Thanks rootcap.
Just thought I’d give another update. For starters, Dr. Scholl’s dual freeze away DOES NOT work. It kills the warts initially, but it makes it much worse by spreading them to new places, so don’t try it. I recently joined a site that discusses all the treatments out there for HPV, anything from using slugs to laser therapy. If you are interested, here’s the site: . Once you get on the site, go to the treatments section and click on the one about Tea Tree Oil, there’s about 700 posts on all kinds of treatments, not just TTO.
Anyway, a lot of the guys and girls on there say that the treatments offered by the doctor are expensive and for the most part useless. Aldara, the leading perscription for genital warts, is an expensive waste according to many. Laser and cyrotherapy is also expensive and leaves scars. Many claim that the warts would continue to pop up after these procedures, making the whole process even more expensive. This is why I have elected not to take to doctor route. One, because I don’t have the money, and two because there’s a good chance the warts will continue to appear after treatment. However, there is still some hope. A lot of inexpensive remedies are out there. For instance, Apple Cider Vinegar (5%) seems to work better for most people than a perscription. Its a hell of a lot cheaper than a trip to the doctor and it is easy to come by. It is suggested that you apply it topically and also ingest it. It tastes like shit, but it has its benefits. For one, it has a high amount of potassium, which promotes new cell growth. It also oxidizes your blood, making it hard for viruses to live in. It should also be noted that warts appear due to a potassium deficiency, so drinking ACV may help prevent future warts from appearing. If you don’t like the taste, which I can’t say I blame you, then eat a banana instead. Another thing, DO NOT PE if you have genital warts! It will spread them all over the place (trust me, I know). If there are any questions about using ACV or anything else, PM me and I’ll be happy to help.