Originally Posted by cammie77
How many of you have told your Dr about PE? What was there reaction?
I’ve told three general practitioners about foreskin restoration. The first time it was via the new patient questionnaire. On the last page it asked for a history of all the surgeries I’d ever had. I put “Non-consensual circumcision at 3 weeks, non-surgical foreskin restoration starting at age 38.”
During the exam the doctor looked over the form to see what other questions he wanted to ask. When he got to the end it seemed like he re-read my circumcision/restoration answer at least 10 times while deciding whether to say anything. We didn’t actually discuss restoration until the following appointment (he was 100% on board with “whatever makes you happy”).
But at that first appointment something else happened. I knew I had put that bit about circumcision on the form so I was nervous about what he would say. But I also sat naked (except for a paper gown) in the cold exam room for a LONG time waiting for him to come start the exam. I was nervous ALSO because my newly / partly restored foreskin was rolled forward and nicely hugging the glans, but that was a very tentative state for me back then. My skin could slink back off the glans at any moment if the wind blew. The last thing I wanted was for the skin to roll off the glans UPON THE UNVEILING of my genitals because the doctor would interpret that as me getting aroused in his presence.
Turns out I made it to the end including having his finger hooked into my abdomen by my scrotum for a hernia check and having his finger up my ass to size up my prostate, all without getting an uncovered glans. He even lifted my penis with one fingertip to peak at my meatus to verify no inflammation was visible. The skin stayed practically clamped over the glans, I suppose thanks to the literal chill in the room (I had been restoring less than 2 years).
BUT, due to my nervousness about my glans getting uncovered, when the exam started with him listening to my heart, my pulse was racing and my blood pressure was sky high. He commented about it, and I said: “Well, I was reading that article in your TIME magazine about those poor doomed shuttle astronauts, and I was really engrossed in the terrifying sequence of events.” He said he would check again at the end of the exam. That re-check was right after the finger in the ass, so I was still nervous, and my readings were still off the charts. I wound up being referred to an endocrinologist and for a radioactive thyroid scan all because of foreskin restoration.