Thunder's Place

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Hadn't gotten some in a while...totally just pre'd

Hadn't gotten some in a while...totally just pre'd

Even worse that pre’ing. Came just as I was about to enter the canal of vaginal bliss.

So a little back story, I have hooked up with this girl before a few times. Only had intercourse once, the last time I saw her. Up until tonight, I hadn’t had sex in about 2 months. A couple drunk bar BJ’s but nothing crazy. Also, up until tonight I hadn’t jerked it in about 3-4 weeks…

I texted this girl after not speaking with her for a month or so, and she texts me back 3 hours later right as I was finishing a 20 minute stretch routine and 3 minutes of pumping saying that if I want to fuck I gotta come meet her right now. So I did, and i could barely get it up and then I busted right as I was about to enter her…. Like literally half inch away…. haha

Anyway, feeling kinda bummed about this because I hardly ever get any action and I just blew it. I attribute it mainly to the fact that I had literally just got done PE’ing because the last few times I had sex I didn’t have any of these problems.

Has anyone else had a disappointing pre experience?

Honestly I see nothing negative in your post, so why be bummed?. Only positives.

1. You hadn’t jacked off in awhile
2. You made a go at a woman :up:
3. She responded in a positive manner
4. You were with her and got off.

Thats a win in my book sir. Did you lick the pussy at all? Give it some good finger job?

Nah I think its mostly that you were horny. Only the mind says we should last forever, the penis says get this seed out.

I did get her off with the fingers after that, and she proceeded to tell me it’s all good and no worries etc. She actually thanked me for seeing her, but still it’s a bummer when both people are expecting sex and it doesn’t happen. Mr. President was touched by nothing but my hand and a condom this evening. haha that is also shitty.

Thanks for the positivity though. I am 27 and pretty inexperienced with sexual matters. Just a dozen or so one night stands, no relationships.

If you climax before your partner has had enough laugh it off and start licking and rubbing until you’re ready for more or she has had enough.

If you preceed intercourse with giving her an orgasm orally or manually then there will be less psychological pressure to get the whole job done with your penis.

This happens to everyone at some point in their life. No worries.

November 23, 2004 6 3/4" BPEL EG 5 1/4" Feb 17, 2011 BPEL 8" BPEL EG 6 1/8th"

Some of us, in our younger days, would jack off before a date so that we would last if we “got lucky.” Barely getting it up at that age was never an issue, however….

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