Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

How to improve your circulation


Ohhh mann. So the first time I made this, I used 2/3 of the ingredients (4 lemons, 20 garlic cloves) and the drink wasn’t bad at all. The second time I made it like it should be and this somehow got to be about 10 times worse and made me gag throughout the whole drink with a horrible aftertaste. Maybe I should add some more water to dilute it…

Starting stats: NBPEL:6.5 | MSEG:5.25 (around 3/1/2010)

Current stats: NBPEL:6.5 | MSEG:5.25 (around 3/1/2010)

Short-term goals NBPEL:7.25| MSEG: 5.65

Hey man, what if you eat garlic and drink squeezed lemon juice every day, is it not better than boiled garlic and lemon?

12.2009 - BP 6 x 4.7 :cutlass: Goal - BP 7 x 5.1

Women love cats. Men say they love cats, but when women aren't looking, men kick cats.

I’m sure it wouldn’t hurt but it wouldn’t be the same. The recipe is designed as a cleanse because of the concentration of the ingredients. Eating lemons and garlic daily would be good for you but you would have to eat a lot of them.

I would do just about anything to improve EQ which has just about vanished from 2 years ago at 62, the whole affair sorta went into retirement.


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