Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Going to the bathroom a lot after sex


Originally Posted by BigBear

The real question though is:

Should I poo before hand?

Dont want to give the poor guy any nasty surprises.

Originally Posted by BigBear

The real question though is:

Should I poo before hand?

Dont want to give the poor guy any nasty surprises.

Good idea to do so, as you can get some very messy underpants if he doesn’t clean up afterwards.

A good idea is to take some paper towels with you and if you can nip in the toilet and put them in a position to absorb any droplets, or Suns rays which might have escaped. :D

Don't be a lurker left out in the cold. :lurk: Join the happy band of donors!

Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:

Yes that sounds like a good idea. I have to work straight after.

Jan 01/08: BPEL-6.78" NBPEL-6.25" EG-5.5"

Jan 21/08: BPEL-7.25" NPBEL-6.70" EG-5.7"

Aiming for 1.0" gains all round.**newbie routine currently on hold due to severe porn addiction. No gains lost yet-23/03/08**

Originally Posted by BigBear
Yes that sounds like a good idea. I have to work straight after.

So what day is this going to take place?

It took place today (technically yesterday).I saw the doc. Described my symptoms and told him that my uncle had suffered a bout of BPH in his teens. So he suggested “we examine your prostate via the rear”.


According to this referral sheet which I have to now send off to the hospital, it says in the notes: “p/r BPH”. ??@the p/r bit.
Upon sending this off, I will be booked in for an ultrasound scan of my bladder.
The doc reckons my prostate does feel a little enlarged although it is quite small for its size. This could be the explanation for the symptoms I’ve been experiencing, as be it small or enlargened, if the urethra passes through it, then it will have the same effect right???

Jan 01/08: BPEL-6.78" NBPEL-6.25" EG-5.5"

Jan 21/08: BPEL-7.25" NPBEL-6.70" EG-5.7"

Aiming for 1.0" gains all round.**newbie routine currently on hold due to severe porn addiction. No gains lost yet-23/03/08**

I have never heard of a too small prostate. Wow! continue to follow up.
BigBear, I am so glad and very happy for you that you followed up on this. You need to take care of your health. Without your health, what good is PE and most important, everything else “life”. continue update us please. Tell you what, start your own thread referencing this thread so that you can have a history for future brothers that will have the same problem. When you see the doc, ask questions to educate yourself to help us with problems we may have. This is very important to somebody out there. I hope that my past problems helped you find a new path. It is yours to help someone else.

Also, let us thank dickey for starting this thread.

dickey, you have helped a Thunder brothe with your thread. Thanks.

Glad to hear you’ve got something going BB. A bit of infor mation on ‘BPH’ can be found here. As you see it’s a general desciption of what you seem to have, and It doesn’t seem to be too serious

Good thing it’s being looked at now though. I hope your uncle was able to overcome the trpouble- or at least contain it

Good Luck!

Don't be a lurker left out in the cold. :lurk: Join the happy band of donors!

Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:

Originally Posted by petitfaun
Good thing it’s being looked at now though. I hope your uncle was able to overcome the trpouble- or at least contain it

Good Luck!

Actually, his uncle never had a problem. BigBear’s doctor thought he was too young to check his prostate so, I believe androNYC suggested BB tell a lie and to tell the doctor his uncle had the same problem so that the doctor would check him since there was some family history.

Originally Posted by BigBear
It took place today (technically yesterday).I saw the doc. Described my symptoms and told him that my uncle had suffered a bout of BPH in his teens. So he suggested “we examine your prostate via the rear”.


According to this referral sheet which I have to now send off to the hospital, it says in the notes: “p/r BPH”. ??@the p/r bit.
Upon sending this off, I will be booked in for an ultrasound scan of my bladder.
The doc reckons my prostate does feel a little enlarged although it is quite small for its size. This could be the explanation for the symptoms I’ve been experiencing, as be it small or enlargened, if the urethra passes through it, then it will have the same effect right???

If after all this it is suggested that you have a biopsy, don’t just go for it. Insist that your PSA be tested (Prostate Specific Antigen); if that is not wildly out of line, just somewhat elevated, have another read in 6 weeks. It is a simple blood test.

You are not too young to have a PSA test, having had some prostate issues. What a test will do is give you a base marker with which to compare in the future. You may find this good information to have.

I’ve had the bladder scan. It is very simple and totally non-invasive. The only part that could be called “uncomfortable” is that the gel they slather on your abdomen is usually very cold. :)



I used to be like this, peeing all the time. It was not in my case a problem of the prostate (I had that checked).
I no longer have the problem. I am not sure why. However, here is one change (that may or may not have caused the change). I use to eat a vegetarian and then semi-vegetarian diet. Now maybe the OP is not vegetarian but I noticed that he does drink a lot of water. Despite the dogma of drinking 8 glasses of water, everybody is different. It might also be that he has a habit of eating something diuretic.

Do you notice any particular foods that provoke it?

Originally Posted by tntjockey
I have never heard of a too small prostate. Wow! continue to follow up.
BigBear, I am so glad and very happy for you that you followed up on this. You need to take care of your health. Without your health, what good is PE and most important, everything else “life”. continue update us please. Tell you what, start your own thread referencing this thread so that you can have a history for future brothers that will have the same problem. When you see the doc, ask questions to educate yourself to help us with problems we may have. This is very important to somebody out there. I hope that my past problems helped you find a new path. It is yours to help someone else.

Also, let us thank dickey for starting this thread.

dickey, you have helped a Thunder brothe with your thread. Thanks.

Yes neither have I from all the research I’ve been doing. You only really ever hear of an enlarged or inflammed prostate. Never one thats too small.
As for taking care of my health I’m totally on it and I’m so glad that I found this forum, especially this thread! I would never have taken the initiative to really push for the DRE exam if it weren’t for all of you!

I can’t thank you enough for all the advice you’ve passed over. I’m a little short of time today but tomorrow, I’ll create my own thread in lieu of these posts! Upon first stumbling on this thread, and seeing the initial reactions from my first reply I really did shit myself, as I’ve endured these symptoms for a long time now. Your support, along with everyone else on this thread has really helped to keep my mind at ease in all this and I will continue to keep everyone updated with my progress in the new thread.

Originally Posted by avocet8
If after all this it is suggested that you have a biopsy, don’t just go for it. Insist that your PSA be tested (Prostate Specific Antigen); if that is not wildly out of line, just somewhat elevated, have another read in 6 weeks. It is a simple blood test.

You are not too young to have a PSA test, having had some prostate issues. What a test will do is give you a base marker with which to compare in the future. You may find this good information to have.

I’ve had the bladder scan. It is very simple and totally non-invasive. The only part that could be called “uncomfortable” is that the gel they slather on your abdomen is usually very cold. :)

Cheers for the info as always avocet,

I”ll look into this after I return from Australia. Definately sounds like a good way of keeping track of things. Why not a biopsy just out of interest?

And I am familiar with this gel of which you speak! Tis very cold indeed! haha

Jan 01/08: BPEL-6.78" NBPEL-6.25" EG-5.5"

Jan 21/08: BPEL-7.25" NPBEL-6.70" EG-5.7"

Aiming for 1.0" gains all round.**newbie routine currently on hold due to severe porn addiction. No gains lost yet-23/03/08**

Last edited by BigBear : 01-13-2008 at .

Originally Posted by entheogens
I used to be like this, peeing all the time. It was not in my case a problem of the prostate (I had that checked).
I no longer have the problem. I am not sure why. However, here is one change (that may or may not have caused the change). I use to eat a vegetarian and then semi-vegetarian diet. Now maybe the OP is not vegetarian but I noticed that he does drink a lot of water. Despite the dogma of drinking 8 glasses of water, everybody is different. It might also be that he has a habit of eating something diuretic.

Do you notice any particular foods that provoke it?


Are you referring to myself or Dickey (the OP)??

I’ve hijacked this thread (unintentionally of course) over the last week or so and yes I am an omnivorous creature.

Yes I do drink a lot of water… this came about due to the environment in which I was working in a few years back always left me thirsty. I started buying a 2 litre bottle of water in the morning on the way to work and would have finished that by about 16:00! I realised I was drinking too fast so nowadays I only consume about half that amount and take the bottle home with me and pace the rest out over the course of the evening, I only really drink water as a course of habit these days.

I do not touch any other drinks asides from water (not including alcohol)

Which leads me to my next question…

Do you think excessive alcohol consumption can cause complications with the bladder/prostate?

I only ask because there have been periods in the last 2 or 3 years where I have been drinking ridiculous amounts of alchohol (I go on tour quite a lot with a heavy metal band…) I don’t drink as much anymore due to the health risks but could be a factor.

Jan 01/08: BPEL-6.78" NBPEL-6.25" EG-5.5"

Jan 21/08: BPEL-7.25" NPBEL-6.70" EG-5.7"

Aiming for 1.0" gains all round.**newbie routine currently on hold due to severe porn addiction. No gains lost yet-23/03/08**

Excessive alcohol consumption can definetly cause complications with the bladder/prostate? Didn’t your doctor ask if you drank a lot. That one of the first things they ask.

Originally Posted by tntjockey
Excessive alcohol consumption can definetly cause complications with the bladder/prostate? Didn’t your doctor ask if you drank a lot. That one of the first things they ask.

I think thats from a sustained period of at least a few years hard drinking (I’m talking addiction level). My doctor does know about my past drinking habits but has never really mentioned anything about it. I’m sure if it was a cause for concern he would have said something by now…I hope!

Interestingly…one thing that I noticed yesterday after a lengty masturbation session was that after I had ejaculated, I needed to pee real bad. But the pee just flew out of my dick, as if there were no restrictions. I didn’t have to push on my BC muscle and it didn’t take long to empty the bladder as it usually does and the stream was much stronger than normal. I’m going to monitor this over the next few weeks to see if it wasn’t just a one off.
Makes me wonder what happens to the prostate during ejaculation. Does it change shape/size??

Jan 01/08: BPEL-6.78" NBPEL-6.25" EG-5.5"

Jan 21/08: BPEL-7.25" NPBEL-6.70" EG-5.7"

Aiming for 1.0" gains all round.**newbie routine currently on hold due to severe porn addiction. No gains lost yet-23/03/08**

Originally Posted by BigBear

Cheers for the info as always avocet,

I”ll look into this after I return from Australia. Definately sounds like a good way of keeping track of things. Why not a biopsy just out of interest?

And I am familiar with this gel of which you speak! Tis very cold indeed! haha

Although a prostate biopsy is a real good thing to have if all indications are that that is the appropriate way to go, having one prematurely puts you through some unpleasantness that you might avoid.

If you have, for example 12 or 18 corings done on your prostate because your PSA happens to be somewhat higher than, say, 4.0 (the point at which most doctors become uneasy), whereas weeks later your PSA may have dropped way down on its own, you had an invasive test with some temporary but not nice side affects that you might have avoided by waiting a bit. Most prostate cancer types are not aggressive, giving you some time to think that you might not have with a nasty form of cancer somewhere else.




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