Originally Posted by train spot
How is it I’m wasting energy with PE when I’m gaining length and girth?
If there was no PE, I wouldn’t have even been here on this forum discussing, I would’ve probably been in jail or dead already, suicidal thoughts might have crept up heavier if I didn’t make these PE gains.
PE paved my way to a better EQ, even just the desire to have better EQ came from PE gains and the fact that it works, not just for me, it worked for Kingsnake too. That’s just what I was saying.
I do not want to sound like I am a smartass and sorry if I somehow offended you, I do not for any reason wish you to return to a criminal life, disgrace yourself or throw yourself in the thrash. We edify/construct how we see the world and our lives on the things we believe, morals, religion, law, state, family, philosophy and society.
You said everything in the first post > How often should I ejaculate ?
I gave some time to think about you and this, I understand you. Or at least, how you want us to understand you, even if your Ego does not, as I can feel it from this same post I am responding to you, which is fulfilled with emotions and denial.
I wont be long here in this thread, as I am on vacation (thing I do not know what it is as I have been working my ass off for 2 whole years uninterrupted). My advice will be, based in this
Originally Posted by train spot
Any thoughts on how I could become hornier in general ? I feel like I tried everything and burned out. I even stop watching porn and it seems like that is the worst decision I could make for a libido increase.
open your mind, it may take time and lot of work in yourself, deep inside you, I know that you are stronger than you think you are, stronger than lots of people I know, because I read your story, I’ve been reading your posts for some time, please do not think little of yourself, know that you can change things, it is in your power to be a better person and you cannot do that without, first, opening your mind. The answer may not be here on Thundersplace, it may be in you. But this is an you that even you do not know or rejected it.
Fuck… I wished we met in real life, be on the porch drinking coffee and talking about it, man… I am going through a phase now in my life that I’ve wished I went through sooner, but I could not because of how little my mind was and I had no idea how open I thought I was.