Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

How long can you hold out?


I’m not really even comfortable with calling myself bi although it is the closest term I can come up with. It is a need to know basis. The only people that need to know are the ones I am interested in sleeping with, my desire for either sex can change depending on the day.

The church can really screw with peoples heads when it comes to sexuality.

Originally Posted by bifithung66202
I’m not really even comfortable with calling myself bi although it is the closest term I can come up with. It is a need to know basis. The only people that need to know are the ones I am interested in sleeping with, my desire for either sex can change depending on the day.

The church can really screw with peoples heads when it comes to sexuality.

I’m with ya on that! I have no idea what to call it, the only reason I even put a label on it is an attempt to explain it to other people. But really, I just like sex, and the equipment has so little to do with my intentions.

I once set a challenge a few years ago and was ale to hold out for a month, but I must be honest the energy levels then were off the hook, I was doing some crazy ass weights at the gym, I do no think I have ever been so strong.

I think jerking of is kosher too much of anything is not healthy, now I am not talking about sex, the more sex the better, I could fuck all day and no matter how times I come I still want to fuck some more and energy levels which are off the charts. However jerking off seems to sap more energy from me especially if I do it more than once a day.

In my younger years, I once jerked off between 6-9 on a single day, there is no way I could ever do that today or even be other, pussy above all else especially my hands.

05/12/2005 : BPEL: 6.1"x EG:5.5" Current as of : 24/12/2011 : BPEL 7.87" x EG: 6.3" Long term Goal 8.5"x 6.4"

" There is only one option success; for failure is the refusal to persist"

I feel that people who always feel the need to prove they arent gay are probably gayer than people who are openly gay. The reason for this is that in saying ‘oh I’m not gay, this is why’ doesnt really help the case, because males and females are only separated by the difference of ONE chromosome.

Further more, I would consider myself attracted to the female FORM, if you catch my drift.

Also, labeling people as bi or straight or gay or asexual is just wrong.

Giving something a name confines it to a definition. I’d rather thing of myself simply as SEXUAL.


I have ED (I am also older) and normally need to wait 2-3 days before I can get it up to a usable quality for sex. Therefore, jacking off is not an option, unless I want to give up sex for 2-3 days. If I watch enough porn and do some edging, however, I can reduce wait time down to a day.


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