 50’s or older they can’t possibly have prostate problems. Bull feathers! Men as young as 19 can have problems. Insist on a complete exam and yes that means the DRE, and if your doctor right now is ‘uncomfortable’ doing that, find another doctor.

The amount of water you are drinking is good, keeps things flushed out which is important and unless you are holding this in for an ungodly amount of time I wouldn’t worry about it. Drinking too much water without going to the bathroom can cause water poisoning which can be fatal. So as long as you drink and pee, there shouldn’t be any problems.

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

Me and the kid- great minds think alike!


WE are the 99% 'WE are the people you depend on; we cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls. We drive your ambulances. We guard you while you sleep. Don't f&ck with us'-- Madame DeFarge

"Rope trades @$10 a yard. I wonder if they even know that?"- Capitalist

Like I said BigBear, I was 27 when the pissing and leaking thing was happening to me. I didn’t know what was going on with me. I told this old man I worked with and that is when I learned that the uretha run right through the center of the prostate and when it is enlarged, it squeezes the uretha and does not allow the urine through.

I saw my doctor and he told me I was too young to have prostate problems and sent me home. As soon as I got home, the phone rang and it was my doctor asking me to go back. Sure as heck, it was an enlarged prostate.

Here’s a site at Tuft’s (a good school) which offers some reasons for needing to pee after sex. Keep in mind that an STD is not always the problem, but should be checked out.



Originally Posted by tntjockey
Like I said BigBear, I was 27 when the pissing and leaking thing was happening to me. I didn’t know what was going on with me. I told this old man I worked with and that is when I learned that the uretha run right through the center of the prostate and when it is enlarged, it squeezes the uretha and does not allow the urine through.
I saw my doctor and he told me I was too young to have prostate problems and sent me home. As soon as I got home, the phone rang and it was my doctor asking me to go back. Sure as heck, it was an enlarged prostate.

Did you get it sorted in the end?

Jan 01/08: BPEL-6.78" NBPEL-6.25" EG-5.5"

Jan 21/08: BPEL-7.25" NPBEL-6.70" EG-5.7"

Aiming for 1.0" gains all round.**newbie routine currently on hold due to severe porn addiction. No gains lost yet-23/03/08**


The supplier I use is called Healthspan, found at

Healthspan | The UK’s leading direct supplements supplier. My doctor recommended them, and I have found them to give excellent service.

Have a look at their website, which contains a lot of information and you will find an article about Prostate.

If your GP has more than one doctor, try booking an appointment on the day your regular doctor is off and get another opinion.

Do you have any pain when urinating at all? It might be worth examining your urine. Pee in a jam jar ,or other clear glass container and see if your urine is very dark, or cloudy, But don’t panic if there are white ‘streamers’ as that may be just sperm.

Certainly your Doctor should check these things if you have concerns. If it is cloudy take a sample along with you (Not in a jam jar though :)

Also you might try a Google search on ‘frequent urinating’ or similar questions. Which may give you some ideas on where your problem lies. But whatever you do Don’t go into a panic on what you read. Just take it as information.

Hope that helps.

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Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:

Originally Posted by BigBear
Did you get it sorted in the end?

yes I did, I was 27 then, I am 46 now. I haven’t had any problems since.

Originally Posted by petitfaun

The supplier I use is called Healthspan, found at

Healthspan | The UK’s leading direct supplements supplier. My doctor recommended them, and I have found them to give excellent service.

Have a look at their website, which contains a lot of information and you will find an article about Prostate.

If your GP has more than one doctor, try booking an appointment on the day your regular doctor is off and get another opinion.

Do you have any pain when urinating at all? It might be worth examining your urine. Pee in a jam jar ,or other clear glass container and see if your urine is very dark, or cloudy, But don’t panic if there are white ‘streamers’ as that may be just sperm.

Certainly your Doctor should check these things if you have concerns. If it is cloudy take a sample along with you (Not in a jam jar though :)

Also you might try a Google search on ‘frequent urinating’ or similar questions. Which may give you some ideas on where your problem lies. But whatever you do Don’t go into a panic on what you read. Just take it as information.

Hope that helps.

Thanks for the link Petitfaun. Very informative!

As for pain whilst urinating. No. I can’t say I have ever experienced that aside from having severe food poisoning last year.My pee is mostly clear and 80% of the time hardly taints the toilet water in terms of colour but I think thats because I drink nearly 2 litres everyday so I’m constantly flushing my system. I did give some urine samples to the GP a few months back and they came back fine.

I’m seing my doctor on friday morning so will let you all know what the outcome is, whether he has to stick his finger up my arse or not!


Jan 01/08: BPEL-6.78" NBPEL-6.25" EG-5.5"

Jan 21/08: BPEL-7.25" NPBEL-6.70" EG-5.7"

Aiming for 1.0" gains all round.**newbie routine currently on hold due to severe porn addiction. No gains lost yet-23/03/08**

Bring him flowers and ask him to: “read the card, read the card!”

WE are the 99% 'WE are the people you depend on; we cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls. We drive your ambulances. We guard you while you sleep. Don't f&ck with us'-- Madame DeFarge

"Rope trades @$10 a yard. I wonder if they even know that?"- Capitalist

Originally Posted by BigBear
Thanks for the link Petitfaun. Very informative!

As for pain whilst urinating. No. I can’t say I have ever experienced that aside from having severe food poisoning last year.My pee is mostly clear and 80% of the time hardly taints the toilet water in terms of colour but I think thats because I drink nearly 2 litres everyday so I’m constantly flushing my system. I did give some urine samples to the GP a few months back and they came back fine.

I’m seing my doctor on friday morning so will let you all know what the outcome is, whether he has to stick his finger up my arse or not!


Take a cigarette, because that’s what you do afterwards.


The real question though is:

Should I poo before hand?

Dont want to give the poor guy any nasty surprises.

Jan 01/08: BPEL-6.78" NBPEL-6.25" EG-5.5"

Jan 21/08: BPEL-7.25" NPBEL-6.70" EG-5.7"

Aiming for 1.0" gains all round.**newbie routine currently on hold due to severe porn addiction. No gains lost yet-23/03/08**

If you’re really considerate an enema wouldn’t be a horrible idea.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:


Be sure and ask afterward, “Was it good for you?”



:funpost: :D

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:


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