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Hey guys, Testosterone question.


Diabetes and testosteron lack… Very bad, and I think, more usual then odd situation (combination).
When guy in 5-7 years got 3 children, till age of 31, and afraid of future or just tommorow or things like that, it is easy to destroy hormones harmony. If you google hormones influances one to each other in circle made of insulin, testosteron, estrogen and kortizol, you can find that stress can make a huge disbalance, and can make great number of sick combinations.
Ok thats intro.

There are 3 simple advices how to boost testo level:
1. Sport activity
3. Food

For boosting testo and/or DHT level best is to do lifting weights for bigest mucles in body, like sqhvats for thyes or lat excersises. Same effect is achieved if you do, after a warm up, 5-7 uphill sprints.
For older guys, over 50 years, every activity is good, at least walking for 30-60 minutes.
I am 58 years old, and fight against a kind of ED and depression with jogging and 5 ‘average’ sprints. It takes 30-40 minutes. After session, I feel endorphines raise my mood.

There are lot of herbs your husband can use for boosting testo. In USA you can buy it ALL in next herb pharmacy or order it online. There are combo pills with 5-10 ingredients, so you can make choice with specific details.

There is food which is good for testo boost. Beet root, pomegranate juice, sorghum, watermelon, I just name a few ‘fancy’ ones. Some food is allmost like suplement.

So google it and you will find everything.

And of course, if your hus is start to be obesse in last few years, it opens a new box of tricks.

Basicaly, if he is guy “I don’t need injections”, it is is easeast way to explain to him start living healthier (with some suplements).

Last edited by floxx : 11-05-2016 at .

Black Rose, I would like to offer my following comments & hope that they are helpful to you:

1. My endocrinologist (who prescribes my TRT) is great. I think that having a great doctor is very important when tinkering with hormones.
2. I check PSA every 6 months. It recently spiked and I stopped the TRT. PSA level went back immediately to normal & I am slowly reintroducing TRT and keeping an eye on my levels. I recommend tracking several blood markers - and PSA is certainly one of them.
3. I test my blood on my own in addition to when my DR tests it. There are several sites online where you can pay for labs and get a prescription to go to a local lab to get the blood drawn. Estradiol is on of the tests that I keep an eye on as well.
4. I prefer the shots - once per week. Never liked the gels. I use one needle to draw the test cyp, and then a new needle to inject. Poking the needle into the rubber cap dulls it just a little, so I use a fresh needle to inject. The smaller the needle the lesser the pain. Just jab it in quickly. Going in slow and tentatively is not a good way to do it. You can practice on a orange to get a feel for “popping” the needle in.
5. His Hematocrit and Hemoglobin levels will likely increase. I would regularly donate blood to keep mine from getting too high.

Best wishes for you both!


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