Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

hitting Women bladder or Gspot? or what the..


Originally Posted by hongkong
Nice to meet you too, no the post was not edited… I think he has some weird problem.

Damn seems you are an expert about this matter, may i ask which is the color of your wifes squirt?

I’m going to try to make her pee before we have sex and then try to hit her in the spot lets see what comes out.. lol.

thanks for your advice on how to prepare for the afterwar :P


I’ll show you my ‘weird problem’ : ‘I’ not ‘i’ when referring to yourself, capital letters when the sentence begin, avoid improper use of ellipses (….); you were asked before to respect rules
WestLA-90069 - What Method do you use to get erect pre-jelq?

you were asked before to be more civil
cheeva - From 9cm to 19cm

Since you don’t seem to like the rules we have I’ll give you a 2 days hold so you can think if it is worth to make an effort for being part of this community.

I’ve been with a couple of “squirters.” In at least one case, it was definitely urine at least some of the time — we could tell from the smell. But as another poster said, if it feels good, go for it, who cares about the chemical composition of the stuff that comes with her cumming.

Please :donatecar to Thunder's Place to keep it running.

Originally Posted by marinera
I’ll show you my ‘weird problem’ : ‘I’ not ‘i’ when referring to yourself, capital letters when the sentence begin, avoid improper use of ellipses (….); you were asked before to respect rules
WestLA-90069 - What Method do you use to get erect pre-jelq?

you were asked before to be more civil
cheeva - From 9cm to 19cm

Since you don’t seem to like the rules we have I’ll give you a 2 days hold so you can think if it is worth to make an effort for being part of this community.

Grow up, that was from 2008-2009.

You have a serious problem kid.

Listen, have a more civil behavior. I’m not going to repeat this.

The culture of common respect for and by all people on this forum is why this is the only forum I participate in. Whether it’s a noob, a vet, or a mod the general way to conduct yourself is to not go after the messenger and I’m in full agreement with strict enforcement of these policies. TP isn’t full of “text-ese” and mindless attacks on people (that’s what Facebook is for) just because it’s easy to do and there are no hard consequences for insulting another man to his face. There’s no need to call anyone a kid, that is clearly a personal jab meant denigrate.

You made a legitimate point with what your initial question was about. Let’s stick to the substance of the discussion and not the participants. I’ve been here a couple of years now and I’m still learning things from the wealth of experience the people here at TP so getting yourself banned will not further your quest for knowledge about these matters. Good luck sir.

Start: April 2012 BPEL 5¼" x EG 4¾"----> July 2012 BPEL 5¾" x EG 4⅞"

First goal: 6"x5"

Long Term Goal: 8"x5¾"

Hello HongKong :)

I’m a female.. When women squirt it’s different than a man’s orgasm or fluids.. It’s very liquidy. The color can range from clear, to white-ish to yellowish. It depends on the woman- everyone’s different. The substance that is ejaculated also tastes different.. If you care to try that.. Lol It doesn’t feel like you’re peeing when you squirt. When I first squirted, I thought that’s what happened, but it wasn’t quite the same sensation, color or taste.. It took me a minute to realize what just happened. Lol It’s really hard to explain adequately, I apologize for that.. As for your partner using the restroom before sex.. Yes, it’s always a good idea to have her use the restroom first. This also ensures that if it happens again while you’re in those positions, it’s not urine. :) Also, I don’t think it’s possible for you to actually hit the bladder. You can stimulate the urethra, but I’ve never heard of anyone hitting a girl’s bladder before.

Mizguy12, women can urinate while they are aroused. It’s not got anything to do with weak pelvic floor muscles. Also, if you are giving oral, fingering or in a position that is stimulating the woman’s urethra, then that creates an urge for her to pee, too. :)

Hope I helped a little bit. :) And, good luck HongKong. :)


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